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Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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<chapter id="template">
<title>Page and component templates</title>
Unlike many other web frameworks, such as
&Struts; or &WebWork;,
Tapestry does not "plug into" an external templating system such as JavaServer Pages or
&Velocity;. Instead, Tapestry integrates its own templating system.
Tapestry templates are designed to look like valid HTML files (component HTML templates
will just be snippets of HTML rather than complete pages).
Tapestry "hides" its extensions into special attributes of ordinary HTML elements.
Don't be fooled by the terminology; we say "HTML templates" because that is the prevalent use of Tapestry ... but
Tapestry is equally adept at WML or XML.
<section id="template.locations">
<title>Template locations</title>
The general rule of thumb is that a page's HTML template is simply an HTML file, stored in the context root directory.
That is, you'll have a <filename><replaceable>MyPage</replaceable>.html</filename> HTML template,
a <filename>WEB-INF/<replaceable>MyPage</replaceable>.page</filename> page specification,
and a <classname>MyPage</classname> class, in some Java package.
Tapestry always starts knowing the name of the page and the location of the page's specification when it
searches for the page's HTML template. Starting with this, it performs the following search:
In the same location as the specification
In the web application's context root directory (if the page is an application page, not a page from a component
In addition, any HTML template in the web application context is considered a page, even if there is no matching
page specification. For simple pages that don't need to have any page-specific logic or properties, there's no need
for a page specification. Such a page may still use the special Tapestry attributes
(described in the following sections).
Finally, with some <link linkend="">minor configuration</link>
it is possible to change the extension used for templates. For example, if you are developing a WML
application, you may wish to name your files with the extension <filename>.wml</filename>.
</section> <!-- template.locations -->
<section id="template.contents">
<title>Template Contents</title>
Tapestry templates contain a mix of the following elements:
<para>Static HTML markup</para>
<para>Tapestry components</para>
<para>Localized messages</para>
<para>Special template directives</para>
Usually, about 90% of a template is ordinary HTML markup. Hidden inside that markup are particular tags that
are placeholders for Tapestry components; these tags are recognized by the presence of the &jwcid; attribute. "JWC"
is short for "Java Web Component", and was chosen as the "magic" attribute so as not to conflict with any real HTML attribute.
Tapestry's parser is quite flexible, accepting all kinds of invalid HTML markup. That is, attributes don't <emphasis>have</emphasis> to be
quoted. Start and end tags don't have to balance. Case is ignored when matching start and end tags. Basically,
the kind of ugly HTML you'll find "in the field" is accepted.
The goal is to allow you to preview your HTML templates using a WYSIWYG HTML editor (or even an ordinary web browser).
The editor will ignore the undefined HTML attributes (such as &jwcid;).
A larger goal is to support real project teams: The special markup for Tapestry is unobtrusive, even invisible.
This allows an HTML designer to work on a template without breaking the dynamic portions of it. This is completely unlike
JSPs, where the changes to support dynamic output are extremelyobtrusive and result in a file that is meaningless to an HTML
</section> <!-- template.contents -->
<section id="template.components">
<title>Components in templates</title>
Components can be placed anywhere inside a template, simply by adding the &jwcid; attribute to
any existing tag. For example:
<title>Example HTML template containing components</title>
<title>Example HTML Template</title>
&lt;span jwcid="border"&gt; <co id="template.components.border"/>
&lt;span jwcid="@&Insert;" value="">Joe User&lt;/span&gt; <co id="template.components.insert"/>
<callout arearefs="template.components.border">
This is a reference to a <emphasis>declared component</emphasis>; the type and parameters
of the component are in the page's specification.
<callout arearefs="template.components.insert">
This is a <emphasis>implicit component</emphasis>; the type of the component is &Insert;. The
value parameter is bound to the &OGNL; expression <literal></literal>.
The point of all this is that the HTML template should preview properly in a WYSIWYG HTML editor. Unlike
&Velocity; or JSPs, there are no strange directives to get in the way of a preview (or necessitate
a special editting tool), Tapestry hides what's needed inside existing tags; at worst, it adds
a few non-standard attributes (such as &jwcid;) to tags. This rarely causes a problem with most HTML editors.
