blob: 02167996ee4acffc61942b5c69813efb6780744c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* A non-blocking server implementation that operates a set of I/O threads (by
* default only one) and either does processing »in-line« or off-loads it to a
* task pool.
* It *requires* TFramedTransport to be used on the client side, as it expects
* a 4 byte length indicator and writes out responses using the same framing.
* Because I/O is done asynchronous/event based, unfortunately
* TServerTransport can't be used.
* This implementation is based on the C++ one, with the exception of request
* timeouts and the drain task queue overload handling strategy not being
* implemented yet.
// This really should use a D non-blocking I/O library, once one becomes
// available.
module thrift.server.nonblocking;
import core.atomic : atomicLoad, atomicStore, atomicOp;
import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
import core.memory : GC;
import core.sync.mutex;
import core.stdc.stdlib : free, realloc;
import core.time : Duration, dur;
import core.thread : Thread, ThreadGroup;
import deimos.event2.event;
import std.array : empty;
import std.conv : emplace, to;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.parallelism : TaskPool, task;
import std.socket : Socket, socketPair, SocketAcceptException,
SocketException, TcpSocket;
import std.variant : Variant;
import thrift.base;
import thrift.internal.endian;
import thrift.internal.socket;
import thrift.internal.traits;
import thrift.protocol.base;
import thrift.protocol.binary;
import thrift.protocol.processor;
import thrift.server.base;
import thrift.server.transport.socket;
import thrift.transport.base;
import thrift.transport.memory;
import thrift.transport.range;
import thrift.transport.socket;
import thrift.util.cancellation;
* Possible actions taken on new incoming connections when the server is
* overloaded.
enum TOverloadAction {
/// Do not take any special actions while the server is overloaded, just
/// continue accepting connections.
/// Immediately drop new connections after they have been accepted if the
/// server is overloaded.
class TNonblockingServer : TServer {
this(TProcessor processor, ushort port, TTransportFactory transportFactory,
TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, TaskPool taskPool = null
) {
this(new TSingletonProcessorFactory(processor), port, transportFactory,
transportFactory, protocolFactory, protocolFactory, taskPool);
this(TProcessorFactory processorFactory, ushort port,
TTransportFactory transportFactory, TProtocolFactory protocolFactory,
TaskPool taskPool = null
) {
this(processorFactory, port, transportFactory, transportFactory,
protocolFactory, protocolFactory, taskPool);
TProcessor processor,
ushort port,
TTransportFactory inputTransportFactory,
TTransportFactory outputTransportFactory,
TProtocolFactory inputProtocolFactory,
TProtocolFactory outputProtocolFactory,
TaskPool taskPool = null
) {
this(new TSingletonProcessorFactory(processor), port,
inputTransportFactory, outputTransportFactory,
inputProtocolFactory, outputProtocolFactory, taskPool);
TProcessorFactory processorFactory,
ushort port,
TTransportFactory inputTransportFactory,
TTransportFactory outputTransportFactory,
TProtocolFactory inputProtocolFactory,
TProtocolFactory outputProtocolFactory,
TaskPool taskPool = null
) {
super(processorFactory, null, inputTransportFactory,
outputTransportFactory, inputProtocolFactory, outputProtocolFactory);
port_ = port;
this.taskPool = taskPool;
connectionMutex_ = new Mutex;
override void serve(TCancellation cancellation = null) {
if (cancellation && cancellation.triggered) return;
// Initialize the listening socket.
listenSocket_ = makeSocketAndListen(port_, TServerSocket.ACCEPT_BACKLOG,
listenSocket_.blocking = false;
logInfo("Using %s I/O thread(s).", numIOThreads_);
if (taskPool_) {
logInfo("Using task pool with size: %s.", numIOThreads_, taskPool_.size);
assert(numIOThreads_ > 0);
foreach (id; 0 .. numIOThreads_) {
// The IO loop on the first IO thread (this thread, i.e. the one serve()
// is called from) also accepts new connections.
auto listenSocket = (id == 0 ? listenSocket_ : null);
ioLoops_ ~= new IOLoop(this, listenSocket);
if (cancellation) {
foreach (i, loop; ioLoops_) loop.stop();
// Stop accepting new connections right away.
listenSocket_ = null;
// Start the IO helper threads for all but the first loop, which we will run
// ourselves. Note that the threads run forever, only terminating if stop()
// is called.
auto threads = new ThreadGroup();
foreach (loop; ioLoops_[1 .. $]) {
auto t = new Thread(&;
if (eventHandler) eventHandler.preServe();
// Run the primary (listener) IO thread loop in our main thread; this will
// block until the server is shutting down.
