blob: ea16591a9c78652b29d78befe10901ab99873d03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <thrift/transport/THeaderTransport.h>
#include <thrift/TApplicationException.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TProtocolTypes.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TCompactProtocol.h>
#include <thrift/stdcxx.h>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <zlib.h>
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace apache {
namespace thrift {
using stdcxx::shared_ptr;
namespace transport {
using namespace apache::thrift::protocol;
using apache::thrift::protocol::TBinaryProtocol;
uint32_t THeaderTransport::readSlow(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
return transport_->read(buf, len);
return TFramedTransport::readSlow(buf, len);
uint16_t THeaderTransport::getProtocolId() const {
if (clientType == THRIFT_HEADER_CLIENT_TYPE) {
return protoId;
} else if (clientType == THRIFT_UNFRAMED_COMPACT || clientType == THRIFT_FRAMED_COMPACT) {
} else {
return T_BINARY_PROTOCOL; // Assume other transports use TBinary
void THeaderTransport::ensureReadBuffer(uint32_t sz) {
if (sz > rBufSize_) {
rBuf_.reset(new uint8_t[sz]);
rBufSize_ = sz;
bool THeaderTransport::readFrame() {
// szN is network byte order of sz
uint32_t szN;
uint32_t sz;
// Read the size of the next frame.
// We can't use readAll(&sz, sizeof(sz)), since that always throws an
// exception on EOF. We want to throw an exception only if EOF occurs after
// partial size data.
uint32_t sizeBytesRead = 0;
while (sizeBytesRead < sizeof(szN)) {
uint8_t* szp = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&szN) + sizeBytesRead;
uint32_t bytesRead = transport_->read(szp, sizeof(szN) - sizeBytesRead);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
if (sizeBytesRead == 0) {
// EOF before any data was read.
return false;
} else {
// EOF after a partial frame header. Raise an exception.
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::END_OF_FILE,
"No more data to read after "
"partial frame header.");
sizeBytesRead += bytesRead;
sz = ntohl(szN);
if ((sz & TBinaryProtocol::VERSION_MASK) == (uint32_t)TBinaryProtocol::VERSION_1) {
// unframed
memcpy(rBuf_.get(), &szN, sizeof(szN));
setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), 4);
} else if (static_cast<int8_t>(sz >> 24) == TCompactProtocol::PROTOCOL_ID
&& (static_cast<int8_t>(sz >> 16) & TCompactProtocol::VERSION_MASK)
== TCompactProtocol::VERSION_N) {
memcpy(rBuf_.get(), &szN, sizeof(szN));
setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), 4);
} else {
// Could be header format or framed. Check next uint32
uint32_t magic_n;
uint32_t magic;
if (sz > MAX_FRAME_SIZE) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Header transport frame is too large");
// We can use readAll here, because it would be an invalid frame otherwise
transport_->readAll(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&magic_n), sizeof(magic_n));
memcpy(rBuf_.get(), &magic_n, sizeof(magic_n));
magic = ntohl(magic_n);
if ((magic & TBinaryProtocol::VERSION_MASK) == (uint32_t)TBinaryProtocol::VERSION_1) {
// framed
transport_->readAll(rBuf_.get() + 4, sz - 4);
setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), sz);
} else if (static_cast<int8_t>(magic >> 24) == TCompactProtocol::PROTOCOL_ID
&& (static_cast<int8_t>(magic >> 16) & TCompactProtocol::VERSION_MASK)
== TCompactProtocol::VERSION_N) {
transport_->readAll(rBuf_.get() + 4, sz - 4);
setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), sz);
} else if (HEADER_MAGIC == (magic & HEADER_MASK)) {
if (sz < 10) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Header transport frame is too small");
transport_->readAll(rBuf_.get() + 4, sz - 4);
// header format
// flags
flags = magic & FLAGS_MASK;
// seqId
uint32_t seqId_n;
memcpy(&seqId_n, rBuf_.get() + 4, sizeof(seqId_n));
seqId = ntohl(seqId_n);
// header size
uint16_t headerSize_n;
memcpy(&headerSize_n, rBuf_.get() + 8, sizeof(headerSize_n));
uint16_t headerSize = ntohs(headerSize_n);
setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), sz);
readHeaderFormat(headerSize, sz);
} else {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
"Could not detect client transport type");
return true;
* Reads a string from ptr, taking care not to reach headerBoundary
* Advances ptr on success
* @param str output string
* @throws CORRUPTED_DATA if size of string exceeds boundary
void THeaderTransport::readString(uint8_t*& ptr,
/* out */ string& str,
uint8_t const* headerBoundary) {
int32_t strLen;
uint32_t bytes = readVarint32(ptr, &strLen, headerBoundary);
if (strLen > headerBoundary - ptr) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Info header length exceeds header size");
ptr += bytes;
str.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr), strLen);
ptr += strLen;
void THeaderTransport::readHeaderFormat(uint16_t headerSize, uint32_t sz) {
readTrans_.clear(); // Clear out any previous transforms.
