blob: f9ed5e2950b6fe64bb6c5ac420c43484c4513fce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "platform.h"
#include "t_oop_generator.h"
using namespace std;
* Java code generator.
class t_java_generator : public t_oop_generator {
t_program* program,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& parsed_options,
const std::string& option_string)
: t_oop_generator(program)
(void) option_string;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter;
iter = parsed_options.find("beans");
bean_style_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
iter = parsed_options.find("private-members");
private_members_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
iter = parsed_options.find("nocamel");
nocamel_style_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
iter = parsed_options.find("hashcode");
gen_hash_code_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
iter = parsed_options.find("android_legacy");
android_legacy_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
iter = parsed_options.find("java5");
java5_ = (iter != parsed_options.end());
if (java5_) {
android_legacy_ = true;
out_dir_base_ = (bean_style_ ? "gen-javabean" : "gen-java");
* Init and close methods
void init_generator();
void close_generator();
void generate_consts(std::vector<t_const*> consts);
* Program-level generation functions
void generate_typedef (t_typedef* ttypedef);
void generate_enum (t_enum* tenum);
void generate_struct (t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union (t_struct* tunion);
void generate_xception(t_struct* txception);
void generate_service (t_service* tservice);
void print_const_value(std::ofstream& out, std::string name, t_type* type, t_const_value* value, bool in_static, bool defval=false);
std::string render_const_value(std::ofstream& out, t_type* type, t_const_value* value);
* Service-level generation functions
void generate_java_struct(t_struct* tstruct, bool is_exception);
void generate_java_struct_definition(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct, bool is_xception=false, bool in_class=false, bool is_result=false);
void generate_java_struct_equality(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_compare_to(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_reader(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_validator(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_result_writer(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_writer(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_tostring(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_clear(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_write_object(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_struct_read_object(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_meta_data_map(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_field_value_meta_data(std::ofstream& out, t_type* type);
std::string get_java_type_string(t_type* type);
void generate_java_struct_field_by_id(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_reflection_setters(std::ostringstream& out, t_type* type, std::string field_name, std::string cap_name);
void generate_reflection_getters(std::ostringstream& out, t_type* type, std::string field_name, std::string cap_name);
void generate_generic_field_getters_setters(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_generic_isset_method(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_java_bean_boilerplate(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_function_helpers(t_function* tfunction);
std::string get_cap_name(std::string name);
std::string generate_isset_check(t_field* field);
std::string generate_isset_check(std::string field);
void generate_isset_set(ofstream& out, t_field* field);
std::string isset_field_id(t_field* field);
void generate_service_interface (t_service* tservice);
void generate_service_async_interface(t_service* tservice);
void generate_service_helpers (t_service* tservice);
void generate_service_client (t_service* tservice);
void generate_service_async_client(t_service* tservice);
void generate_service_server (t_service* tservice);
void generate_process_function (t_service* tservice, t_function* tfunction);
void generate_java_union(t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_constructor(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_getters_and_setters(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_is_set_methods(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_abstract_methods(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_check_type(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_read_value(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_write_value(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_get_field_desc(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_get_struct_desc(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_get_field_name(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_comparisons(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_union_hashcode(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
* Serialization constructs
void generate_deserialize_field (std::ofstream& out,
t_field* tfield,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_deserialize_struct (std::ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_deserialize_container (std::ofstream& out,
t_type* ttype,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_deserialize_set_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_set* tset,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_deserialize_map_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_map* tmap,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_deserialize_list_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_list* tlist,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_serialize_field (std::ofstream& out,
t_field* tfield,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_serialize_struct (std::ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_serialize_container (std::ofstream& out,
t_type* ttype,
std::string prefix="");
void generate_serialize_map_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_map* tmap,
std::string iter,
std::string map);
void generate_serialize_set_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_set* tmap,
std::string iter);
void generate_serialize_list_element (std::ofstream& out,
t_list* tlist,
std::string iter);
void generate_java_doc (std::ofstream& out,
t_field* field);
void generate_java_doc (std::ofstream& out,
t_doc* tdoc);
void generate_java_doc (std::ofstream& out,
t_function* tdoc);
void generate_java_docstring_comment (std::ofstream &out,
string contents);
void generate_deep_copy_container(std::ofstream& out, std::string source_name_p1, std::string source_name_p2, std::string result_name, t_type* type);
void generate_deep_copy_non_container(std::ofstream& out, std::string source_name, std::string dest_name, t_type* type);
bool has_bit_vector(t_struct* tstruct);
* Helper rendering functions
std::string java_package();
std::string java_type_imports();
std::string type_name(t_type* ttype, bool in_container=false, bool in_init=false, bool skip_generic=false);
std::string base_type_name(t_base_type* tbase, bool in_container=false);
std::string declare_field(t_field* tfield, bool init=false);
std::string function_signature(t_function* tfunction, std::string prefix="");
std::string function_signature_async(t_function* tfunction, bool use_base_method = false, std::string prefix="");
std::string argument_list(t_struct* tstruct, bool include_types = true);
std::string async_function_call_arglist(t_function* tfunc, bool use_base_method = true, bool include_types = true);
std::string async_argument_list(t_function* tfunct, t_struct* tstruct, t_type* ttype, bool include_types=false);
std::string type_to_enum(t_type* ttype);
std::string get_enum_class_name(t_type* type);
void generate_struct_desc(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_field_descs(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
void generate_field_name_constants(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct);
bool type_can_be_null(t_type* ttype) {
ttype = get_true_type(ttype);
ttype->is_container() ||
ttype->is_struct() ||
ttype->is_xception() ||
ttype->is_string() ||
std::string constant_name(std::string name);
* File streams
std::string package_name_;
std::ofstream f_service_;
std::string package_dir_;
bool bean_style_;
bool private_members_;
bool nocamel_style_;
bool gen_hash_code_;
bool android_legacy_;
bool java5_;
* Prepares for file generation by opening up the necessary file output
* streams.
* @param tprogram The program to generate
void t_java_generator::init_generator() {
// Make output directory
package_name_ = program_->get_namespace("java");
string dir = package_name_;
string subdir = get_out_dir();
string::size_type loc;
while ((loc = dir.find(".")) != string::npos) {
subdir = subdir + "/" + dir.substr(0, loc);
dir = dir.substr(loc+1);
if (dir.size() > 0) {
subdir = subdir + "/" + dir;
package_dir_ = subdir;
* Packages the generated file
* @return String of the package, i.e. "package org.apache.thriftdemo;"
string t_java_generator::java_package() {
if (!package_name_.empty()) {
return string("package ") + package_name_ + ";\n\n";
return "";
* Prints standard java imports
* @return List of imports for Java types that are used in here
string t_java_generator::java_type_imports() {
string hash_builder;
if (gen_hash_code_) {
hash_builder = "import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;\n";
string() +
hash_builder +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import java.util.HashMap;\n" +
"import java.util.EnumMap;\n" +
"import java.util.Set;\n" +
"import java.util.HashSet;\n" +
"import java.util.EnumSet;\n" +
"import java.util.Collections;\n" +
"import java.util.BitSet;\n" +
"import java.nio.ByteBuffer;\n"
"import java.util.Arrays;\n" +
"import org.slf4j.Logger;\n" +
"import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;\n\n";
* Nothing in Java
void t_java_generator::close_generator() {}
* Generates a typedef. This is not done in Java, since it does
* not support arbitrary name replacements, and it'd be a wacky waste
* of overhead to make wrapper classes.