// Ensure all threads are finished before leaving serve().
ioLoops_ = null;
* Returns the number of currently active connections, i.e. open sockets.
size_t numConnections() const @property {
return numConnections_;
* Returns the number of connection objects allocated, but not in use.
size_t numIdleConnections() const @property {
return connectionStack_.length;
* Return count of number of connections which are currently processing.
* This is defined as a connection where all data has been received, and the
* processor was invoked but has not yet completed.
size_t numActiveProcessors() const @property {
return numActiveProcessors_;
/// Number of bind() retries.
/// Duration between bind() retries.
enum BIND_RETRY_DELAY = dur!"hnsecs"(0);
/// Whether to listen on IPv6 only, if IPv6 support is detected
// (default: false).
void ipv6Only(bool value) @property {
ipv6Only_ = value;
* The task pool to use for processing requests. If null, no additional
* threads are used and request are processed »inline«.
* Can safely be set even when the server is already running.
TaskPool taskPool() @property {
return taskPool_;
/// ditto
void taskPool(TaskPool pool) @property {
taskPool_ = pool;
* Hysteresis for overload state.
* This is the fraction of the overload value that needs to be reached
* before the overload state is cleared. It must be between 0 and 1,
* practical choices probably lie between 0.5 and 0.9.
double overloadHysteresis() const @property {
return overloadHysteresis_;
/// Ditto
void overloadHysteresis(double value) @property {
enforce(0 < value && value <= 1,
"Invalid value for overload hysteresis: " ~ to!string(value));
overloadHysteresis_ = value;
/// Ditto
* The action which will be taken on overload.
TOverloadAction overloadAction;
/// Ditto
* The write buffer is initialized (and when idleWriteBufferLimit_ is checked
* and found to be exceeded, reinitialized) to this size.
size_t writeBufferDefaultSize;
/// Ditto
* Max read buffer size for an idle Connection. When we place an idle
* Connection into connectionStack_ or on every resizeBufferEveryN_ calls,
* we will free the buffer (such that it will be reinitialized by the next
* received frame) if it has exceeded this limit. 0 disables this check.
size_t idleReadBufferLimit;
/// Ditto
* Max write buffer size for an idle connection. When we place an idle
* Connection into connectionStack_ or on every resizeBufferEveryN_ calls,
* we ensure that its write buffer is <= to this size; otherwise we
* replace it with a new one of writeBufferDefaultSize_ bytes to ensure that
* idle connections don't hog memory. 0 disables this check.
size_t idleWriteBufferLimit;
/// Ditto
* Every N calls we check the buffer size limits on a connected Connection.
* 0 disables (i.e. the checks are only done when a connection closes).
uint resizeBufferEveryN;
/// Ditto
/// Limit for how many Connection objects to cache.
size_t connectionStackLimit;
/// Ditto
/// Limit for number of open connections before server goes into overload
/// state.
size_t maxConnections;
/// Ditto
enum size_t DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS = int.max;
/// Limit for number of connections processing or waiting to process
size_t maxActiveProcessors;
/// Ditto
enum size_t DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_PROCESSORS = int.max;
/// Maximum frame size, in bytes.
