blob: 80841e2910df2087566efc9c22889e2ed9d9f105 [file] [log] [blame]
omit_struct1_test() ->
%% In this test, the field that is deleted is a basic type (an i32).
A = #test1{one = 1, three = 3},
B = #test1{one = 1, two = 2, three = 3},
{ok, Transport} = thrift_membuffer_transport:new(),
{ok, P0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
{P1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P0, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, A)}}, A}),
{P2, {ok, O0}} = thrift_protocol:read(P1, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, A)}}),
?assertEqual(element(1, A), element(1, O0)),
?assertEqual(element(2, A), element(2, O0)),
?assertEqual(element(4, A), element(3, O0)),
{P3, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P2, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, B)}}, B}),
{_P4, {ok, O1}} = thrift_protocol:read(P3, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, A)}}),
?assertEqual(element(1, A), element(1, O1)),
?assertEqual(element(2, A), element(2, O1)),
?assertEqual(element(4, A), element(3, O1)),
omit_struct2_test() ->
%% In this test, the field that is deleted is a struct.
A = #test2{one = 1, two = #test2{one = 10, three = 30}, three = 3},
B = #test2{one = 1, two = #test2{one = 10, two = #test2{one = 100}, three = 30}, three = 3},
{ok, Transport} = thrift_membuffer_transport:new(),
{ok, P0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
{P1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P0, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, A)}}, A}),
{P2, {ok, O0}} = thrift_protocol:read(P1, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, A)}}),
?assertEqual(element(1, A), element(1, O0)),
?assertEqual(element(2, A), element(2, O0)),
?assertEqual(element(4, A), element(3, O0)),
{P3, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P2, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, B)}}, B}),
{_P4, {ok, O1}} = thrift_protocol:read(P3, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, A)}}),
?assertEqual(element(1, A), element(1, O1)),
?assertEqual(element(2, A), element(2, O1)),
?assertEqual(element(4, A), element(3, O1)),
omit_list_test() ->
%% In this test, the field that is deleted is a list.
A = #test1{one = 1, two = 2, three = 3},
B = #test3{one = 1, two = [ A ]},
{ok, Transport} = thrift_membuffer_transport:new(),
{ok, P0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
{P1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P0, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, B)}}, B}),
{_P2, {ok, O0}} = thrift_protocol:read(P1, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, B)}}),
?assertEqual(element(2, B), element(2, O0)),
omit_map_test() ->
%% In this test, the field that is deleted is a map.
A = #test1{one = 1, two = 2, three = 3},
B = #test4{one = 1, two = dict:from_list([ {2, A} ])},
{ok, Transport} = thrift_membuffer_transport:new(),
{ok, P0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
{P1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(P0, {{struct, {thrift_omit_with_types, element(1, B)}}, B}),
{_P2, {ok, O0}} = thrift_protocol:read(P1, {struct, {thrift_omit_without_types, element(1, B)}}),
?assertEqual(element(2, B), element(2, O0)),
-endif. %% TEST