blob: 659b03cab5e7053f1d28ab1c52f1d9f81f7c840b [file] [log] [blame]
JavaScript Reference - Introduction
Jesse Kuhnert
26 July 2006
Tapestry makes extensive use of the {{{}dojo}} toolkit library to facilitate
easier client side management / communication. Without a better way to automate the documentation process
for javascript this section will attemp to define the most important Tapestry javascript functions/objects
By default, the {{{../components/general/shell.html}Shell}} component will include the core
{{{}dojo}} javascript object <<<dojo.js>>>, as well as the new core
Tapestry javascript object - <<<core.js>>>. This means that you don't have to worry about how to include
dojo or Tapestry javascript on any of your pages, they will already be available.
All of the Tapestry javascript is heavily documented in <<<jsdoc>>> style javadoc formatting. If you
would like to see the source yourself and bypass the online docs you may view it
* Dojo documentation
For documentation related to {{{}dojo}}, please see the resources available on
the dojo website:
* {{}} - The dojo manual.
* {{}} - The dojo wiki.