/// If a client tries to send a message larger than this limit, its
/// connection will be closed. This helps to avoid allocating huge buffers
/// on bogous input.
uint maxFrameSize;
/// Ditto
enum uint DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
size_t numIOThreads() @property {
return numIOThreads_;
void numIOThreads(size_t value) @property {
enforce(value >= 1, new TException("Must use at least one I/O thread."));
numIOThreads_ = value;
* C callback wrapper around acceptConnections(). Expects the custom argument
* to be the this pointer of the associated server instance.
extern(C) static void acceptConnectionsCallback(int fd, short which,
void* serverThis
) {
(cast(TNonblockingServer)serverThis).acceptConnections(fd, which);
* Called by libevent (IO loop 0/serve() thread only) when something
* happened on the listening socket.
void acceptConnections(int fd, short eventFlags) {
if (atomicLoad(ioLoops_[0].shuttingDown_)) return;
"Server should be shutting down if listen socket is null.");
assert(fd == listenSocket_.handle);
assert(eventFlags & EV_READ);
// Accept as many new clients as possible, even though libevent signaled
// only one. This helps the number of calls into libevent space.
while (true) {
// It is lame to use exceptions for regular control flow (failing is
// excepted due to non-blocking mode of operation), but that's the
// interface std.socket offers…
Socket clientSocket;
try {
clientSocket = listenSocket_.accept();
} catch (SocketAcceptException e) {
if (e.errorCode != WOULD_BLOCK_ERRNO) {
logError("Error accepting connection: %s", e);
// If the server is overloaded, this is the point to take the specified
// action.
if (overloadAction != TOverloadAction.NONE && checkOverloaded()) {
if (overloadAction == TOverloadAction.CLOSE_ON_ACCEPT) {
try {
clientSocket.blocking = false;
} catch (SocketException e) {
logError("Couldn't set client socket to non-blocking mode: %s", e);
// Create a new Connection for this client socket.
Connection conn = void;
IOLoop loop = void;
bool thisThread = void;
synchronized (connectionMutex_) {
// Assign an I/O loop to the connection (round-robin).
assert(nextIOLoop_ >= 0);
assert(nextIOLoop_ < ioLoops_.length);
auto selectedThreadIdx = nextIOLoop_;
nextIOLoop_ = (nextIOLoop_ + 1) % ioLoops_.length;
loop = ioLoops_[selectedThreadIdx];
thisThread = (selectedThreadIdx == 0);
// Check the connection stack to see if we can re-use an existing one.
if (connectionStack_.empty) {
conn = new Connection(clientSocket, loop);
// Make sure the connection does not get collected while it is active,
// i.e. hooked up with libevent.
} else {
conn = connectionStack_[$ - 1];
connectionStack_ = connectionStack_[0 .. $ - 1];
conn.init(clientSocket, loop);
// Either notify the ioThread that is assigned this connection to
// start processing, or if it is us, we'll just ask this
// connection to do its initial state change here.
// (We need to avoid writing to our own notification pipe, to
// avoid possible deadlocks if the pipe is full.)
if (thisThread) {
} else {
/// Increment the count of connections currently processing.
void incrementActiveProcessors() {
atomicOp!"+="(numActiveProcessors_, 1);
/// Decrement the count of connections currently processing.
void decrementActiveProcessors() {
assert(numActiveProcessors_ > 0);
atomicOp!"-="(numActiveProcessors_, 1);
* Determines if the server is currently overloaded.
* If the number of open connections or »processing« connections is over the
* respective limit, the server will enter overload handling mode and a
* warning will be logged. If below values are below the hysteresis curve,
* this will cause the server to exit it again.
* Returns: Whether the server is currently overloaded.
bool checkOverloaded() {
auto activeConnections = numConnections_ - connectionStack_.length;
if (numActiveProcessors_ > maxActiveProcessors ||
activeConnections > maxConnections) {
if (!overloaded_) {
logInfo("Entering overloaded state.");
overloaded_ = true;
} else {
if (overloaded_ &&
(numActiveProcessors_ <= overloadHysteresis_ * maxActiveProcessors) &&
(activeConnections <= overloadHysteresis_ * maxConnections))
logInfo("Exiting overloaded state, %s connection(s) dropped (% total).",
nConnectionsDropped_, nTotalConnectionsDropped_);
nConnectionsDropped_ = 0;
overloaded_ = false;
return overloaded_;
* Marks a connection as inactive and either puts it back into the
* connection pool or leaves it for garbage collection.
void disposeConnection(Connection connection) {
synchronized (connectionMutex_) {
if (!connectionStackLimit ||
(connectionStack_.length < connectionStackLimit))
connectionStack_ ~= connection;
} else {
assert(numConnections_ > 0);
// Leave the connection object for collection now.
