switch to openoffice for release example
1 file changed
tree: 1c507610ef05e4ac9cbe4095db7d2d58167d43e2
  1. .github/
  2. content/
  3. data/
  4. theme/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. .editorconfig
  7. .gitignore
  8. .markdownlint.yaml
  9. .yamllint
  10. asfdata.yaml
  11. DEVELOPER.md
  13. NOTICE
  14. pelicanconf.py
  15. README.md
  16. requirements.txt

Apache Template

Apache Template

This repository provides a website template for ASF-Pelican

How to use this template

  1. Ask Infra to Use this template to create your new site repository

  2. Update the theme‘s base.html to fit your site’s requirements

  3. Determine if your site requires a data model.

    • The .ezmd files in the content directory show examples
    • asfdata.yaml has manuy examples
    • Remove the following if you do not need a data model:
      1. asfdata.py and asfreader.py Plugins
      2. asfdata.yaml
      3. data directory
  4. Edit your configuration

    • Website specific
    • ASF_DATA - asfdata.py plugin settings
    • ASF_GENID - asfgenid.py plugin settings asfgenid.py performs a series of html fixups including permalinks, heading ids, and table of contents
  5. Create your content

    • .md files using Github Flavored Markdown (gfm
    • .ezmd files for templates using ASF_DATA
  6. Building

  7. Suggested Branch Strategy

  8. Issues and Template Questions

  9. Tools

    • GitHub Action -- A manual Lint action is provided:

    • EditorConfig -- helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs

    See the Developer Tools for tools that may be helpful.