* @param ttypedef The type definition
void t_java_generator::generate_typedef(t_typedef* ttypedef) {
(void) ttypedef;
* Enums are a class with a set of static constants.
* @param tenum The enumeration
void t_java_generator::generate_enum(t_enum* tenum) {
// Make output file
string f_enum_name = package_dir_+"/"+(tenum->get_name())+".java";
ofstream f_enum;;
// Comment and package it
f_enum <<
autogen_comment() <<
java_package() << endl;
// Add java imports
f_enum << string() +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import java.util.HashMap;\n" +
"import org.apache.thrift.TEnum;" << endl << endl;
generate_java_doc(f_enum, tenum);
indent(f_enum) <<
"public enum " << tenum->get_name() << " implements org.apache.thrift.TEnum ";
vector<t_enum_value*> constants = tenum->get_constants();
vector<t_enum_value*>::iterator c_iter;
bool first = true;
for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) {
int value = (*c_iter)->get_value();
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
f_enum << "," << endl;
generate_java_doc(f_enum, *c_iter);
indent(f_enum) << (*c_iter)->get_name() << "(" << value << ")";
f_enum << ";" << endl << endl;
// Field for thriftCode
indent(f_enum) << "private final int value;" << endl << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "private " << tenum->get_name() << "(int value) {" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " this.value = value;" <<endl;
indent(f_enum) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "/**" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " * Get the integer value of this enum value, as defined in the Thrift IDL." << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " */" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "public int getValue() {" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " return value;" <<endl;
indent(f_enum) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "/**" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " * Find a the enum type by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL." << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " * @return null if the value is not found." << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " */" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "public static "+ tenum->get_name() + " findByValue(int value) { " << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "switch (value) {" << endl;
for (c_iter = constants.begin(); c_iter != constants.end(); ++c_iter) {
int value = (*c_iter)->get_value();
indent(f_enum) << "case " << value << ":" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " return " << (*c_iter)->get_name() << ";" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "default:" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << " return null;" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "}" << endl;
indent(f_enum) << "}" << endl;
* Generates a class that holds all the constants.
void t_java_generator::generate_consts(std::vector<t_const*> consts) {
if (consts.empty()) {
string f_consts_name = package_dir_+"/";
ofstream f_consts;;
// Print header
f_consts <<
autogen_comment() <<
java_package() <<
f_consts <<
"public class Constants {" << endl <<
vector<t_const*>::iterator c_iter;
for (c_iter = consts.begin(); c_iter != consts.end(); ++c_iter) {
generate_java_doc(f_consts, (*c_iter));
indent(f_consts) <<
"}" << endl;
* Prints the value of a constant with the given type. Note that type checking
* is NOT performed in this function as it is always run beforehand using the
* validate_types method in
void t_java_generator::print_const_value(std::ofstream& out, string name, t_type* type, t_const_value* value, bool in_static, bool defval) {
type = get_true_type(type);
if (!defval) {
out <<
(in_static ? "" : "public static final ") <<
type_name(type) << " ";
if (type->is_base_type()) {
string v2 = render_const_value(out, type, value);
out << name << " = " << v2 << ";" << endl << endl;
} else if (type->is_enum()) {
out << name << " = " << render_const_value(out, type, value) << ";" << endl << endl;
} else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_xception()) {
const vector<t_field*>& fields = ((t_struct*)type)->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
const map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>& val = value->get_map();
map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
out << name << " = new " << type_name(type, false, true) << "();" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "static {" << endl;
for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
t_type* field_type = NULL;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
if ((*f_iter)->get_name() == v_iter->first->get_string()) {
field_type = (*f_iter)->get_type();
if (field_type == NULL) {
throw "type error: " + type->get_name() + " has no field " + v_iter->first->get_string();
string val = render_const_value(out, field_type, v_iter->second);
indent(out) << name << ".";
std::string cap_name = get_cap_name(v_iter->first->get_string());
out << "set" << cap_name << "(" << val << ");" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
} else if (type->is_map()) {
out << name << " = new " << type_name(type, false, true) << "();" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "static {" << endl;
t_type* ktype = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type();
t_type* vtype = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type();
const map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>& val = value->get_map();
map<t_const_value*, t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
string key = render_const_value(out, ktype, v_iter->first);
string val = render_const_value(out, vtype, v_iter->second);
indent(out) << name << ".put(" << key << ", " << val << ");" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
} else if (type->is_list() || type->is_set()) {
out << name << " = new " << type_name(type, false, true) << "();" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "static {" << endl;
t_type* etype;
if (type->is_list()) {
etype = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
} else {
etype = ((t_set*)type)->get_elem_type();
const vector<t_const_value*>& val = value->get_list();
vector<t_const_value*>::const_iterator v_iter;
for (v_iter = val.begin(); v_iter != val.end(); ++v_iter) {
string val = render_const_value(out, etype, *v_iter);
indent(out) << name << ".add(" << val << ");" << endl;
if (!in_static) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
} else {
throw "compiler error: no const of type " + type->get_name();
string t_java_generator::render_const_value(ofstream& out, t_type* type, t_const_value* value) {
type = get_true_type(type);
std::ostringstream render;
if (type->is_base_type()) {
t_base_type::t_base tbase = ((t_base_type*)type)->get_base();
switch (tbase) {
case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING:
render << '"' << get_escaped_string(value) << '"';
case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL:
render << ((value->get_integer() > 0) ? "true" : "false");
case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE:
render << "(byte)" << value->get_integer();
case t_base_type::TYPE_I16:
render << "(short)" << value->get_integer();
case t_base_type::TYPE_I32:
render << value->get_integer();
case t_base_type::TYPE_I64:
render << value->get_integer() << "L";
case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE:
if (value->get_type() == t_const_value::CV_INTEGER) {
render << "(double)" << value->get_integer();
} else {
render << value->get_double();
throw "compiler error: no const of base type " + t_base_type::t_base_name(tbase);
} else if (type->is_enum()) {
render << type->get_program()->get_namespace("java") << "." << value->get_identifier_with_parent();
} else {
string t = tmp("tmp");
print_const_value(out, t, type, value, true);
render << t;
return render.str();
* Generates a struct definition for a thrift data type. This will be a org.apache.thrift.TBase
* implementor.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_struct(t_struct* tstruct) {
if (tstruct->is_union()) {
} else {
generate_java_struct(tstruct, false);
* Exceptions are structs, but they inherit from Exception
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_xception(t_struct* txception) {
generate_java_struct(txception, true);
* Java struct definition.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct(t_struct* tstruct,
bool is_exception) {
// Make output file
string f_struct_name = package_dir_+"/"+(tstruct->get_name())+".java";
ofstream f_struct;;
f_struct <<
autogen_comment() <<
java_package() <<
* Java union definition.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_union(t_struct* tstruct) {
// Make output file
string f_struct_name = package_dir_+"/"+(tstruct->get_name())+".java";
ofstream f_struct;;
f_struct <<
autogen_comment() <<
java_package() <<
generate_java_doc(f_struct, tstruct);
bool is_final = (tstruct->annotations_.find("final") != tstruct->annotations_.end());
indent(f_struct) <<
"public " << (is_final ? "final " : "") << "class " << tstruct->get_name()
<< " extends org.apache.thrift.TUnion<" << tstruct->get_name() << ", " << tstruct->get_name() << "._Fields> ";
generate_struct_desc(f_struct, tstruct);
generate_field_descs(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_field_name_constants(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_java_meta_data_map(f_struct, tstruct);
generate_union_constructor(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_union_abstract_methods(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_java_struct_field_by_id(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_union_getters_and_setters(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_union_is_set_methods(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_union_comparisons(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_union_hashcode(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_java_struct_write_object(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
generate_java_struct_read_object(f_struct, tstruct);
f_struct << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_constructor(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "public " << type_name(tstruct) << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " super();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "public " << type_name(tstruct) << "(_Fields setField, Object value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " super(setField, value);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "public " << type_name(tstruct) << "(" << type_name(tstruct) << " other) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " super(other);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "public " << tstruct->get_name() << " deepCopy() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return new " << tstruct->get_name() << "(this);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// generate "constructors" for each field
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_type* type = (*m_iter)->get_type();
