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JavaScript Reference - tapestry.form
Jesse Kuhnert
26 July 2006
The form package defines the core functionality used in tapestry to interact with forms, as well as kicking
off the {{{../usersguide/clientside-validation.html}client side validation}} process when forms are submitted.
All forms registered with the core tapestry client side form manager will by default have event listeners
bound to them that will invoke any registered validation profiles when the form is submitted. <(by listening
to the form "onsubmit" event defined by all browser forms)>
The source for <<<tapestry.form>>> can be found {{{}here}}.
* tapestry.form.registerForm(form)
Registers a reference to a form that will be managed by tapestry. If the form passed in has already
been registered the call will be ignored. The majority of the form functions in this package require that
this one first be called or a client side exception will be thrown.(Via dojo, so browser logging will make
it look pretty.)
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form to register or the form html element itself.
** Example usage
This example takes an existing form and registers it.
<form id="myform" action="/app" >
<label for="firstName">First Name</label>
<input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// could also be tapestry.form.registerForm(dojo.byId("myform"))
* tapestry.form.registerProfile(form, profile)
Registers a form validation/translation profile. There can potentially be more than
one profile registered with a form. <(such as when you want to register additional validation
logic to an existing form without overriding the default tapestry validation profile)>
The profiles will be consulted at various points in the forms life, which currently only
involves running the profile checks before form submission. <(more points to be determined in the future)>
If no form has previosly been registered via <<<tapestry.form.registerForm(form)>>> matching the specified
<<<form>>> an exception will be raised.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form to register the profile for, or the form html element itself.
profile | JSON | yes | | The JSON object structure representing the logic that should be used to validate this form.
** Dojo validation profiles
The new tapestry client side validation API relies completely on the logic provided by the
<<<dojo.validate.check(form, profile)>>> function. This section will probably be undergoing more extensive
documentation at some point, but for now the jsdoc comments in dojo are pasted in below. <(tapestry profile
specifics are covered in the javascript {{{form-validation.html}Validation}} section)>.
<<See also:>> <<<dojo.validate.common>>> {{{}source}}
<<Dojo Documentation>> <(pulled from dojo.validate.common)>:
*** Procedural API Description
The main aim is to make input validation expressible in a simple format. You define profiles
which declare the required and optional fields and any constraints they might have. The results
are provided as an object that makes it easy to handle missing and invalid input.
var results = dojo.validate.check(form, profile);
<<Profile Object:>>
var profile = {
// filters change the field value and are applied before validation.
trim: ["tx1", "tx2"],
uppercase: ["tx9"],
lowercase: ["tx5", "tx6", "tx7"],
ucfirst: ["tx10"],
digit: ["tx11"],
// required input fields that are blank will be reported missing.
// required radio button groups and drop-down lists with no selection will be reported missing.
// checkbox groups and selectboxes can be required to have more than one value selected.
// List required fields by name and use this notation to require more than one value: {checkboxgroup: 2}, {selectboxname: 3}.
required: ["tx7", "tx8", "pw1", "ta1", "rb1", "rb2", "cb3", "s1", {"doubledip":2}, {"tripledip":3}],
// dependant/conditional fields are required if the target field is present and not blank.
// At present only textbox, password, and textarea fields are supported.
dependancies: {
cc_exp: "cc_no",
cc_type: "cc_no",
// Fields can be validated using any boolean valued function.
// Use arrays to specify parameters in addition to the field value.
constraints: {
field_name1: myValidationFunction,
field_name2: dojo.validate.isInteger,
field_name3: [myValidationFunction, additional parameters],
field_name4: [dojo.validate.isValidDate, "YYYY.MM.DD"],
field_name5: [dojo.validate.isEmailAddress, false, true],
// Confirm is a sort of conditional validation.
// It associates each field in its property list with another field whose value should be equal.
// If the values are not equal, the field in the property list is reported as Invalid. Unless the target field is blank.
confirm: {
email_confirm: "email",
pw2: "pw1",
<<Results Object:>>
isSuccessful(): Returns true if there were no invalid or missing fields, else it returns false.
hasMissing(): Returns true if the results contain any missing fields.
getMissing(): Returns a list of required fields that have values missing.
isMissing(field): Returns true if the field is required and the value is missing.
hasInvalid(): Returns true if the results contain fields with invalid data.
getInvalid(): Returns a list of fields that have invalid values.
isInvalid(field): Returns true if the field has an invalid value.
* tapestry.form.clearProfiles(form)
Clears any previously registered validation profiles on the specified form. Normally called
during XHR requests by returned JS response to ensure new validation logic coming in from
potentially new/changing form fields is accounted for.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
* tapestry.form.setFormValidating(form, validate)
If a form registered matching the specified <<<form>>> exists a local property will be set
that causes validation to be turned on/off depending on the argument.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
validate | boolean | yes | | If true, turns form client side validation on (the default) - false turns validation off.
* tapestry.form.submit(form, submitName)
Submits the form specified, optionally setting the submitname hidden input field to the value
of <<<submitName>>> to let the {{{../components/form/form.html}Form}} component on the server know
which button caused the submission. (For the case of submit button listeners).
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
submitName | String | no | | Optional submit name string to use when submitting.
** Example
<script type="text/javascript">
* tapestry.form.cancel(form, submitName)
Submits the form specified, and also sets the hidden form input field controlled by tapestry that
specifies the <<<submitmode>>> used so that if you have registered a <<<cancel listener>>> on your
{{{../components/form/form.html}Form}} component it will be called by this invocation.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
submitName | String | no | | Optional submit name string to use when submitting.
* tapestry.form.refresh(form, submitName)
Submits the form specified, and also sets the hidden form input field controlled by tapestry that
specifies the <<<submitmode>>> used so that if you have registered a <<<refresh listener>>> on your
{{{../components/form/form.html}Form}} component it will be called by this invocation.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
submitName | String | no | | Optional submit name string to use when submitting.
* tapestry.form.submitAsync(form, content, submitName, validate)
Similar to the {{{core.html}tapestry.bind}} function call, in that it submits the request asynchronously and
expects a valid tapestry xml content response. This is the core function used by Tapestry when submitting
forms asynchronously. The same load/error handling functions are called as in {{{core.html}tapestry.bind}}.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
form | String element id / HTMLForm node | yes | | The element id of the form, or the form html element itself.
content | json | no | | A properties map of optional extra content to send. This will be sent <in addition> to the content encapsulated by your form.
submitName | String | no | | Optional submit name string to use when submitting to bind the request to a specific {{{../components/form/submit.html}Submit}} component.
validate | boolean | no | false | Controls whether or not to invoke client side validation.