blob: d09ebc3d1d8afda3b580fe2e3115bada223c715c [file] [log] [blame]
TEZ-2982. Tez UI: Create tez-ui2 directory and get a basic dummy page working in ember 2.2
TEZ-3016. Tez UI 2: Make bower dependency silent
TEZ-2983. Tez UI 2: Get ember initializers functional
TEZ-3018. Tez UI 2: Add config.env
TEZ-3019. Tez UI 2: Replace BaseURL with Host
TEZ-2984. Tez UI 2: Create abstract classes
TEZ-3020. Tez UI 2: Add entity blueprint
TEZ-2985. Tez UI 2: Create loader and entity classes
TEZ-3021. Tez UI 2: Add env service & initializer
TEZ-3023. Tez UI 2: Abstract adapter and route
TEZ-3022. Tez UI 2: Add serializer & adapter for timeline server
TEZ-3026. Tez UI 2: Add adapters for RM & AM
TEZ-3027. Tez UI 2: Add header and footer elements
TEZ-2986. Tez UI 2: Implement All DAGs page
TEZ-3038. Tez UI 2: Create DAG details page
TEZ-3039. Tez UI 2: Create all sub-pages for DAG
TEZ-3040. Tez UI 2: Create Vertex details page & sub tables
TEZ-3041. Tez UI 2: Create Task & Attempt details page with sub tables
TEZ-3045. Tez UI 2: Create application details page with DAGs tab
TEZ-3048. Tez UI 2: Make PhantomJS a local dependency for build tests
TEZ-3042. Tez UI 2: Create Counters pages
TEZ-3043. Tez UI 2: Create configurations page
TEZ-3049. Tez UI 2: Add column selector
TEZ-3050. Tez UI 2: Add counter columns
TEZ-3064. Tez UI 2: Add All DAGs filters
TEZ-3059. Tez UI 2: Make refresh functional
TEZ-3070. Tez UI 2: Jenkins build is failing
TEZ-3060. Tez UI 2: Activate auto-refresh
TEZ-3061. Tez UI 2: Display in-progress vertex table in DAG details
TEZ-3069. Tez UI 2: Make error bar fully functional
TEZ-3062. Tez UI 2: Integrate graphical view
TEZ-3058. Tez UI 2: Add download data functionality
TEZ-3084. Tez UI 2: Display caller type and info
TEZ-3080. Tez UI 2: Ensure UI 2 is in-line with UI 1
TEZ-3092. Tez UI 2: Tuneups & Improvements
TEZ-3095. Tez UI 2: Tuneups & Improvements
TEZ-3088. Tez UI 2: Licenses of all the packages used by Tez Ui must be documented
TEZ-2916. Tez UI 2: Show counts of running tasks on the DAG visualization page
TEZ-3125. Tez UI 2: All auto-refresh pages refresh multiple times shortly after application complete
TEZ-3127. Tez UI 2: Release audit is failing