indent(out) << "public static " << type_name(tstruct) << " " << (*m_iter)->get_name() << "(" << type_name(type) << " value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " " << type_name(tstruct) << " x = new " << type_name(tstruct) << "();" << endl;
indent(out) << " x.set" << get_cap_name((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "(value);" << endl;
indent(out) << " return x;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "public static " << type_name(tstruct) << " " << (*m_iter)->get_name() << "(byte[] value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " " << type_name(tstruct) << " x = new " << type_name(tstruct) << "();" << endl;
indent(out) << " x.set" << get_cap_name((*m_iter)->get_name()) << "(ByteBuffer.wrap(value));" << endl;
indent(out) << " return x;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_getters_and_setters(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
bool first = true;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
out << endl;
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
t_type* type = field->get_type();
std::string cap_name = get_cap_name(field->get_name());
generate_java_doc(out, field);
if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "public byte[] get" << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " set" << cap_name << "(org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.rightSize(buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "()));" << endl;
indent(out) << " ByteBuffer b = buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "();" << endl;
indent(out) << " return b == null ? null : b.array();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "public ByteBuffer buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (getSetField() == _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return (ByteBuffer)getFieldValue();" << endl;
indent(out) << " } else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new RuntimeException(\"Cannot get field '" << field->get_name()
<< "' because union is currently set to \" + getFieldDesc(getSetField()).name);" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "public " << type_name(field->get_type()) << " get" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (getSetField() == _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return (" << type_name(field->get_type(), true) << ")getFieldValue();" << endl;
indent(out) << " } else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new RuntimeException(\"Cannot get field '" << field->get_name()
<< "' because union is currently set to \" + getFieldDesc(getSetField()).name);" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
generate_java_doc(out, field);
if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "public void set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(byte[] value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(ByteBuffer.wrap(value));" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "public void set" << get_cap_name(field->get_name()) << "(" << type_name(field->get_type()) << " value) {" << endl;
if (type_can_be_null(field->get_type())) {
indent(out) << " if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException();" << endl;
indent(out) << " setField_ = _Fields." << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << " value_ = value;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_is_set_methods(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
bool first = true;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
out << endl;
std::string field_name = (*m_iter)->get_name();
indent(out) << "public boolean is" << get_cap_name("set") << get_cap_name(field_name) << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << "return setField_ == _Fields." << constant_name(field_name) << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_abstract_methods(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
generate_check_type(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
generate_read_value(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
generate_write_value(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
generate_get_field_desc(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
generate_get_struct_desc(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected _Fields enumForId(short id) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return _Fields.findByThriftIdOrThrow(id);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_check_type(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected void checkType(_Fields setField, Object value) throws ClassCastException {" << endl;
indent(out) << "switch (setField) {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (value instanceof " << type_name(field->get_type(), true, false, true) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " break;" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new ClassCastException(\"Was expecting value of type "
<< type_name(field->get_type(), true, false) << " for field '" << field->get_name()
<< "', but got \" + value.getClass().getSimpleName());" << endl;
// do the real check here
indent(out) << "default:" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field id \" + setField);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_read_value(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected Object readValue(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField field) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
indent(out) << "_Fields setField = _Fields.findByThriftId(;" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (setField != null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "switch (setField) {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (field.type == " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << "_FIELD_DESC.type) {" << endl;
indent(out) << type_name(field->get_type(), true, false) << " " << field->get_name() << ";" << endl;
generate_deserialize_field(out, field, "");
indent(out) << "return " << field->get_name() << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "} else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, field.type);" << endl;
indent(out) << " return null;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "default:" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new IllegalStateException(\"setField wasn't null, but didn't match any of the case statements!\");" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "} else {" << endl;
indent(out) << "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, field.type);" << endl;
indent(out) << "return null;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_write_value(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected void writeValue(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
indent(out) << "switch (setField_) {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << type_name(field->get_type(), true, false) << " " << field->get_name()
<< " = (" << type_name(field->get_type(), true, false) << ")value_;" << endl;
generate_serialize_field(out, field, "");
indent(out) << "return;" << endl;
indent(out) << "default:" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new IllegalStateException(\"Cannot write union with unknown field \" + setField_);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_get_field_desc(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField getFieldDesc(_Fields setField) {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
indent(out) << "switch (setField) {" << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << " return " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << "_FIELD_DESC;" << endl;
indent(out) << "default:" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Unknown field id \" + setField);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_get_struct_desc(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
(void) tstruct;
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "protected org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct getStructDesc() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return STRUCT_DESC;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_comparisons(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
// equality
indent(out) << "public boolean equals(Object other) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (other instanceof " << tstruct->get_name() << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return equals((" << tstruct->get_name() << ")other);" << endl;
indent(out) << " } else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return false;" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "public boolean equals(" << tstruct->get_name() << " other) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return other != null && getSetField() == other.getSetField() && getFieldValue().equals(other.getFieldValue());" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "public int compareTo(" << type_name(tstruct) << " other) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " int lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(getSetField(), other.getSetField());" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (lastComparison == 0) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(getFieldValue(), other.getFieldValue());" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << " return lastComparison;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_union_hashcode(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
(void) tstruct;
if (gen_hash_code_) {
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "public int hashCode() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " HashCodeBuilder hcb = new HashCodeBuilder();" << endl;
indent(out) << " hcb.append(this.getClass().getName());" << endl;
indent(out) << " org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum setField = getSetField();" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (setField != null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " hcb.append(setField.getThriftFieldId());" << endl;
indent(out) << " Object value = getFieldValue();" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (value instanceof org.apache.thrift.TEnum) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " hcb.append(((org.apache.thrift.TEnum)getFieldValue()).getValue());" << endl;
indent(out) << " } else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " hcb.append(value);" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << " return hcb.toHashCode();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}";
} else {
indent(out) << "/**" << endl;
indent(out) << " * If you'd like this to perform more respectably, use the hashcode generator option." << endl;
indent(out) << " */" << endl;
indent(out) << "@Override" << endl;
indent(out) << "public int hashCode() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return 0;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
* Java struct definition. This has various parameters, as it could be
* generated standalone or inside another class as a helper. If it
* is a helper than it is a static class.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
* @param is_exception Is this an exception?
