blob: 93065b5f44bbac3bcb7d55c986ea19d3492ac08f [file] [log] [blame]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# common code for the interpreter class websh.interpclass
# $Id$
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getDocFileName {filename} {
return [file join [web::config document_root] websh $filename]
proc pageLink {url args} {
if {[string match "*.ws3" $url]} {
regsub {\.ws3$} $url ".html" url
set showName $url
foreach {arg value} $args {
switch -- $arg \
-show { set showName $value} \
-pre { set url "http://$url" }
web::put "<a href=\"$url\">$showName</a>"
proc emailLink {email {showName ""}} {
if { [string compare $showName ""] == 0 } {set showName $email }
pageLink mailto:$email -show $showName
proc headRow {type mainTitle {rightTitle ""}} {
if {$type == 1} {
web::putx {
<tr height="30">
<td width="10" valign="top"></td>
<td width="150" height="30"></td>
if {$type == 2} {
web::putx {
<td width="300" height="30">
{if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
} else {
web::putx {&nbsp;}
<td width="10" height="30"><br>
<td width="300" height="30">
{if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } {
web::putx {<h1>{web::put $rightTitle}</h1>}
} else {
web::putx {&nbsp;}
if {$type == 3} {
web::putx {
<td width="610" height="30">
{if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
} else {
web::putx {&nbsp;}
if {$type == 4} {
web::putx {
<td width="455" height="30">
{if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
} else {
web::putx {&nbsp;}
<td width="10" height="30"><br>
<td width="145" height="30">
{if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } {
web::putx {<h1>{web::put $rightTitle}</h1>}
} else {
web::putx {&nbsp;}
proc navBarElementSub {ref str flag} {
if { $flag == 1 } {
web::putx {
- <a href="{web::put $ref}">{web::put $str}</a><br>
if { $flag == 0 } {
web::putx {
- {web::put $str}<br>
if { $flag == 2 } {
web::putx {
- <span class=grey>{web::put $str}</span><br>
proc navBarElementOne {ref str flag} {
if { $flag == 1 } {
web::putx {<a href="{web::put $ref}"><b>{web::put $str}</b></a><br>
if { $flag == 0 } {
web::putx {<b>{web::put $str}</b><br>
if { $flag == 2 } {
web::putx {<b class=grey>{web::put $str}</b><br>
proc navBarElement {ref str flag args} {
web::putx {
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"><img height="11" width="10" src="images/pfeil.gif"></td>
<td class=nav>
navBarElementOne $ref $str $flag
foreach {arg value isLink} $args {
navBarElementSub $arg $value $isLink
proc navBarStart {} {
web::putx {
<td width="10"><img height="1" border="0" width="10" src="images/stuntFFFFFF001010.gif"></td>
<td width="150">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="141">
proc navBarEnd {} {
web::putx {
proc redPointElement {text} {
web::putx {
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_rot.gif"></td>
<td>{web::putx $text}
proc newsBarElement {title {desc ""}} {
web::putx {
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_rot.gif"></td>
<td class=news><b>{web::putx $title}</b><br>
{web::putx $desc}
proc newsBarElementGrey {title {desc ""}} {
web::putx {
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_grau.gif"></td>
<td class=grey><b>{web::putx $title}</b><br>
{web::putx $desc}
proc uppfeil {link args} {
set aName ""
set text ""
foreach {arg value} $args {
switch -- $arg \
-aName { set aName $value} \
-text { set text $value }
web::putx {
<tr valign="top">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"><a href="{web::putx $link}"><img height="10" border="0" width="10" src="images/uppfeil.gif"></a></td>
<td width="455">
if {[string compare $aName ""] == 0 } {
web::putx {<h2 class=nomargin>{web::putx $text}</h2>}
} else {
web::putx {<h2 class="nomargin"><a name="{web::put $aName}">{web::putx $text}</a></h2>}
## ============================================================================
## navigation bars
## ============================================================================
proc navbar_prod {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
{navBarElement "/websh/product.html" "product description" [expr $where != 0] \
"#history" "history" 1 \
"#tcl" "based on Tcl" 1 \
"#design" "design" 1}
# {navBarElement "TBD" "Websh in action" 2}
# {navBarElement "TBD" "success stories" 2}
# {navBarElement "TBD" "comparison chart" 2}
proc navbar_docu {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
{navBarElement "/websh/docu.html" "documentation" [expr $where != 0]}
{navBarElement "/websh/whitepaper.html" "white paper" [expr $where != 1]}
{navBarElement "/websh/quickref.html" "quick reference" [expr $where != 2]}
{navBarElement "/websh/examples.html" "examples" [expr $where != 4]}
proc navbar_supp {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
<td width="10"><br></td>
<td width="150">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="141">
{navBarElement "/websh/support.html" "support" [expr $where != 0]}
{navBarElement "/websh/faq.html" "faq" [expr $where != 1] \
"/websh/faq.html#generic" "generic questions" 1 \
"/websh/faq.html#technical" "tech questions" 1} \
{navBarElement "/websh/subscribe.html" "mailing list" [expr $where != 2]}
{navBarElement "" "bug tracking system" [expr $where != 3]}
proc navbar_ress {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
proc navbar_down {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
proc navbar_null {} {
web::putx {
<td width="10"><img height="1" border="0" width="10" src="images/stuntFFFFFF001010.gif"></td>
<td width="150">&nbsp;</td>
## ============================================================================
## news bars
## ============================================================================
proc newsbar_supp {} {
web::putx {
<td width="10"><br></td>
<td width="145">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="145">
proc newsbar_ress {} {
web::putx {
<td width="10"></td>
<td width="145">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="145">
proc jslink {linkname generic onover onout width gif alt} {
return "<a href=\"$linkname\" \
onmouseover=\"swap('$generic','$onover')\" \
onmouseout=\"swap('$generic','$onout')\"><img height=\"20\" \
width=\"$width\" \
src=\"/websh/buttons/$gif\" \
name=\"$generic\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$alt\"></a>"
proc startHtmlPage {} {
web::putx {
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Websh - Welcome</title>
<script language="JavaScript" src="buttons.js"></script>
<link href="websh.css" rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="description" content="Websh - the rapid development environment to build powerful web applications.">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="websh, Websh, e-commerce, web application, apache, perl, php, asp, cold fusion">
proc startHtmlBody {} {
web::putx {
<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"
bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#006699" alink="red" vlink="#006699">