readHeaders_.clear(); // Clear out any previous headers.
// skip over already processed magic(4), seqId(4), headerSize(2)
uint8_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(rBuf_.get() + 10);
// Catch integer overflow, check for reasonable header size
if (headerSize >= 16384) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Header size is unreasonable");
headerSize *= 4;
const uint8_t* const headerBoundary = ptr + headerSize;
if (headerSize > sz) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Header size is larger than frame");
uint8_t* data = ptr + headerSize;
ptr += readVarint16(ptr, &protoId, headerBoundary);
int16_t numTransforms;
ptr += readVarint16(ptr, &numTransforms, headerBoundary);
// For now all transforms consist of only the ID, not data.
for (int i = 0; i < numTransforms; i++) {
int32_t transId;
ptr += readVarint32(ptr, &transId, headerBoundary);
// Info headers
while (ptr < headerBoundary) {
int32_t infoId;
ptr += readVarint32(ptr, &infoId, headerBoundary);
if (infoId == 0) {
// header padding
if (infoId >= infoIdType::END) {
// cannot handle infoId
switch (infoId) {
case infoIdType::KEYVALUE:
// Process key-value headers
uint32_t numKVHeaders;
ptr += readVarint32(ptr, (int32_t*)&numKVHeaders, headerBoundary);
// continue until we reach (padded) end of packet
while (numKVHeaders-- && ptr < headerBoundary) {
// format: key; value
// both: length (varint32); value (string)
string key, value;
readString(ptr, key, headerBoundary);
// value
readString(ptr, value, headerBoundary);
// save to headers
readHeaders_[key] = value;
// Untransform the data section. rBuf will contain result.
untransform(data, safe_numeric_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(sz) - (data - rBuf_.get())));
void THeaderTransport::untransform(uint8_t* ptr, uint32_t sz) {
// Update the transform buffer size if needed
for (vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it = readTrans_.begin(); it != readTrans_.end(); ++it) {
const uint16_t transId = *it;
if (transId == ZLIB_TRANSFORM) {
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.next_in = ptr;
stream.avail_in = sz;
// Setting these to 0 means use the default free/alloc functions
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = inflateInit(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) {
throw TApplicationException(TApplicationException::MISSING_RESULT,
"Error while zlib deflateInit");
stream.next_out = tBuf_.get();
stream.avail_out = tBufSize_;
err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END || stream.avail_out == 0) {
throw TApplicationException(TApplicationException::MISSING_RESULT,
"Error while zlib deflate");
sz = stream.total_out;
err = inflateEnd(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) {
throw TApplicationException(TApplicationException::MISSING_RESULT,
"Error while zlib deflateEnd");
memcpy(ptr, tBuf_.get(), sz);
} else {
throw TApplicationException(TApplicationException::MISSING_RESULT, "Unknown transform");
setReadBuffer(ptr, sz);
* We may have updated the wBuf size, update the tBuf size to match.
* Should be called in transform.