* @param in_class If inside a class, needs to be static class
* @param is_result If this is a result it needs a different writer
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_definition(ofstream &out,
t_struct* tstruct,
bool is_exception,
bool in_class,
bool is_result) {
generate_java_doc(out, tstruct);
bool is_final = (tstruct->annotations_.find("final") != tstruct->annotations_.end());
indent(out) <<
"public " << (is_final ? "final " : "") <<
(in_class ? "static " : "") << "class " << tstruct->get_name() << " ";
if (is_exception) {
out << "extends Exception ";
out << "implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<" << tstruct->get_name() << ", " << tstruct->get_name() << "._Fields>,, Cloneable";
out << " ";
generate_struct_desc(out, tstruct);
// Members are public for -java, private for -javabean
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
out << endl;
generate_field_descs(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if (bean_style_ || private_members_) {
indent(out) << "private ";
} else {
generate_java_doc(out, *m_iter);
indent(out) << "public ";
out << declare_field(*m_iter, false) << endl;
out << endl;
generate_field_name_constants(out, tstruct);
// isset data
if (members.size() > 0) {
out << endl;
indent(out) << "// isset id assignments" << endl;
int i = 0;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if (!type_can_be_null((*m_iter)->get_type())) {
indent(out) << "private static final int " << isset_field_id(*m_iter)
<< " = " << i << ";" << endl;
if (i > 0) {
indent(out) << "private BitSet __isset_bit_vector = new BitSet(" << i << ");" << endl;
out << endl;
generate_java_meta_data_map(out, tstruct);
bool all_optional_members = true;
// Default constructor
indent(out) <<
"public " << tstruct->get_name() << "() {" << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_type* t = get_true_type((*m_iter)->get_type());
if ((*m_iter)->get_value() != NULL) {
print_const_value(out, "this." + (*m_iter)->get_name(), t, (*m_iter)->get_value(), true, true);
if ((*m_iter)->get_req() != t_field::T_OPTIONAL) {
all_optional_members = false;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
if (!members.empty() && !all_optional_members) {
// Full constructor for all fields
indent(out) <<
"public " << tstruct->get_name() << "(" << endl;
bool first = true;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if ((*m_iter)->get_req() != t_field::T_OPTIONAL) {
if (!first) {
out << "," << endl;
first = false;
indent(out) << type_name((*m_iter)->get_type()) << " " <<
out << ")" << endl;
indent(out) << "{" << endl;
indent(out) << "this();" << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
if ((*m_iter)->get_req() != t_field::T_OPTIONAL) {
indent(out) << "this." << (*m_iter)->get_name() << " = " <<
(*m_iter)->get_name() << ";" << endl;
generate_isset_set(out, (*m_iter));
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// copy constructor
indent(out) << "/**" << endl;
indent(out) << " * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>." << endl;
indent(out) << " */" << endl;
indent(out) << "public " << tstruct->get_name() << "(" << tstruct->get_name() << " other) {" << endl;
if (has_bit_vector(tstruct)) {
indent(out) << "__isset_bit_vector.clear();" << endl;
indent(out) << "__isset_bit_vector.or(other.__isset_bit_vector);" << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = (*m_iter);
std::string field_name = field->get_name();
t_type* type = field->get_type();
bool can_be_null = type_can_be_null(type);
if (can_be_null) {
indent(out) << "if (other." << generate_isset_check(field) << ") {" << endl;
if (type->is_container()) {
generate_deep_copy_container(out, "other", field_name, "__this__" + field_name, type);
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = __this__" << field_name << ";" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = ";
generate_deep_copy_non_container(out, "other." + field_name, field_name, type);
out << ";" << endl;
if (can_be_null) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// clone method, so that you can deep copy an object when you don't know its class.
indent(out) << "public " << tstruct->get_name() << " deepCopy() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return new " << tstruct->get_name() << "(this);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
generate_java_struct_clear(out, tstruct);
generate_java_bean_boilerplate(out, tstruct);
generate_generic_field_getters_setters(out, tstruct);
generate_generic_isset_method(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_equality(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_compare_to(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_field_by_id(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_reader(out, tstruct);
if (is_result) {
generate_java_struct_result_writer(out, tstruct);
} else {
generate_java_struct_writer(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_tostring(out, tstruct);
generate_java_validator(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_write_object(out, tstruct);
generate_java_struct_read_object(out, tstruct);
out << endl;
* Generates equals methods and a hashCode method for a structure.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_equality(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
out << indent() << "@Override" << endl <<
indent() << "public boolean equals(Object that) {" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "if (that == null)" << endl <<
indent() << " return false;" << endl <<
indent() << "if (that instanceof " << tstruct->get_name() << ")" << endl <<
indent() << " return this.equals((" << tstruct->get_name() << ")that);" << endl <<
indent() << "return false;" << endl;
out << endl;
out <<
indent() << "public boolean equals(" << tstruct->get_name() << " that) {" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "if (that == null)" << endl <<
indent() << " return false;" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
out << endl;
t_type* t = get_true_type((*m_iter)->get_type());
// Most existing Thrift code does not use isset or optional/required,
// so we treat "default" fields as required.
