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<title>Upgrading from 4.0</title>
<section name="Upgrading from 4.0">
There have been a large number of general bug fixes made in Tapestry 4.1, as well as a lot of work
in the area of "ajax" support in the core framework.
This guide will attempt to highlight some of the key changes that might affect people trying to upgrade from <strong>4.0.X</strong>
to the current <strong>4.1.X</strong> version.
<section name="Core API Changes">
Many of the previously marked as deprecated for removal in Tapestry 4.1 API sections have now been removed. There is also some new functionality
that many may not be aware of.
<b>IRequestCycle.getRequestContext() -</b> The old <code>getRequestContext()</code> method has now been removed from
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/IRequestCycle.html">IRequestCycle</a>. The proper way to get the equivalent
functionality is to have the HttpServletRequest object <a href="injection.html">injected</a> in to your page/component:
<source xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[
public abstract HttpServletRequest getRequest();
<b>Autowiring services -</b> Thanks to James Carman of <a href="">HiveMind</a> all components/pages now support
autowiring of services. The rule is that you can have any service / configuration that is normally injectable via exlplicit
<a href="injection.html">injection</a> configurations simply by defining a property of the same type as any of the available HiveMind services.
The only caveat is that services of the same interface with more than one contributed definition can't be autowired as it would be impossible
for the framework to correctly choose the right one.
This should greatly cut down on a lot of pain of having to look up service ids in the
<a href="../tapestry-framework/hivedoc/">hivedoc</a> documentation. The injection of the HttpServletRequest outlined in the first point
could be re-written as:
<source xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[
public abstract HttpServletRequest getRequest();
<b>IRequestCycle.getServiceParameters() -</b> This method has been replaced with <code>IRequestCycle.getListenerParameters()</code>.
<b>org.apache.tapestry.event.PageRenderListener gone -</b> PageRenderListener was split into PageBeginRenderListener and PageEndRenderListener. More
on the available listener types/events can be found <a href="events.html">here</a>.
<section name="Javascript">
One of the largest changes to come about has been the general strategy in dealing with javascript inclusions as well
as bundling of the <a href="">Dojo</a> javascript toolkit directly in Tapestry. More about these
packaging changes can be found in the <a href="../javascript/index.html">javascript guide</a>.
<strong>Javascript includes -</strong> The inclusion of dojo now happens automatically if you are using the <a href="../components/general/shell.html">Shell</a> component,
and is in general required for Tapestry to function properly in many circumstances. If don't currently use / can't use the
<a href="../components/general/shell.html">Shell</a> component the same logic is also encapsulated in the
<a href="../components/general/scriptincludes.html">ScriptIncludes</a> component. Both components provide a variety of options
allowing for client side debugging / level of debug statements / whether to use the built in dojo provided or a custom build of your own / etc..
<strong> removed -</strong> A good majority of the core Tapestry javascript includes have either been modified or entirely replaced
with new versions that are slightly easier to manage using <a href="">Dojo's</a> dynamic module inclusion capability.
all of the changes are backwards compatible and include new deprecation warning messages when you call one of the old Tapestry javascript
functions. The new javascript API's are also heavily documented, which you can browse <a href="../javascript/index.html">here</a>.
There is one change that is unfortunately not backwards compatible with these javascript changes, specifically dealing with the old
Form.js javascript functions and how they interact with client side events for the <a href="../components/form/form.html">Form</a>
component. Tapestry used to modify the client side DOM <code>&lt;form&gt;</code> element by attaching a <code></code> property
to the object. This is no longer the case. Tapestry doesn't modify any of the DOM elements or client side events on your page anymore. While
this change has resulted in much easier form handling abilities on the client side it has come with a price of breaking anyone previously
relying on this functionality.
<strong>onload and <a href="../components/general/script.html">Script</a> templates -</strong> In previous versions of the framework
Tapestry would try to ensure that javascript was written to the document body in such a way that the various sections of
a <a href="../components/general/script.html">Script</a> template were written out at the correct points in the document to match the
various sections of your template. This has now been modified slightly to use <a href="">Dojo's</a> event handling
facilities to control this behaviour.
<strong>Example Javascript Template:</strong>
<source xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[
<input-symbol key="component" required="yes"/>
<let key="formObject">
<let key="componentObject">
function setFocus() {
var inputField = ${componentObject};
if (inputField.type != "hidden") {
if (inputField.disabled != true) {
} else {
window.alert('InputFocus.script cannot set focus on a hidden field');
In previous versions of the framework the template above would be rendered out as html looking somewhat like:
<p><strong>Previous Tapestry 4.0.X generated output:</strong></p>
<source xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[
<script type="text/javascript">
function setFocus() {
var inputField = document.form.field;
if (inputField.type != "hidden") {
if (inputField.disabled != true) {
} else {
window.alert('InputFocus.script cannot set focus on a hidden field');
<p>Hello! This is my sample page.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<p>With the changes made this section would now be rendered as:</p>
<p><strong>New Tapestry 4.1.X generated output:</strong></p>
<source xml:space="preserve"><![CDATA[
<script type="text/javascript">
function setFocus() {
var inputField = document.form.field;
if (inputField.type != "hidden") {
if (inputField.disabled != true) {
} else {
window.alert('InputFocus.script cannot set focus on a hidden field');
<p>Hello! This is my sample page.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<strong><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/services/ResponseBuilder.html">ResponseBuilder</a> -</strong> Don't like the way
javascript is being managed? Don't want to use <a href="">Dojo</a> to manage your javascript either? That's ok
The new response management system allows for easy contribution to many different response types in Tapestry so that you have
complete control over the whole process. Currently these different types cover normal html rendering / Dojo XHR responses / JSON
responses. Feel free to replace one of the existing implementations or add your own. More can be found by looking at the hivemind
configuration point for it <a href="../tapestry-framework/hivedoc/config/">here</a>.
<strong><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/IComponent.html#getClientId()">IComponent.getClientId()</a> -</strong> The method
that was previously only available to form components has now been moved back up the chain to IComponent itself. The logic surrounding
generating / working with these client ID's has also undergone extensive refactoring / improvements so that you can reliably use this method
for (almost?) all of <em>your</em> and the core Tapestry components. This of course means that all of the core Tapestry components now output
unique <code>id="foo"</code> attributes to support the new method as well.
<span class="info">
The logic of what value is actually used for the id attribute varies widely depending on many different
<em>(such as finding informal id parameters)</em>
, but all of changes are things to make it more intuitive for you / ie tries to do what you expect most
of the time.
<section name="Asset Management">
<strong><a href="">Gzip Compression</a> -</strong>
<section name="To be continued..">
<p>This is very much a work in progress, expect to see much more leak in over the next few weeks.</p>