* The buffer should be slightly larger than write buffer size due to
* compression transforms (that may slightly grow on small frame sizes)
void THeaderTransport::resizeTransformBuffer(uint32_t additionalSize) {
if (tBufSize_ < wBufSize_ + DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
uint32_t new_size = wBufSize_ + DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE + additionalSize;
uint8_t* new_buf = new uint8_t[new_size];
tBufSize_ = new_size;
void THeaderTransport::transform(uint8_t* ptr, uint32_t sz) {
// Update the transform buffer size if needed
for (vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it = writeTrans_.begin(); it != writeTrans_.end(); ++it) {
const uint16_t transId = *it;
if (transId == ZLIB_TRANSFORM) {
z_stream stream;
int err;
stream.next_in = ptr;
stream.avail_in = sz;
stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = deflateInit(&stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
if (err != Z_OK) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Error while zlib deflateInit");
uint32_t tbuf_size = 0;
while (err == Z_OK) {
stream.next_out = tBuf_.get();
stream.avail_out = tBufSize_;
err = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
sz = stream.total_out;
err = deflateEnd(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Error while zlib deflateEnd");
memcpy(ptr, tBuf_.get(), sz);
} else {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA, "Unknown transform");
wBase_ = wBuf_.get() + sz;
void THeaderTransport::resetProtocol() {
// Set to anything except HTTP type so we don't flush again
// Read the header and decide which protocol to go with
uint32_t THeaderTransport::getWriteBytes() {
return safe_numeric_cast<uint32_t>(wBase_ - wBuf_.get());
* Writes a string to a byte buffer, as size (varint32) + string (non-null
* terminated)
* Automatically advances ptr to after the written portion
void THeaderTransport::writeString(uint8_t*& ptr, const string& str) {
int32_t strLen = safe_numeric_cast<int32_t>(str.length());
ptr += writeVarint32(strLen, ptr);
memcpy(ptr, str.c_str(), strLen); // no need to write \0
ptr += strLen;
void THeaderTransport::setHeader(const string& key, const string& value) {
writeHeaders_[key] = value;
uint32_t THeaderTransport::getMaxWriteHeadersSize() const {
size_t maxWriteHeadersSize = 0;
THeaderTransport::StringToStringMap::const_iterator it;
for (it = writeHeaders_.begin(); it != writeHeaders_.end(); ++it) {
// add sizes of key and value to maxWriteHeadersSize
// 2 varints32 + the strings themselves
maxWriteHeadersSize += 5 + 5 + (it->first).length() + (it->second).length();
return safe_numeric_cast<uint32_t>(maxWriteHeadersSize);
void THeaderTransport::clearHeaders() {
void THeaderTransport::flush() {
// Write out any data waiting in the write buffer.
uint32_t haveBytes = getWriteBytes();
if (clientType == THRIFT_HEADER_CLIENT_TYPE) {
transform(wBuf_.get(), haveBytes);
haveBytes = getWriteBytes(); // transform may have changed the size
// Note that we reset wBase_ prior to the underlying write
// to ensure we're in a sane state (i.e. internal buffer cleaned)
// if the underlying write throws up an exception
wBase_ = wBuf_.get();
if (haveBytes > MAX_FRAME_SIZE) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Attempting to send frame that is too large");
if (clientType == THRIFT_HEADER_CLIENT_TYPE) {
// header size will need to be updated at the end because of varints.
// Make it big enough here for max varint size, plus 4 for padding.
uint32_t headerSize = (2 + getNumTransforms()) * THRIFT_MAX_VARINT32_BYTES + 4;
// add approximate size of info headers
headerSize += getMaxWriteHeadersSize();
// Pkt size
uint32_t maxSzHbo = headerSize + haveBytes // thrift header + payload
+ 10; // common header section
uint8_t* pkt = tBuf_.get();
uint8_t* headerStart;
uint8_t* headerSizePtr;
uint8_t* pktStart = pkt;
if (maxSzHbo > tBufSize_) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Attempting to header frame that is too large");
uint32_t szHbo;
uint32_t szNbo;
uint16_t headerSizeN;
// Fixup szHbo later
pkt += sizeof(szNbo);
uint16_t headerN = htons(HEADER_MAGIC >> 16);
memcpy(pkt, &headerN, sizeof(headerN));
pkt += sizeof(headerN);
uint16_t flagsN = htons(flags);
memcpy(pkt, &flagsN, sizeof(flagsN));
pkt += sizeof(flagsN);
uint32_t seqIdN = htonl(seqId);
memcpy(pkt, &seqIdN, sizeof(seqIdN));
pkt += sizeof(seqIdN);
headerSizePtr = pkt;
// Fixup headerSizeN later
pkt += sizeof(headerSizeN);
headerStart = pkt;
pkt += writeVarint32(protoId, pkt);
pkt += writeVarint32(getNumTransforms(), pkt);
// For now, each transform is only the ID, no following data.