bool is_optional = (*m_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL;
bool can_be_null = type_can_be_null(t);
string name = (*m_iter)->get_name();
string this_present = "true";
string that_present = "true";
string unequal;
if (is_optional || can_be_null) {
this_present += " && this." + generate_isset_check(*m_iter);
that_present += " && that." + generate_isset_check(*m_iter);
out <<
indent() << "boolean this_present_" << name << " = "
<< this_present << ";" << endl <<
indent() << "boolean that_present_" << name << " = "
<< that_present << ";" << endl <<
indent() << "if (" << "this_present_" << name
<< " || that_present_" << name << ") {" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "if (!(" << "this_present_" << name
<< " && that_present_" << name << "))" << endl <<
indent() << " return false;" << endl;
if (t->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)t)->is_binary()) {
unequal = "!this." + name + ".equals(that." + name + ")";
} else if (can_be_null) {
unequal = "!this." + name + ".equals(that." + name + ")";
} else {
unequal = "this." + name + " != that." + name;
out <<
indent() << "if (" << unequal << ")" << endl <<
indent() << " return false;" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "return true;" << endl;
out << endl;
out << indent() << "@Override" << endl <<
indent() << "public int hashCode() {" << endl;
if (gen_hash_code_) {
indent(out) << "HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();" << endl;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
out << endl;
t_type* t = get_true_type((*m_iter)->get_type());
bool is_optional = (*m_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL;
bool can_be_null = type_can_be_null(t);
string name = (*m_iter)->get_name();
string present = "true";
if (is_optional || can_be_null) {
present += " && (" + generate_isset_check(*m_iter) + ")";
indent(out) << "boolean present_" << name << " = " << present << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "builder.append(present_" << name << ");" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (present_" << name << ")" << endl;
if (t->is_enum()) {
indent(out) << " builder.append(" << name << ".getValue());" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << " builder.append(" << name << ");" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "return builder.toHashCode();" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "return 0;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_compare_to(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
indent(out) << "public int compareTo(" << type_name(tstruct) << " other) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName());" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out << endl;
indent(out) << "int lastComparison = 0;" << endl;
indent(out) << type_name(tstruct) << " typedOther = (" << type_name(tstruct) << ")other;" << endl;
out << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& members = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator m_iter;
for (m_iter = members.begin(); m_iter != members.end(); ++m_iter) {
t_field* field = *m_iter;
indent(out) << "lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(" << generate_isset_check(field) << ").compareTo(typedOther." << generate_isset_check(field) << ");" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (lastComparison != 0) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return lastComparison;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (" << generate_isset_check(field) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this." << field->get_name() << ", typedOther." << field->get_name() << ");" << endl;
indent(out) << " if (lastComparison != 0) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return lastComparison;" << endl;
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "return 0;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
* Generates a function to read all the fields of the struct.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_reader(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
out <<
indent() << "public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
// Declare stack tmp variables and read struct header
out <<
indent() << "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField field;" << endl <<
indent() << "iprot.readStructBegin();" << endl;
// Loop over reading in fields
indent(out) <<
"while (true)" << endl;
// Read beginning field marker
indent(out) <<
"field = iprot.readFieldBegin();" << endl;
// Check for field STOP marker and break
indent(out) <<
"if (field.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { " << endl;
indent(out) <<
"break;" << endl;
indent(out) <<
"}" << endl;
// Switch statement on the field we are reading
indent(out) << "switch ( {" << endl;
// Generate deserialization code for known cases
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
indent(out) <<
"case " << (*f_iter)->get_key() << ": // " << constant_name((*f_iter)->get_name()) << endl;
indent(out) <<
"if (field.type == " << type_to_enum((*f_iter)->get_type()) << ") {" << endl;
generate_deserialize_field(out, *f_iter, "this.");
generate_isset_set(out, *f_iter);
out <<
indent() << "} else { " << endl <<
indent() << " org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, field.type);" << endl <<
indent() << "}" << endl <<
indent() << "break;" << endl;
indent(out) << "default:" << endl;
indent(out) << " org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, field.type);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
// Read field end marker
indent(out) <<
"iprot.readFieldEnd();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "iprot.readStructEnd();" << endl;
// in non-beans style, check for required fields of primitive type
// (which can be checked here but not in the general validate method)
if (!bean_style_){
out << endl << indent() << "// check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method" << endl;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
if ((*f_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_REQUIRED && !type_can_be_null((*f_iter)->get_type())) {
out <<
indent() << "if (!" << generate_isset_check(*f_iter) << ") {" << endl <<
indent() << " throw new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException(\"Required field '" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "' was not found in serialized data! Struct: \" + toString());" << endl <<
indent() << "}" << endl;
// performs various checks (e.g. check that all required fields are set)
indent(out) << "validate();" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "}" << endl <<
// generates java method to perform various checks
// (e.g. check that all required fields are set)
void t_java_generator::generate_java_validator(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct){
indent(out) << "public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
out << indent() << "// check for required fields" << endl;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
if ((*f_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_REQUIRED) {
if (bean_style_) {
out <<
indent() << "if (!" << generate_isset_check(*f_iter) << ") {" << endl <<
indent() << " throw new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException(\"Required field '" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "' is unset! Struct:\" + toString());" << endl <<
indent() << "}" << endl << endl;
} else{
if (type_can_be_null((*f_iter)->get_type())) {
indent(out) << "if (" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException(\"Required field '" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "' was not present! Struct: \" + toString());" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "// alas, we cannot check '" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << "' because it's a primitive and you chose the non-beans generator." << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
* Generates a function to write all the fields of the struct
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_writer(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
out <<
indent() << "public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
string name = tstruct->get_name();
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_sorted_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
// performs various checks (e.g. check that all required fields are set)
indent(out) << "validate();" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC);" << endl;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
bool null_allowed = type_can_be_null((*f_iter)->get_type());
if (null_allowed) {
out <<
indent() << "if (this." << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " != null) {" << endl;
bool optional = (*f_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL;
if (optional) {
indent(out) << "if (" << generate_isset_check((*f_iter)) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldBegin(" << constant_name((*f_iter)->get_name()) << "_FIELD_DESC);" << endl;
// Write field contents
generate_serialize_field(out, *f_iter, "this.");
// Write field closer
indent(out) <<
"oprot.writeFieldEnd();" << endl;
if (optional) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
if (null_allowed) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
// Write the struct map
out <<
indent() << "oprot.writeFieldStop();" << endl <<
indent() << "oprot.writeStructEnd();" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "}" << endl <<
* Generates a function to write all the fields of the struct,
* which is a function result. These fields are only written
* if they are set in the Isset array, and only one of them
* can be set at a time.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_result_writer(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
