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<td><font size="+2"><b>Select</b></font></td>
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/form/Select.html">org.apache.tapestry.form.Select</a>
<table align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" cellpadding="8">
<td>Multiple Select:</td>
<select multiple size="3">
<option>Kiwi Fruit</option>
<option>Grape Fruit</option>
<tr valign="center">
<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan="2">
Implements a component that manages an HTML &lt;select&gt; form element. The
Select component can take the form of a drop down list (default) or a list
selection box if the "multiple" parameter is set to true. The Select component
must wrap around <A href="Option.html">Option</a> components within a
<A href="Form.html">Form</a>.
Unless multiple selections are required it is generally easier to use the
<A href="PropertySelection.html">PropertySelection</a>
<td colspan="2">
<b>See Also</b>
<A href="Form.html">Form</a>,
<A href="Option.html">Option</a>,
<A href="RadioGroup.html">RadioGroup</a>,
<A href="Radio.html">Radio</a>,
<A href="PropertySelection.html">PropertySelection</a>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" class="parameters">
<td>If true, the component allows multiple selection.</td>
<td>Controls whether the select is active or not. Corresponds to the
"disabled" HTML attribute.
<P>Body: <STRONG>rendered</STRONG><BR>Informal parameters:
parameters: "name" </P>
<td colspan="2">
This examples shows how to setup a standard Select and <A href="Option.html">Option</a> component.
Note that Select and <A href="Option.html">Option</a> are typically only used like this when a
<A href="PropertySelection.html">PropertySelection</a>
component is unable to fulfil the required need. Normally, most users will want to use
the <A href="PropertySelection.html">PropertySelection</a>, since it requires less work, and can express similar semantics
with only a single component (instead of three, as will be shown below).
<table class="tapestry-examples" cellpadding="4">
<td>Select a color
<select name="selection" multiple>
<option value="0">Green
<option value="1">Blue
<option value="2">Red
<option value="3">White
<option value="4">Purple
<option value="5">Dark Black
<option value="6">Fiji Blue</option>
&lt;form jwcid="@<a href="Form.html">Form</a>" listener="ognl:listeners.formSubmit"&gt;
Select a color
&lt;select jwcid="<span class="jwcid">@<a href="Select.html">Select</a></span>" multiple=&quot;ognl:true&quot;&gt;
&lt;span jwcid="@<a href="Foreach.html">Foreach</a>" source="ognl:visit.colorList" value="ognl:visit.currentColor"&gt;
&lt;option jwcid="@<a href="Option.html">Option</a>" selected="ognl:visit.currentColor.selected" label="ognl:visit.currentColor.label"/&gt;
<td colspan="2">
This example uses a pre-existing collection as the source of the <A href="Option.html">Option</a> list. The
<A href="Foreach.html">Foreach</a> is used to iterate through the list, rendering multiple HTML option
elements on the way.
<td colspan="2">
When the form is submitted, Tapestry will take care of setting the
<b>selected</b> attribute on any item that has been selected by
the user. For this example, that means that a Color object will
have it's selected property set to true (see below)<p>
Which produces the following HTML:<p>
<pre>&lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;Form0&quot; action=&quot;/componentref&quot;&gt;<br> &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;service&quot; value=&quot;direct/0/SelectPage/$Form&quot;/&gt;<br> &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;sp&quot; value=&quot;S0&quot;/&gt;<br> &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;Form0&quot; value=&quot;$Select&quot;/&gt;<br> Select a color<br> &lt;select name=&quot;$Select&quot; multiple=&quot;multiple&quot;&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;0&quot;&gt;Green&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;1&quot;&gt;Blue&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;2&quot;&gt;Red&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;3&quot;&gt;White&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;4&quot;&gt;Purple&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;5&quot;&gt;Dark Black&lt;/option&gt;
&lt;option value=&quot;6&quot;&gt;Fiji Blue&lt;/option&gt;
<td colspan="2">
In this example, the page object (the .java file) is not important, since it contains nothing.
The example has purposely tied both the option list, and the currently selected value (the
<A href="Foreach.html">Foreach</a> component's <b>value</b> field) to a property of
the Visit object.<p>>
The Visit object is defined as follows:
public class Visit implements Serializable {
private transient List colorList;
private Color currentColor;
public Collection getColorList() {
if (colorList == null) {
colorList = new ArrayList();
colorList.add(new Color("Green"));
colorList.add(new Color("Blue"));
colorList.add(new Color("Red"));
colorList.add(new Color("White"));
colorList.add(new Color("Purple"));
colorList.add(new Color("Dark Black"));
colorList.add(new Color("Fiji Blue"));
return colorList;
public Color getCurrentColor() { return currentColor; }
public void setCurrentColor(Color value) {
currentColor = value;
public class Color implements Serializable {
private String label;
private boolean selected;
public Color(String label) {
public String getLabel() { return label; }
public void setLabel(String value) {
label = value;
public boolean getSelected() { return selected; }
public void setSelected(boolean value) {
selected = value;
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