Apache Thrift ActionScript Library


We use gradle and gradlefx to build the as3 library. Unfortunately gradlefx requires an older version of gradle (2.5) but it still works - for now. If you use the docker container to do the build, the Adobe Flex SDK 4.6 is installed and the FLEX_HOME environment variable is configured:

dev@ubuntu:~/thrift$ docker run -v $(pwd):/thrift/src:rw -it thrift/thrift-build:ubuntu-bionic /bin/bash
root@7624b61bbf84:/thrift/src# cd lib/as3
root@7624b61bbf84:/thrift/src/lib/as3# ./gradlew -Prelease=true compileFlex


:compileFlex UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 10.784 secs

root@7624b61bbf84:/thrift/src/lib/as3# ls -ls build/
total 4
4 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1379 Jan 22 19:23 libthrift-as3.swc


We use a similar gradle-based signing and publishing mechanism as in the java library. See the java library README.md for more details.

To publish into a local .m2 repository you can mount a directory into the docker container, for example:

dev@ubuntu:~/thrift$ docker run -v~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd):/thrift/src:rw -it thrift/thrift-build:ubuntu-bionic /bin/bash
root@7624b61bbf84:/thrift/src/lib/as3# ./gradlew -Prelease=true publishToMavenLocal

You will find your ~/.m2 directory is now populated with a release build swc.