out <<
indent() << "public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
string name = tstruct->get_name();
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_sorted_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
indent(out) << "oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC);" << endl;
bool first = true;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
if (first) {
first = false;
out <<
endl <<
indent() << "if ";
} else {
out << " else if ";
out << "(this." << generate_isset_check(*f_iter) << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << "oprot.writeFieldBegin(" << constant_name((*f_iter)->get_name()) << "_FIELD_DESC);" << endl;
// Write field contents
generate_serialize_field(out, *f_iter, "this.");
// Write field closer
indent(out) <<
"oprot.writeFieldEnd();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}";
// Write the struct map
out <<
endl <<
indent() << "oprot.writeFieldStop();" << endl <<
indent() << "oprot.writeStructEnd();" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "}" << endl <<
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_field_by_id(ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
(void) tstruct;
indent(out) << "public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_reflection_getters(ostringstream& out, t_type* type, string field_name, string cap_name) {
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field_name) << ":" << endl;
if (type->is_base_type() && !type->is_string()) {
t_base_type* base_type = (t_base_type*)type;
indent(out) << "return " << type_name(type, true, false) << ".valueOf(" << (base_type->is_bool() ? "is" : "get") << cap_name << "());" << endl << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "return get" << cap_name << "();" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_reflection_setters(ostringstream& out, t_type* type, string field_name, string cap_name) {
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field_name) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (value == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " unset" << get_cap_name(field_name) << "();" << endl;
indent(out) << "} else {" << endl;
indent(out) << " set" << cap_name << "((" << type_name(type, true, false) << ")value);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "break;" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_generic_field_getters_setters(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct) {
std::ostringstream getter_stream;
std::ostringstream setter_stream;
// build up the bodies of both the getter and setter at once
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
t_field* field = *f_iter;
t_type* type = get_true_type(field->get_type());
std::string field_name = field->get_name();
std::string cap_name = get_cap_name(field_name);
generate_reflection_setters(setter_stream, type, field_name, cap_name);
generate_reflection_getters(getter_stream, type, field_name, cap_name);
// create the setter
indent(out) << "public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " switch (field) {" << endl;
out << setter_stream.str();
indent(out) << " }" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// create the getter
indent(out) << "public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "switch (field) {" << endl;
out << getter_stream.str();
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "throw new IllegalStateException();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Creates a generic isSet method that takes the field number as argument
void t_java_generator::generate_generic_isset_method(std::ofstream& out, t_struct* tstruct){
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
// create the isSet method
indent(out) << "/** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */" << endl;
indent(out) << "public boolean isSet(_Fields field) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (field == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " throw new IllegalArgumentException();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "switch (field) {" << endl;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
t_field* field = *f_iter;
indent(out) << "case " << constant_name(field->get_name()) << ":" << endl;
indent(out) << "return " << generate_isset_check(field) << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "throw new IllegalStateException();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
* Generates a set of Java Bean boilerplate functions (setters, getters, etc.)
* for the given struct.
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_bean_boilerplate(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
t_field* field = *f_iter;
t_type* type = get_true_type(field->get_type());
std::string field_name = field->get_name();
std::string cap_name = get_cap_name(field_name);
if (type->is_container()) {
// Method to return the size of the collection
indent(out) << "public int get" << cap_name;
out << get_cap_name("size() {") << endl;
indent(out) << "return (this." << field_name << " == null) ? 0 : " <<
"this." << field_name << ".size();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
if (type->is_set() || type->is_list()) {
t_type* element_type;
if (type->is_set()) {
element_type = ((t_set*)type)->get_elem_type();
} else {
element_type = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
// Iterator getter for sets and lists
indent(out) << "public java.util.Iterator<" <<
type_name(element_type, true, false) << "> get" << cap_name;
out << get_cap_name("iterator() {") << endl;
indent(out) << "return (this." << field_name << " == null) ? null : " <<
"this." << field_name << ".iterator();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Add to set or list, create if the set/list is null
out << "public void add" << get_cap_name("to");
out << cap_name << "(" << type_name(element_type) << " elem) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (this." << field_name << " == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = new " << type_name(type, false, true) <<
"();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << ".add(elem);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
} else if (type->is_map()) {
// Put to map
t_type* key_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type();
t_type* val_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type();
out << "public void put" << get_cap_name("to");
out << cap_name << "(" << type_name(key_type) << " key, "
<< type_name(val_type) << " val) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "if (this." << field_name << " == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = new " <<
type_name(type, false, true) << "();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << ".put(key, val);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Simple getter
generate_java_doc(out, field);
if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "public byte[] get" << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " set" << cap_name << "(org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.rightSize(" << field_name << "));" << endl;
indent(out) << " return " << field_name << " == null ? null : " << field_name << ".array();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "public ByteBuffer buffer" << get_cap_name("for") << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << " return " << field_name << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "public " << type_name(type);
if (type->is_base_type() &&
((t_base_type*)type)->get_base() == t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL) {
out << " is";
} else {
out << " get";
out << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
indent(out) << "return this." << field_name << ";" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Simple setter
generate_java_doc(out, field);
if (type->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "public ";
if (bean_style_) {
out << "void";
} else {
out << type_name(tstruct);
out << " set" << cap_name << "(byte[] " << field_name << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << " set" << cap_name << "(" << field_name << " == null ? (ByteBuffer)null : ByteBuffer.wrap(" << field_name << "));" << endl;
if (!bean_style_) {
indent(out) << " return this;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "public ";
if (bean_style_) {
out << "void";
} else {
out << type_name(tstruct);
out << " set" << cap_name << "(" << type_name(type) << " " << field_name << ") {" << endl;
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = " << field_name << ";" <<
generate_isset_set(out, field);
if (!bean_style_) {
indent(out) << "return this;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Unsetter
indent(out) << "public void unset" << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
if (type_can_be_null(type)) {
indent(out) << "this." << field_name << " = null;" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "__isset_bit_vector.clear(" << isset_field_id(field) << ");" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
// isSet method
indent(out) << "/** Returns true if field " << field_name << " is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */" << endl;
indent(out) << "public boolean is" << get_cap_name("set") << cap_name << "() {" << endl;
if (type_can_be_null(type)) {
indent(out) << "return this." << field_name << " != null;" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "return __isset_bit_vector.get(" << isset_field_id(field) << ");" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(out) << "public void set" << cap_name << get_cap_name("isSet") << "(boolean value) {" << endl;
if (type_can_be_null(type)) {
indent(out) << "if (!value) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " this." << field_name << " = null;" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "__isset_bit_vector.set(" << isset_field_id(field) << ", value);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
