blob: 0ca9d9feadd4d44489f1f1a1ea0b13f2ca1a9205 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
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module Server where
import ThriftTest
import ThriftTest_Iface
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Exception
import ThriftTest_Types
import Thrift
import Thrift.Server
data TestHandler = TestHandler
instance ThriftTest_Iface TestHandler where
testVoid a = return ()
testString a (Just s) = do print s; return s
testByte a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testI32 a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testI64 a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testDouble a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testStruct a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testNest a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testMap a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testSet a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testList a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testEnum a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testTypedef a (Just x) = do print x; return x
testMapMap a (Just x) = return (Map.fromList [(1,Map.fromList [(2,2)])])
testInsanity a (Just x) = return (Map.fromList [(1,Map.fromList [(ONE,x)])])
testMulti a a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = return (Xtruct Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing)
testException a c = throw (Xception (Just 1) (Just "bya"))
testMultiException a c1 c2 = throw (Xception (Just 1) (Just "xyz"))
testOneway a (Just i) = do print i
main = do (runBasicServer TestHandler process 9090)
(\(TransportExn s t) -> print s)