for (vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it = writeTrans_.begin(); it != writeTrans_.end(); ++it) {
pkt += writeVarint32(*it, pkt);
// write info headers
// for now only write kv-headers
int32_t headerCount = safe_numeric_cast<int32_t>(writeHeaders_.size());
if (headerCount > 0) {
pkt += writeVarint32(infoIdType::KEYVALUE, pkt);
// Write key-value headers count
pkt += writeVarint32(static_cast<int32_t>(headerCount), pkt);
// Write info headers
map<string, string>::const_iterator it;
for (it = writeHeaders_.begin(); it != writeHeaders_.end(); ++it) {
writeString(pkt, it->first); // key
writeString(pkt, it->second); // value
// Fixups after varint size calculations
headerSize = safe_numeric_cast<uint32_t>(pkt - headerStart);
uint8_t padding = 4 - (headerSize % 4);
headerSize += padding;
// Pad out pkt with 0x00
for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
*(pkt++) = 0x00;
// Pkt size
ptrdiff_t szHbp = (headerStart - pktStart - 4);
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(szHbp) > static_cast<uint64_t>((std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>().max)()) - (headerSize + haveBytes)) {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
"Header section size is unreasonable");
szHbo = headerSize + haveBytes // thrift header + payload
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(szHbp); // common header section
headerSizeN = htons(headerSize / 4);
memcpy(headerSizePtr, &headerSizeN, sizeof(headerSizeN));
// Set framing size.
szNbo = htonl(szHbo);
memcpy(pktStart, &szNbo, sizeof(szNbo));
outTransport_->write(pktStart, szHbo - haveBytes + 4);
outTransport_->write(wBuf_.get(), haveBytes);
} else if (clientType == THRIFT_FRAMED_BINARY || clientType == THRIFT_FRAMED_COMPACT) {
uint32_t szHbo = (uint32_t)haveBytes;
uint32_t szNbo = htonl(szHbo);
outTransport_->write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&szNbo), 4);
outTransport_->write(wBuf_.get(), haveBytes);
} else if (clientType == THRIFT_UNFRAMED_BINARY || clientType == THRIFT_UNFRAMED_COMPACT) {
outTransport_->write(wBuf_.get(), haveBytes);
} else {
throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS, "Unknown client type");
// Flush the underlying transport.
* Read an i16 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
* if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 3 bytes.
uint32_t THeaderTransport::readVarint16(uint8_t const* ptr, int16_t* i16, uint8_t const* boundary) {
int32_t val;
uint32_t rsize = readVarint32(ptr, &val, boundary);
*i16 = (int16_t)val;
return rsize;
* Read an i32 from the wire as a varint. The MSB of each byte is set
* if there is another byte to follow. This can read up to 5 bytes.
uint32_t THeaderTransport::readVarint32(uint8_t const* ptr, int32_t* i32, uint8_t const* boundary) {
uint32_t rsize = 0;
uint32_t val = 0;
int shift = 0;
while (true) {
if (ptr == boundary) {
throw TApplicationException(TApplicationException::INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE,
"Trying to read past header boundary");
uint8_t byte = *(ptr++);
val |= (uint64_t)(byte & 0x7f) << shift;
shift += 7;
if (!(byte & 0x80)) {
*i32 = val;
return rsize;
* Write an i32 as a varint. Results in 1-5 bytes on the wire.
uint32_t THeaderTransport::writeVarint32(int32_t n, uint8_t* pkt) {
uint8_t buf[5];
uint32_t wsize = 0;
while (true) {
if ((n & ~0x7F) == 0) {
buf[wsize++] = (int8_t)n;
} else {
buf[wsize++] = (int8_t)((n & 0x7F) | 0x80);
n >>= 7;
// Caller will advance pkt.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < wsize; i++) {
pkt[i] = buf[i];
return wsize;
uint32_t THeaderTransport::writeVarint16(int16_t n, uint8_t* pkt) {
return writeVarint32(n, pkt);
} // apache::thrift::transport