/// Socket used to listen for connections and accepting them.
Socket listenSocket_;
/// Port to listen on.
ushort port_;
/// Whether to listen on IPv6 only.
bool ipv6Only_;
/// The total number of connections existing, both active and idle.
size_t numConnections_;
/// The number of connections which are currently waiting for the processor
/// to return.
shared size_t numActiveProcessors_;
/// Hysteresis for leaving overload state.
double overloadHysteresis_;
/// Whether the server is currently overloaded.
bool overloaded_;
/// Number of connections dropped since the server entered the current
/// overloaded state.
uint nConnectionsDropped_;
/// Number of connections dropped due to overload since the server started.
ulong nTotalConnectionsDropped_;
/// The task pool used for processing requests.
TaskPool taskPool_;
/// Number of IO threads this server will use (>= 1).
size_t numIOThreads_;
/// The IOLoops among which socket handling work is distributed.
IOLoop[] ioLoops_;
/// The index of the loop in ioLoops_ which will handle the next accepted
/// connection.
size_t nextIOLoop_;
/// All the connection objects which have been created but are not currently
/// in use. When a connection is closed, it it placed here to enable object
/// (resp. buffer) reuse.
Connection[] connectionStack_;
/// This mutex protects the connection stack.
Mutex connectionMutex_;
private {
* Encapsulates a libevent event loop.
* The design is a bit of a mess, since the first loop is actually run on the
* server thread itself and is special because it is the only instance for
* which listenSocket_ is not null.
final class IOLoop {
* Creates a new instance and set up the event base.
* If listenSocket is not null, the thread will also accept new
* connections itself.
this(TNonblockingServer server, Socket listenSocket) {
server_ = server;
listenSocket_ = listenSocket;
initMutex_ = new Mutex;
* Runs the event loop; only returns after a call to stop().
void run() {
assert(!atomicLoad(initialized_), "IOLoop already running?!");
synchronized (initMutex_) {
if (atomicLoad(shuttingDown_)) return;
atomicStore(initialized_, true);
eventBase_ = event_base_new();
if (listenSocket_) {
// Log the libevent version and backend.
logInfo("libevent version %s, using method %s.",
to!string(event_get_version()), to!string(event_base_get_method(eventBase_)));
// Register the event for the listening socket.
listenEvent_ = event_new(eventBase_, listenSocket_.handle,
if (event_add(listenEvent_, null) == -1) {
throw new TException("event_add for the listening socket event failed.");
auto pair = socketPair();
foreach (s; pair) s.blocking = false;
completionSendSocket_ = pair[0];
completionReceiveSocket_ = pair[1];
// Register an event for the task completion notification socket.
completionEvent_ = event_new(eventBase_, completionReceiveSocket_.handle,
EV_READ | EV_PERSIST | EV_ET, assumeNothrow(&completedCallback),
if (event_add(completionEvent_, null) == -1) {
throw new TException("event_add for the notification socket failed.");
// Run libevent engine, returns only after stop().
if (listenEvent_) {
listenEvent_ = null;
completionEvent_ = null;
completionSendSocket_ = null;
completionReceiveSocket_ = null;
eventBase_ = null;
atomicStore(shuttingDown_, false);
initialized_ = false;
* Adds a new connection handled by this loop.
void addConnection() {
* Disposes a connection object (typically after it has been closed).
void disposeConnection(Connection conn) {
assert(numActiveConnections_ > 0);
if (numActiveConnections_ == 0) {
if (atomicLoad(shuttingDown_)) {
* Notifies the event loop that the current step (initialization,
* processing of a request) on a certain connection has been completed.
* This function is thread-safe, but should never be called from the
* thread running the loop itself.
void notifyCompleted(Connection conn) {
auto bytesSent = completionSendSocket_.send(cast(ubyte[])((&conn)[0 .. 1]));
if (bytesSent != Connection.sizeof) {
logError("Sending completion notification failed, connection will " ~
"not be properly terminated.");
* Exits the event loop after all currently active connections have been
* closed.
