tree: 9cdef28701edef4d8b7f185faaa58d77c4e7b0b7 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .github/
  2. content/
  3. data/
  4. theme/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. .editorconfig
  7. .gitignore
  8. .markdownlint.yaml
  9. .yamllint
  10. asfdata.yaml
  12. NOTICE
  14. pelicanconf.yaml
  16. requirements.txt

Apache Template

Apache Template

This repository provides a website template for ASF-Pelican

Pelican build site infrastructure is found here

If you use this template for your project website and provide a logo then your project should pass “Apache Project Website Checks”.

How to use this template

  1. Ask Infra to Use this template to create your new site repository

  2. Update the theme‘s base.html to fit your site’s requirements

  3. Determine if your site requires a data model.

  4. Edit your configuration

    • Site specific information
    • Theme path
    • Plugin configuration. If you develop your own plugin or pull in plugins via pip then be sure to include it in use:
    • Setup is used to add data models, shell scripts, ignored files and directories, and any special copy action.
    • Genid invokes various special features including elementid and headingid with permalinks, table of contents, table class, and enabling of “unsafe” html.
  5. Create your content

    • .md files using Github Flavored Markdown (gfm)
    • .ezmd files for templates using ASF_DATA
  6. Building

  7. Suggested Branch Strategy

  8. Issues and Template Questions

  9. Tools