* Generates a toString() method for the given struct
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_struct_tostring(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
out << indent() << "@Override" << endl <<
indent() << "public String toString() {" << endl;
out <<
indent() << "StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(\"" << tstruct->get_name() << "(\");" << endl;
out << indent() << "boolean first = true;" << endl << endl;
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
bool first = true;
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
bool could_be_unset = (*f_iter)->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL;
if(could_be_unset) {
indent(out) << "if (" << generate_isset_check(*f_iter) << ") {" << endl;
t_field* field = (*f_iter);
if (!first) {
indent(out) << "if (!first) sb.append(\", \");" << endl;
indent(out) << "sb.append(\"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << ":\");" << endl;
bool can_be_null = type_can_be_null(field->get_type());
if (can_be_null) {
indent(out) << "if (this." << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " == null) {" << endl;
indent(out) << " sb.append(\"null\");" << endl;
indent(out) << "} else {" << endl;
if (field->get_type()->is_base_type() && ((t_base_type*)(field->get_type()))->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << "org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.toString(this." << field->get_name() << ", sb);" << endl;
} else {
indent(out) << "sb.append(this." << (*f_iter)->get_name() << ");" << endl;
if (can_be_null) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
indent(out) << "first = false;" << endl;
if(could_be_unset) {
indent(out) << "}" << endl;
first = false;
out <<
indent() << "sb.append(\")\");" << endl <<
indent() << "return sb.toString();" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl <<
* Generates a static map with meta data to store information such as fieldID to
* fieldName mapping
* @param tstruct The struct definition
void t_java_generator::generate_java_meta_data_map(ofstream& out,
t_struct* tstruct) {
const vector<t_field*>& fields = tstruct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator f_iter;
// Static Map with fieldID -> org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData mappings
indent(out) << "public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap;" << endl;
indent(out) << "static {" << endl;
indent(out) << "Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class);" << endl;
// Populate map
for (f_iter = fields.begin(); f_iter != fields.end(); ++f_iter) {
t_field* field = *f_iter;
std::string field_name = field->get_name();
indent(out) << "tmpMap.put(_Fields." << constant_name(field_name) << ", new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData(\"" << field_name << "\", ";
// Set field requirement type (required, optional, etc.)
if (field->get_req() == t_field::T_REQUIRED) {
out << "org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.REQUIRED, ";
} else if (field->get_req() == t_field::T_OPTIONAL) {
out << "org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.OPTIONAL, ";
} else {
out << "org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, ";
// Create value meta data
generate_field_value_meta_data(out, field->get_type());
out << "));" << endl;
indent(out) << "metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap);" << endl;
indent(out) << "org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(" << type_name(tstruct) << ".class, metaDataMap);" << endl;
indent(out) << "}" << endl << endl;
* Returns a string with the java representation of the given thrift type
* (e.g. for the type struct it returns "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT")
std::string t_java_generator::get_java_type_string(t_type* type) {
if (type->is_list()){
return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST";
} else if (type->is_map()) {
return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP";
} else if (type->is_set()) {
return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.SET";
} else if (type->is_struct() || type->is_xception()) {
return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT";
} else if (type->is_enum()) {
return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.ENUM";
} else if (type->is_typedef()) {
return get_java_type_string(((t_typedef*)type)->get_type());
} else if (type->is_base_type()) {
switch (((t_base_type*)type)->get_base()) {
case t_base_type::TYPE_VOID : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.VOID"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_STRING : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_BOOL : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.BOOL"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_BYTE : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.BYTE"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_I16 : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I16"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_I32 : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I32"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_I64 : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64"; break;
case t_base_type::TYPE_DOUBLE : return "org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.DOUBLE"; break;
default : throw std::runtime_error("Unknown thrift type \"" + type->get_name() + "\" passed to t_java_generator::get_java_type_string!"); break; // This should never happen!
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown thrift type \"" + type->get_name() + "\" passed to t_java_generator::get_java_type_string!"); // This should never happen!
void t_java_generator::generate_field_value_meta_data(std::ofstream& out, t_type* type){
out << endl;
if (type->is_struct()){
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.StructMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, " << type_name(type) << ".class";
} else if (type->is_container()){
if (type->is_list()){
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, ";
t_type* elem_type = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
generate_field_value_meta_data(out, elem_type);
} else if (type->is_set()){
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.SetMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.SET, ";
t_type* elem_type = ((t_list*)type)->get_elem_type();
generate_field_value_meta_data(out, elem_type);
} else{ // map
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, ";
t_type* key_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_key_type();
t_type* val_type = ((t_map*)type)->get_val_type();
generate_field_value_meta_data(out, key_type);
out << ", ";
generate_field_value_meta_data(out, val_type);
} else if (type->is_enum()) {
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.EnumMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.ENUM, " << type_name(type) << ".class";
} else {
indent(out) << "new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(" << get_java_type_string(type);
if (type->is_typedef()) {
indent(out) << ", \"" << ((t_typedef*)type)->get_symbolic() << "\"";
} else if (((t_base_type*)type)->is_binary()) {
indent(out) << ", true";
out << ")";
* Generates a thrift service. In C++, this comprises an entirely separate
* header and source file. The header file defines the methods and includes
* the data types defined in the main header file, and the implementation
* file contains implementations of the basic printer and default interfaces.
* @param tservice The service definition
void t_java_generator::generate_service(t_service* tservice) {
// Make output file
string f_service_name = package_dir_+"/"+service_name_+".java";;
f_service_ <<
autogen_comment() <<
java_package() <<
f_service_ <<
"public class " << service_name_ << " {" << endl <<
// Generate the three main parts of the service
f_service_ <<
"}" << endl;
* Generates a service interface definition.
* @param tservice The service to generate a header definition for
void t_java_generator::generate_service_interface(t_service* tservice) {
string extends = "";
string extends_iface = "";
if (tservice->get_extends() != NULL) {
extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends());
extends_iface = " extends " + extends + ".Iface";
generate_java_doc(f_service_, tservice);
f_service_ << indent() << "public interface Iface" << extends_iface <<
" {" << endl << endl;
vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
generate_java_doc(f_service_, *f_iter);
indent(f_service_) << "public " << function_signature(*f_iter) << ";" << endl << endl;
f_service_ << indent() << "}" << endl << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_service_async_interface(t_service* tservice) {
string extends = "";
string extends_iface = "";
if (tservice->get_extends() != NULL) {
extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends());
extends_iface = " extends " + extends + " .AsyncIface";
f_service_ << indent() << "public interface AsyncIface" << extends_iface << " {" << endl << endl;
vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
indent(f_service_) << "public " << function_signature_async(*f_iter, true) << " throws org.apache.thrift.TException;" << endl << endl;
f_service_ << indent() << "}" << endl << endl;
* Generates structs for all the service args and return types
* @param tservice The service
void t_java_generator::generate_service_helpers(t_service* tservice) {
vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
vector<t_function*>::iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
t_struct* ts = (*f_iter)->get_arglist();
generate_java_struct_definition(f_service_, ts, false, true);
* Generates a service client definition.