* This function is thread-safe.
void stop() {
// There is a bug in either libevent or its documentation, having no
// events registered doesn't actually terminate the loop, because
// event_base_new() registers some internal one by calling
// evthread_make_base_notifiable().
// Due to this, we can't simply remove all events and expect the event
// loop to terminate. Instead, we ping the event loop using a null
// completion message. This way, we make sure to wake up the libevent
// thread if it not currently processing any connections. It will break
// out of the loop in disposeConnection() after the last active
// connection has been closed.
synchronized (initMutex_) {
atomicStore(shuttingDown_, true);
if (atomicLoad(initialized_)) notifyCompleted(null);
* C callback to call completed() from libevent.
* Expects the custom argument to be the this pointer of the associated
* IOLoop instance.
extern(C) static void completedCallback(int fd, short what, void* loopThis) {
assert(what & EV_READ);
auto loop = cast(IOLoop)loopThis;
assert(fd == loop.completionReceiveSocket_.handle);
* Reads from the completion receive socket and appropriately transitions
* the connections and shuts down the loop if requested.
void completed() {
Connection connection;
ptrdiff_t bytesRead;
while (true) {
bytesRead = completionReceiveSocket_.receive(
cast(ubyte[])((&connection)[0 .. 1]));
if (bytesRead < 0) {
auto errno = getSocketErrno();
if (errno != WOULD_BLOCK_ERRNO) {
logError("Reading from completion socket failed, some connection " ~
"will never be properly terminated: %s", socketErrnoString(errno));
if (bytesRead != Connection.sizeof) break;
if (!connection) {
if (numActiveConnections_ == 0) {
if (bytesRead > 0) {
logError("Unexpected partial read from completion socket " ~
"(%s bytes instead of %s).", bytesRead, Connection.sizeof);
/// associated server
TNonblockingServer server_;
/// The managed listening socket, if any.
Socket listenSocket_;
/// The libevent event base for the loop.
event_base* eventBase_;
/// Triggered on listen socket events.
event* listenEvent_;
/// Triggered on completion receive socket events.
event* completionEvent_;
/// Socket used to send completion notification messages. Paired with
/// completionReceiveSocket_.
Socket completionSendSocket_;
/// Socket used to send completion notification messages. Paired with
/// completionSendSocket_.
Socket completionReceiveSocket_;
/// Whether the server is currently shutting down (i.e. the cancellation has
/// been triggered, but not all client connections have been closed yet).
shared bool shuttingDown_;
/// The number of currently active client connections.
size_t numActiveConnections_;
/// Guards loop startup so that the loop can be reliably shut down even if
/// another thread has just started to execute run(). Locked during
/// initialization in run(). When unlocked, the completion mechanism is
/// expected to be fully set up.
Mutex initMutex_;
shared bool initialized_; /// Ditto
* I/O states a socket can be in.
enum SocketState {
RECV_FRAME_SIZE, /// The frame size is received.
RECV, /// The payload is received.
SEND /// The response is written back out.
* States a connection can be in.
enum ConnectionState {
INIT, /// The connection will be initialized.
READ_FRAME_SIZE, /// The four frame size bytes are being read.
READ_REQUEST, /// The request payload itself is being read.
WAIT_PROCESSOR, /// The connection waits for the processor to finish.
SEND_RESULT /// The result is written back out.
* A connection that is handled via libevent.
* Data received is buffered until the request is complete (returning back to
* libevent if not), at which point the processor is invoked.
final class Connection {
* Constructs a new instance.
* To reuse a connection object later on, the init() function can be used
* to the same effect on the internal state.
this(Socket socket, IOLoop loop) {
// The input and output transport objects are reused between clients
// connections, so initialize them here rather than in init().
inputTransport_ = new TInputRangeTransport!(ubyte[])([]);
outputTransport_ = new TMemoryBuffer(loop.server_.writeBufferDefaultSize);
init(socket, loop);
* Initializes the connection.
* Params:
* socket = The socket to work on.
* eventFlags = Any flags to pass to libevent.
