blob: 4f8c8c55d3f4e84c35e38cb3f128c7870acab431 [file] [log] [blame]
package path;
use ASF::Util qw/walk_content_tree Load/;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $thrift_snippet_footer = <<'EOT'; # '$snippet' string magically refers to current snippet obj
<p class='snippet_footer'>
This snippet was generated by {{ site.title }}'s <strong>source tree docs</strong>:
<a href="{{ $snippet.pretty_uri }}"</a>{{ $snippet.path }}</a>
my %thrift_args = (
conf => Load(join "", <DATA>), # make YAML __DATA__ below available in conf argument
preprocess => 1, # enable template preprocessing of .md files
repo => 'gitbox/thrift.git', # set snippet default git repo (on gitbox)...
template => 'default.html', # set common template argument (mainly for .md files)
snippet_footer=> $thrift_snippet_footer,# append this string to each generated snipppet block
quick_deps => 1, # short-circuit deps processing to headers only
my $thrift_page_footer = $thrift_snippet_footer;
$thrift_page_footer =~ s/ snippet / page /; # full page 'snippets'
# order matters here: first match wins... see
our @patterns = (
[qr!^/sitemap\.html$!, sitemap => { %thrift_args, # %thrift_args as overrideable defaults
headers => { title => "Sitemap" },
nest => 1,
[qr!^/index\.html$!, snippet => { %thrift_args,
view => 'news_page',
headers => { title => "Home" },
[qr!/index\.html$!, sitemap => { %thrift_args }],
[qr!^/(lib|test)/!, snippet => { %thrift_args,
view => [qw/reconstruct trim_local_links single_narrative/],
snippet_footer => $thrift_page_footer, # override: these are full pages not snippets
[qr/\.md(?:text)?$/, snippet => { %thrift_args,
view => 'single_narrative',
our %dependencies; # for /sitemap.html and /**/index.html pages whose title + url listings
# depend on the other files in the relevant content/ subdirectories. We run
# the views for those files in offline mode for performance, since the titles
# and urls required do not depend on code snippet contents which take time to
# fetch. We could do slightly better if we weren't interested in the actual
# build-generated output of those dependent files, which we aren't, but
# coding that up as a special case of the standard sitemap view isn't worth
# the trouble.
# Now watch me bother anyway just to see... ok done with 'quick_deps' support.
# Yay it's about a second faster on a full site build for thrift- go team!
walk_content_tree {
if (/\.md(?:text)?$/ or m!/index\.html$! or m!^/test/!) {
# basically grep s/^content//, glob("content/**/*.{md,mdtext}"),
# glob("content/**/index.html"),
# glob("content/test/**/*");
# if perl's glob was as smart as zsh's glob
push @{$dependencies{"/sitemap.html"}}, $_;
if (s!/index\.html$!!) {
$dependencies{"$_/index.html"} = [
grep s/^content//, glob("content$_/*.{md,mdtext}"),
delete $dependencies{"/index.html"}; # the home page really doesn't depend on anything else