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JavaScript Reference - tapestry.html
Jesse Kuhnert
26 July 2006
This package currently only defines one DOM String related function.
The source for <<<tapestry.html>>> can be found {{{}here}}.
* tapestry.html.getContentAsString(node)
Used primarily in {{{core.html}tapestry.bind}} to convert incoming XML document node content into a
javascript String that will be compatible with DomNode.innerHTML calls. The semantics of using innerHTML
are fairly quircky from browser to browser <(if you want to maintain stylesheet rules/etc)>, so this function
will determine your browser type and act accordingly. It should universally be able to produce a String compatible
with innerHTML statements from almost any source, even existing HTML DOM nodes that aren't part of an IO
XML document return.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
node | DOMNode/HtmlDOMNode | yes | | The XML or HTML DOM node to parse html textual fragment contents from.
** Example usage
If you wanted to take an IO return chunk of xml that looked like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response id="chunk1" type="element">
This is some example html content.
As you can see, any valid html element can be embedded in the response.
and place it's content into an existing HTML dom node you might do something like this:
dojo.require("tapestry.html"); // ensures tapestry.html package is loaded
var xmlData=functionFoo();
var domNode = xmlData.getElementById("chunk1");
<<See also:>> {{{}Mozilla DOM reference}}