* s = The server this connection is part of.
void init(Socket socket, IOLoop loop) {
// TODO: This allocation could be avoided.
socket_ = new TSocket(socket);
loop_ = loop;
server_ = loop_.server_;
connState_ = ConnectionState.INIT;
eventFlags_ = 0;
readBufferPos_ = 0;
readWant_ = 0;
writeBuffer_ = null;
writeBufferPos_ = 0;
largestWriteBufferSize_ = 0;
socketState_ = SocketState.RECV_FRAME_SIZE;
callsSinceResize_ = 0;
factoryInputTransport_ =
factoryOutputTransport_ =
inputProtocol_ =
outputProtocol_ =
if (server_.eventHandler) {
connectionContext_ =
server_.eventHandler.createContext(inputProtocol_, outputProtocol_);
auto info = TConnectionInfo(inputProtocol_, outputProtocol_, socket_);
processor_ = server_.processorFactory_.getProcessor(info);
~this() {
if (event_) {
event_ = null;
* Check buffers against the size limits and shrink them if exceeded.
* Params:
* readLimit = Read buffer size limit (in bytes, 0 to ignore).
* writeLimit = Write buffer size limit (in bytes, 0 to ignore).
void checkIdleBufferLimit(size_t readLimit, size_t writeLimit) {
if (readLimit > 0 && readBufferSize_ > readLimit) {
readBuffer_ = null;
readBufferSize_ = 0;
if (writeLimit > 0 && largestWriteBufferSize_ > writeLimit) {
// just start over
largestWriteBufferSize_ = 0;
* Transitions the connection to the next state.
* This is called e.g. when the request has been read completely or all
* the data has been written back.
void transition() {
// Switch upon the state that we are currently in and move to a new state
final switch (connState_) {
case ConnectionState.READ_REQUEST:
// We are done reading the request, package the read buffer into transport
// and get back some data from the dispatch function
inputTransport_.reset(readBuffer_[0 .. readBufferPos_]);
// Prepend four bytes of blank space to the buffer so we can
// write the frame size there later.
// Strictly speaking, we wouldn't have to write anything, just
// increment the TMemoryBuffer writeOffset_. This would yield a tiny
// performance gain.
ubyte[4] space = void;
taskPool_ = server_.taskPool;
if (taskPool_) {
// Create a new task and add it to the task pool queue.
auto processingTask = task!processRequest(this);
connState_ = ConnectionState.WAIT_PROCESSOR;
// We don't want to process any more data while the task is active.
// Just process it right now if there is no task pool set.
goto case;
case ConnectionState.WAIT_PROCESSOR:
// We have now finished processing the request, set the frame size
// for the outputTransport_ contents and set everything up to write
// it out via libevent.
// Acquire the data written to the transport.
// KLUDGE: To avoid copying, we simply cast the const away and
// modify the internal buffer of the TMemoryBuffer – works with the
// current implementation, but isn't exactly beautiful.
writeBuffer_ = cast(ubyte[])outputTransport_.getContents();
assert(writeBuffer_.length >= 4, "The write buffer should have " ~
"least the initially added dummy length bytes.");
if (writeBuffer_.length == 4) {
// The request was one-way, no response to write.
goto case ConnectionState.INIT;
// Write the frame size into the four bytes reserved for it.
auto size = hostToNet(cast(uint)(writeBuffer_.length - 4));
writeBuffer_[0 .. 4] = cast(ubyte[])((&size)[0 .. 1]);
writeBufferPos_ = 0;
socketState_ = SocketState.SEND;
connState_ = ConnectionState.SEND_RESULT;
registerEvent(EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST);
case ConnectionState.SEND_RESULT:
// The result has been sent back to the client, we don't need the
// buffers anymore.
if (writeBuffer_.length > largestWriteBufferSize_) {
largestWriteBufferSize_ = writeBuffer_.length;
if (server_.resizeBufferEveryN > 0 &&
++callsSinceResize_ >= server_.resizeBufferEveryN
) {
callsSinceResize_ = 0;
goto case;
case ConnectionState.INIT:
writeBuffer_ = null;
writeBufferPos_ = 0;
socketState_ = SocketState.RECV_FRAME_SIZE;
connState_ = ConnectionState.READ_FRAME_SIZE;
readBufferPos_ = 0;
registerEvent(EV_READ | EV_PERSIST);
case ConnectionState.READ_FRAME_SIZE:
// We just read the request length, set up the buffers for reading
// the payload.
