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JavaScript Reference - tapestry core
Jesse Kuhnert
26 July 2006
tapestry core API
This package defines the core API included on all pages by default. Most of it has to do with managing
IO requests, as well as handling remote server exception pages resulting from asynchronous IO calls.
The source for <<<tapestry.core>>> can be found {{{}here}}.
* tapestry.version
A string property that defines the current version of the Tapestry JavaScript core API.
An example that would show the current version might be:
alert("Current tapestry version is " + tapestry.version);
* tapestry.bind(url, content, json)
Global XHR bind function for tapestry internals. The error/load functions defined in
this package are used to handle load/error of
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
url | String | yes | | The url to bind the request to.
content | json | no | | A properties map of optional extra content to send. This will be appended to the URL in the form of name/value query parameters.
json | boolean | no | false | Optional parameter specifying whether or not to create a json request. If not specified the default is to use XHR.
<<See also:>> Dojo {{{}IO}}.
** Example bind call
The bind call is fairly simple in implementation as it uses the dojo {{{}IO}} API
to make XHR calls back to tapestry.(or any web url really)
var url="http://localhost:8080/app";
var content={chosenBook:"Cryptonomicon",numberOfCopies:"10"};
tapestry.bind(url, content);
* tapestry.error(type, exception, http, kwArgs)
Global error handling function for requests. This function is used by all of the IO
functions used in tapestry to handle IO errors. The default behaviour of this function is to display
a special {{{exceptions.html}Exception}} dojo widget displaying any errors received from the server. If
no server exceptions are available the only other action taken is logging the error in the browser
via <<<dojo.log.exception(message, exception)>>>.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
type | Object | no | | The error type receieved.
exception | Object | no | | The javascript exception that was thrown. (if any)
http | XmlHttpRequest| no | | The XmlHttpRequest object used to make the IO requests. (implementation dependant on browser being used)
kwArgs | JSON | no | | The original set of arguments passed in to when the IO request was made.
If you would like to handle errors differently you can either override the definition of
<<<tapestry.error>>> with your own function or be notified when it is executed via:
dojo.event.connect(tapestry, "error", function(type, exception, http, kwArgs){
// insert your logic for handling errors here, this function will be called ~after~
// the core tapestry.error function is called with the above style dojo.event.connect call
* tapestry.load(type, data, http, kwArgs)
The core function registered to handle loading XHR requests. (Xml requests) The implementation details
are fairly complicated for this function as they handle parsing/managing Tapestry-defined XML content
nodes in a format recognized by the API so that intelligent handling of partial updates/javascript/etc
can be handled on the client.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description
type | Object | no | | The error type receieved.
data | XML Object | no | | The data recieved in the request. Should be a javascript Xml document.
http | XmlHttpRequest| no | | The XmlHttpRequest object used to make the IO requests. (implementation dependant on browser being used)
kwArgs | JSON | no | | The original set of arguments passed in to when the IO request was made.