blob: 892491501abf186ac01a2cd1685d5901d8722f66 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Tez Change Log
TEZ-3726. Clean up DeletionTracker's reflection instantiation and provide ContainerLauncher with dagComplete() functionality
TEZ-3725. Cleanup http connections and other unnecessary fields in DAG Deletion tracker classes.
TEZ-3705. Modify DeletionTracker and deletion threads to be initialized only if enabled for tez_shuffle
TEZ-3685. ShuffleHandler completedInputSet off-by-one error
TEZ-3684. Incorporate first pass non-essential TEZ-3334 pre-merge feedback
TEZ-3683. LocalContainerLauncher#shouldDelete member variable is not used
TEZ-3682. Pass parameters instead of configuration for changes to support tez shuffle handler
TEZ-3628. Give Tez shuffle handler threads custom names
TEZ-3621. Optimize the Shuffle Handler content length calculation for keep alive
TEZ-3620. UnorderedPartitionedKVOutput is missing the shuffle service config in the confKeys set
TEZ-3618. Shuffle Handler Loading cache equality tests always results is false
TEZ-3612. Tez Shuffle Handler Content length does not match actual
TEZ-3608. Fetcher can hang if copyMapOutput/fetchInputs returns early
TEZ-3606. Fix debug log for empty partitions to the expanded partitionId in the Composite case
TEZ-3604. Remove the compositeInputAttemptIdentifier from remaining list upon fetch completion in the Ordered case
TEZ-3599. Unordered Fetcher can hang if empty partitions are present
TEZ-3596. Number of Empty DME logged for Composite fetch is too high
TEZ-3597. Composite Fetch hangs on certain DME empty events.
TEZ-3595. Composite Fetch account error for disk direct
TEZ-3590. Remove google.protobuf from the tez-auxservices shaded jar
TEZ-3587. Fetcher fetchInputs() can NPE on srcAttempt due to missing entry in pathToAttemptMap
TEZ-3586. Remove fusesource.leveldbjni from the tez-auxservices shaded jar
TEZ-3532. Backport MAPREDUCE-6808. Log map attempts as part of shuffle handler audit log
TEZ-3563. Tez Shuffle Handler logging fails to initialize
TEZ-3564. TezConfiguration#TEZ_DELETION_TRACKER_CLASS has the wrong config key-name
TEZ-3557. TEZ-3362 causes TestContainerLauncherWrapper#testDelegation to fail
TEZ-3361. Fetch Multiple Partitions from the Shuffle Handler
TEZ-3360. Tez Custom Shuffle Handler Documentation
TEZ-3411. TestShuffleHandler#testSendMapCount should not used hard coded ShuffleHandler port
TEZ-3412. Modify ShuffleHandler to use Constants.DAG_PREFIX and fix AttemptPathIdentifier#toString()
TEZ-3410. ShuffleHandler should use Path.SEPARATOR instead "/"
TEZ-3408. Allow Task Output Files to reside in DAG specific directories for Custom Shuffle Handler
TEZ-3238. Shuffle service name should be configureable and should not be hardcoded to ‘mapreduce_shuffle’
TEZ-3390. Package Shuffle Handler as a shaded uber-jar
TEZ-3378. Move Shuffle Handler configuration into the Tez namespace
TEZ-3377. Remove ShuffleHandler dependency on mapred.FadvisedChunkedFile and mapred.FadvisedFileRegion
TEZ-3380. Shuffle Handler: Replace primitive wrapper's valueOf method with parse* method to avoid unnecessary boxing/unboxing
TEZ-3355. Tez Custom Shuffle Handler POC
TEZ-3393. Remove extra jetty dependency from Shuffle Handler