if (readWant_ > readBufferSize_) {
// The current buffer is too small, exponentially grow the buffer
// until it is big enough.
if (readBufferSize_ == 0) {
readBufferSize_ = 1;
auto newSize = readBufferSize_;
while (readWant_ > newSize) {
newSize *= 2;
auto newBuffer = cast(ubyte*)realloc(readBuffer_, newSize);
if (!newBuffer) onOutOfMemoryError();
readBuffer_ = newBuffer;
readBufferSize_ = newSize;
readBufferPos_= 0;
socketState_ = SocketState.RECV;
connState_ = ConnectionState.READ_REQUEST;
* C callback to call workSocket() from libevent.
* Expects the custom argument to be the this pointer of the associated
* connection.
extern(C) static void workSocketCallback(int fd, short flags, void* connThis) {
auto conn = cast(Connection)connThis;
assert(fd == conn.socket_.socketHandle);
* Invoked by libevent when something happens on the socket.
void workSocket() {
final switch (socketState_) {
case SocketState.RECV_FRAME_SIZE:
// If some bytes have already been read, they have been kept in
// readWant_.
auto frameSize = readWant_;
try {
// Read from the socket
auto bytesRead =
(cast(ubyte[])((&frameSize)[0 .. 1]))[readBufferPos_ .. $]);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
// Couldn't read anything, but we have been notified – client
// has disconnected.
readBufferPos_ += bytesRead;
} catch (TTransportException te) {
logError("Failed to read frame size from client connection: %s", te);
if (readBufferPos_ < frameSize.sizeof) {
// Frame size not complete yet, save the current buffer in
// readWant_ so that the remaining bytes can be read later.
readWant_ = frameSize;
auto size = netToHost(frameSize);
if (size > server_.maxFrameSize) {
logError("Frame size too large (%s > %s), client %s not using " ~
"TFramedTransport?", size, server_.maxFrameSize,
readWant_ = size;
// Now we know the frame size, set everything up for reading the
// payload.
case SocketState.RECV:
// If we already got all the data, we should be in the SEND state.
assert(readBufferPos_ < readWant_);
size_t bytesRead;
try {
// Read as much as possible from the socket.
bytesRead =[readBufferPos_ .. readWant_]);
} catch (TTransportException te) {
logError("Failed to read from client socket: %s", te);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
// We were notified, but no bytes could be read -> the client
// disconnected.
readBufferPos_ += bytesRead;
assert(readBufferPos_ <= readWant_);
if (readBufferPos_ == readWant_) {
// The payload has been read completely, move on.
case SocketState.SEND:
assert(writeBufferPos_ <= writeBuffer_.length);
if (writeBufferPos_ == writeBuffer_.length) {
// Nothing left to send – this shouldn't happen, just move on.
logInfo("WARNING: In send state, but no data to send.\n");
size_t bytesSent;
try {
bytesSent = socket_.writeSome(writeBuffer_[writeBufferPos_ .. $]);
} catch (TTransportException te) {
logError("Failed to write to client socket: %s", te);
writeBufferPos_ += bytesSent;
assert(writeBufferPos_ <= writeBuffer_.length);
if (writeBufferPos_ == writeBuffer_.length) {
// The whole response has been written out, we are done.
* Registers a libevent event for workSocket() with the passed flags,
* unregistering the previous one (if any).
void registerEvent(short eventFlags) {
if (eventFlags_ == eventFlags) {
// Nothing to do if flags are the same.
// Delete the previously existing event.
eventFlags_ = eventFlags;
if (eventFlags == 0) return;
if (!event_) {
// If the event was not already allocated, do it now.
event_ = event_new(loop_.eventBase_, socket_.socketHandle,
eventFlags_, assumeNothrow(&workSocketCallback), cast(void*)this);
} else {
event_assign(event_, loop_.eventBase_, socket_.socketHandle,
eventFlags_, assumeNothrow(&workSocketCallback), cast(void*)this);
// Add the event
if (event_add(event_, null) == -1) {
logError("event_add() for client socket failed.");
* Unregisters the current libevent event, if any.
void unregisterEvent() {
if (event_ && eventFlags_ != 0) {
eventFlags_ = 0;
if (event_del(event_) == -1) {
logError("event_del() for client socket failed.");
* Closes this connection and returns it back to the server.
void close() {
if (server_.eventHandler) {
connectionContext_, inputProtocol_, outputProtocol_);
// Close the socket
// close any factory produced transports.