* @param tservice The service to generate a server for.
void t_java_generator::generate_service_client(t_service* tservice) {
string extends = "";
string extends_client = "";
if (tservice->get_extends() == NULL) {
extends_client = "org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient";
} else {
extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends());
extends_client = extends + ".Client";
indent(f_service_) <<
"public static class Client extends " << extends_client << " implements Iface {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public static class Factory implements org.apache.thrift.TServiceClientFactory<Client> {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public Factory() {}" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public Client getClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "return new Client(prot);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public Client getClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "return new Client(iprot, oprot);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"public Client(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot)" << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"super(prot, prot);" << endl;
f_service_ << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"public Client(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " super(iprot, oprot);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Generate client method implementations
vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
vector<t_function*>::const_iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
string funname = (*f_iter)->get_name();
// Open function
indent(f_service_) <<
"public " << function_signature(*f_iter) << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"send_" << funname << "(";
// Get the struct of function call params
t_struct* arg_struct = (*f_iter)->get_arglist();
// Declare the function arguments
const vector<t_field*>& fields = arg_struct->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator fld_iter;
bool first = true;
for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
f_service_ << ", ";
f_service_ << (*fld_iter)->get_name();
f_service_ << ");" << endl;
if (!(*f_iter)->is_oneway()) {
f_service_ << indent();
if (!(*f_iter)->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
f_service_ << "return ";
f_service_ <<
"recv_" << funname << "();" << endl;
f_service_ << endl;
t_function send_function(g_type_void,
string("send_") + (*f_iter)->get_name(),
string argsname = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_args";
// Open function
indent(f_service_) <<
"public " << function_signature(&send_function) << endl;
// Serialize the request
indent(f_service_) << argsname << " args = new " << argsname << "();" << endl;
for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) {
f_service_ <<
indent() << "args.set" << get_cap_name((*fld_iter)->get_name()) << "(" << (*fld_iter)->get_name() << ");" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "sendBase(\"" << funname << "\", args);" << endl;
f_service_ << endl;
if (!(*f_iter)->is_oneway()) {
string resultname = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_result";
t_struct noargs(program_);
t_function recv_function((*f_iter)->get_returntype(),
string("recv_") + (*f_iter)->get_name(),
// Open function
indent(f_service_) <<
"public " << function_signature(&recv_function) << endl;
f_service_ <<
indent() << resultname << " result = new " << resultname << "();" << endl <<
indent() << "receiveBase(result, \"" << funname << "\");" << endl;
// Careful, only return _result if not a void function
if (!(*f_iter)->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
f_service_ <<
indent() << "if (result." << generate_isset_check("success") << ") {" << endl <<
indent() << " return result.success;" << endl <<
indent() << "}" << endl;
t_struct* xs = (*f_iter)->get_xceptions();
const std::vector<t_field*>& xceptions = xs->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator x_iter;
for (x_iter = xceptions.begin(); x_iter != xceptions.end(); ++x_iter) {
f_service_ <<
indent() << "if (result." << (*x_iter)->get_name() << " != null) {" << endl <<
indent() << " throw result." << (*x_iter)->get_name() << ";" << endl <<
indent() << "}" << endl;
// If you get here it's an exception, unless a void function
if ((*f_iter)->get_returntype()->is_void()) {
indent(f_service_) <<
"return;" << endl;
} else {
f_service_ <<
indent() << "throw new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, \"" << (*f_iter)->get_name() << " failed: unknown result\");" << endl;
// Close function
f_service_ << endl;
indent(f_service_) <<
"}" << endl;
void t_java_generator::generate_service_async_client(t_service* tservice) {
string extends = "org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient";
string extends_client = "";
if (tservice->get_extends() != NULL) {
extends = type_name(tservice->get_extends()) + ".AsyncClient";
indent(f_service_) <<
"public static class AsyncClient extends " << extends << " implements AsyncIface {" << endl;
// Factory method
indent(f_service_) << "public static class Factory implements org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientFactory<AsyncClient> {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " private org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager;" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " private org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory;" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " public Factory(org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " this.clientManager = clientManager;" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory;" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " }" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " public AsyncClient getAsyncClient(org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " return new AsyncClient(protocolFactory, clientManager, transport);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " }" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public AsyncClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " super(protocolFactory, clientManager, transport);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl << endl;
// Generate client method implementations
vector<t_function*> functions = tservice->get_functions();
vector<t_function*>::const_iterator f_iter;
for (f_iter = functions.begin(); f_iter != functions.end(); ++f_iter) {
string funname = (*f_iter)->get_name();
t_type* ret_type = (*f_iter)->get_returntype();
t_struct* arg_struct = (*f_iter)->get_arglist();
string funclassname = funname + "_call";
const vector<t_field*>& fields = arg_struct->get_members();
const std::vector<t_field*>& xceptions = (*f_iter)->get_xceptions()->get_members();
vector<t_field*>::const_iterator fld_iter;
string args_name = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_args";
string result_name = (*f_iter)->get_name() + "_result";
// Main method body
indent(f_service_) << "public " << function_signature_async(*f_iter, false) << " throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " checkReady();" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " " << funclassname << " method_call = new " + funclassname + "(" << async_argument_list(*f_iter, arg_struct, ret_type) << ", this, ___protocolFactory, ___transport);" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " this.___currentMethod = method_call;" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << ";" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl;
f_service_ << endl;
// TAsyncMethod object for this function call
indent(f_service_) << "public static class " + funclassname + " extends org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall {" << endl;
// Member variables
for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) {
indent(f_service_) << "private " + type_name((*fld_iter)->get_type()) + " " + (*fld_iter)->get_name() + ";" << endl;
// NOTE since we use a new Client instance to deserialize, let's keep seqid to 0 for now
// indent(f_service_) << "private int seqid;" << endl << endl;
// Constructor
indent(f_service_) << "public " + funclassname + "(" + async_argument_list(*f_iter, arg_struct, ret_type, true) << ", org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient client, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << " super(client, protocolFactory, transport, resultHandler, " << ((*f_iter)->is_oneway() ? "true" : "false") << ");" << endl;
// Assign member variables
for (fld_iter = fields.begin(); fld_iter != fields.end(); ++fld_iter) {
indent(f_service_) << " this." + (*fld_iter)->get_name() + " = " + (*fld_iter)->get_name() + ";" << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "}" << endl << endl;
indent(f_service_) << "public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException {" << endl;
// Serialize request
// NOTE we are leaving seqid as 0, for now (see above)
f_service_ <<
indent() << "prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage(\"" << funname << "\", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0));" << endl <<