proc putHeader {{mainSectionNr 0} {quickNaviNr 1}} {
web::putx {
<map name="grafik_navi">
<area href="" coords="94,2,154,26" shape="rect">
<area href="./" coords="4,2,64,26" shape="rect">
<area href="contact.html" coords="184,2,244,26" shape="rect">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="76">
<tr valign="top">
if {$quickNaviNr == 0} {
web::putx {
<td width="500" bgcolor="#006699"><img height="50" width="300" src="images/grafik_navi.gif" alt="" border="0" usemap="#grafik_navi"><img height="50" width="200" src="images/grafik_index.gif" alt=""></td>
} else {
web::putx {
<td width="500" bgcolor="#006699"><img height="50" width="300" src="images/grafik_navi_home.gif" alt="" border="0" usemap="#grafik_navi"><img height="50" width="200" src="images/grafik_index.gif" alt=""></td>
web::putx {
<td><img height="50" width="270" src="images/logo.gif" alt="Websh"></td>
<td width="5000" bgcolor="#000000">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="500">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" height="40">
if {$mainSectionNr == 0} {
web::putx {
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/product.html prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.html docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/support.html supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.html ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/download.html down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
<td colspan="5"><img height="20" width="500" src="images/title_neutral.gif" alt="lines"></td>
if {$mainSectionNr == 1} {
web::putx {
<tr bgcolor="#006699">
<td width="120"><br></td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.html docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/support.html supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.html ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/download.html down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
<tr height="20">
<td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="buttons/b_prod_c.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
if {$mainSectionNr == 2} {
web::putx {
<tr bgcolor="#006699">
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/product.html prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
<td width="100"><br></td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/support.html supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.html ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/download.html down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
<tr height="20">
<td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="buttons/b_docu_c.gif"></td>
<td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
if {$mainSectionNr == 3} {
web::putx {
<tr bgcolor="#006699">
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/product.html prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.html docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
<td width="70"><br></td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.html ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/download.html down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
<tr height="20">
<td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="buttons/b_supp_c.gif"></td>
<td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
if {$mainSectionNr == 4} {
web::putx {
<tr bgcolor="#006699">
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/product.html prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.html docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/support.html supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
<td width="110"><br></td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/download.html down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
<tr height="20">
<td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="buttons/b_ress_c.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
if {$mainSectionNr == 5} {
web::putx {
<tr bgcolor="#006699">
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/product.html prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/docu.html docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/support.html supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
<td>{web::put [jslink /websh/resources.html ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
<td width="100"><br></td>
<tr height="20">
<td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
<td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="buttons/b_down_c.gif"></td>
web::putx {
<td><img height="40" width="270" src="images/logo_strich.gif"></td>
<div style="padding: 15px; color:#fff; background-color: #069; font-weight: bold; width: 730px; margin: 5px;">
We are sorry but we discontinued Websh support and development for lack of resources.
Also the discussion mailing list was closed, so if you're interested in taking up this subproject within the Apache Tcl project to bring it back into life please contact
proc finishPage {{where 0}} {
web::putx {
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="770" height="45">
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2">
<hr noshade size="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"></td>
<td width="760">
if {$where != 1 } {
web::put {<a href="product.html">description</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {<span class="blue">description</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 2 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="docu.html">documentation</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">documentation</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 3 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="support.html">support</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">support</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 4 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="resources.html">resources</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">resources</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 5 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="download.html">download</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">download</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 7 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="credits.html">credits</a>&nbsp;|}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">credits</span>&nbsp;|}
if {$where != 6 } {
web::put {&nbsp;<a href="copyright.html">copyright</a>}
} else {
web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">copyright</span>}
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2">
<hr noshade size="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10"></td>
<td width="760">
<span class="klein"><b>&copy; Websh - an <a href="">Apache Tcl</a> project - part of the <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a></b></span></td>