// This connection object can now be reused.
/// The server this connection belongs to.
TNonblockingServer server_;
/// The task pool used for this connection. This is cached instead of
/// directly using server_.taskPool to avoid confusion if it is changed in
/// another thread while the request is processed.
TaskPool taskPool_;
/// The I/O thread handling this connection.
IOLoop loop_;
/// The socket managed by this connection.
TSocket socket_;
/// The libevent object used for registering the workSocketCallback.
event* event_;
/// Libevent flags
short eventFlags_;
/// Socket mode
SocketState socketState_;
/// Application state
ConnectionState connState_;
/// The size of the frame to read. If still in READ_FRAME_SIZE state, some
/// of the bytes might not have been written, and the value might still be
/// in network byte order. An uint (not a size_t) because the frame size on
/// the wire is specified as one.
uint readWant_;
/// The position in the read buffer, i.e. the number of payload bytes
/// already received from the socket in READ_REQUEST state, resp. the
/// number of size bytes in READ_FRAME_SIZE state.
uint readBufferPos_;
/// Read buffer
ubyte* readBuffer_;
/// Read buffer size
size_t readBufferSize_;
/// Write buffer
ubyte[] writeBuffer_;
/// How far through writing are we?
size_t writeBufferPos_;
/// Largest size of write buffer seen since buffer was constructed
size_t largestWriteBufferSize_;
/// Number of calls since the last time checkIdleBufferLimit has been
/// invoked (see TServer.resizeBufferEveryN).
uint callsSinceResize_;
/// Base transports the processor reads from/writes to.
TInputRangeTransport!(ubyte[]) inputTransport_;
TMemoryBuffer outputTransport_;
/// The actual transports passed to the processor obtained via the
/// transport factory.
TTransport factoryInputTransport_;
TTransport factoryOutputTransport_; /// Ditto
/// Input/output protocols, connected to factory{Input, Output}Transport.
TProtocol inputProtocol_;
TProtocol outputProtocol_; /// Ditto.
/// Connection context optionally created by the server event handler.
Variant connectionContext_;
/// The processor used for this connection.
TProcessor processor_;
* The request processing function, which invokes the processor for the server
* for all the RPC messages received over a connection.
* Must be public because it is passed as alias to std.parallelism.task().
void processRequest(Connection connection) {
try {
while (true) {
with (connection) {
if (server_.eventHandler) {
server_.eventHandler.preProcess(connectionContext_, socket_);
if (!processor_.process(inputProtocol_, outputProtocol_,
connectionContext_) || !inputProtocol_.transport.peek()
) {
// Something went fundamentally wrong or there is nothing more to
// process, close the connection.
} catch (TTransportException ttx) {
logError("Client died: %s", ttx);
} catch (Exception e) {
logError("Uncaught exception: %s", e);
if (connection.taskPool_) connection.loop_.notifyCompleted(connection);
unittest {
import thrift.internal.test.server;
// Temporarily disable info log output in order not to spam the test results
// with startup info messages.
auto oldInfoLogSink = g_infoLogSink;
g_infoLogSink = null;
scope (exit) g_infoLogSink = oldInfoLogSink;
// Test in-line processing shutdown with one as well as several I/O threads.
testServeCancel!(TNonblockingServer)((TNonblockingServer s) {
s.numIOThreads = 4;
// Test task pool processing shutdown with one as well as several I/O threads.
auto tp = new TaskPool(4);
tp.isDaemon = true;
testServeCancel!(TNonblockingServer)((TNonblockingServer s) {
s.taskPool = tp;
testServeCancel!(TNonblockingServer)((TNonblockingServer s) {
s.taskPool = tp;
s.numIOThreads = 4;