Templates may contain components using two different styles. <emphasis>Declared components</emphasis> are
little more than a placeholder; the type of the component is defined elsewhere, in the page (or component)
Alternately, an <emphasis>implicit component</emphasis> can be defined in place, by preceding
the component type with an "@" symbol. Tapestry includes over forty components with the framework, additional components
may be created as part of your application, or may be provided inside a component library.
In the above example, a &span; was used for both components. Tapestry
doesn't care what tag is used for a component, as long as the start and end tags for components balance (it doesn't
even care if the case of the start tag matches the case of the end tag). The example could just
as easily use <sgmltag class="starttag">div</sgmltag> or <sgmltag class="starttag">fred</sgmltag>, the
rendered page sent back to the client web browser will be the same.
<section id="templates.components.body">
<title>Component bodies</title>
In Tapestry, each component is responsible for rendering itself and its <emphasis>body</emphasis>.
A component's body is the portion of its page's template
More correct would be to say "its container's template" as a component may be contained within
another component. For simplicities sake, we'll describe this as if it was always a simple two-level
heirarchy even though practical Tapestry applications can be many levels deep.
that its tags encloses. The Tapestry HTML template parser is responsible for dividing up the template
into chunks: blocks of static HTML, component start tags (recognized by the &jwcid; attribute) and matching
component end tags. It is quite forgiving about case, quotes (which may be single quotes, double quotes, or even
omitted), and missing close tags (except for components, which must be balanced).
<title>Component templates and bodies</title>
<imagedata fileref="images/component-body.png" format="PNG"/>
The template is broken into small chunks that are each slotted into a particular
component's body.
In most cases, a component will make use of its body; it simply controls if, when and how often its body
is rendered (when rendering the HTML response sent to the client). Other components, such as &Insert;,
have no use for their bodies, which they discard. Each component declares in its own specification (the
<literal>allow-body</literal> attribute of the &spec.component-specification;) whether is allows or
discards its body.
In the previous example, the &Insert; component had a body, the text "Joe User". This supports WYSIWYG preview; the text
will be displayed when previewing. Since the &Insert; component discards its body,
this text will not be used at runtime, instead the OGNL expression <literal></literal> will be evaluated
and the result inserted into the response.
<title>No components in discarded blocks</title>
If you put a component inside the body of an &Insert; (or any other component that discards
its body), then Tapestry will throw an exception. You aren't allowed to create a component
simply to discard it.
</section> <!-- templates.components.body -->
<section id="templates.components.ids">
<title>Component ids</title>
Every component in Tapestry has its own id. In the above example, the first component has the id "border". The second component
is anonymous; the framework provides a unique id for the component since one was not supplied in the HTML template. The
framework provided id is built from the component's type; this component would have an id of
<literal>$Insert</literal>; other &Insert; components
would have ids <literal>$Insert$0</literal>, <literal>$Insert$1</literal>, etc.
A component's id must only be unique within its immediate container. Pages are top-level containers, but
components can also contain other components.
Implicit components can also have a specific id, by placing the id in front of the "@" symbol:
&lt;span jwcid="insert@&Insert;" value=""&gt;Joe User&lt;/span&gt;
The component is still implicit; nothing about the component would go in the specification, but the id
of the component would be "insert".
Providing explicit ids for your components is rarely required, but often beneficial. It is especially
useful for form control components,
Each component may only appear <emphasis>once</emphasis> in the template. You simply can't
use the same component
repatedly ... but you can duplicate a component fairly easily; make the component a declared component,
then use the <literal>copy-of</literal> attribute of the &spec.component; element to create clones of
the component with new ids.
</section> <!-- templates.components.ids -->
<section id="templates.components.parameters">
<title>Specifying parameters</title>
Component parameters may always be specified in the page or component
specification, using the
&spec.binding;, &spec.static-binding; and &spec.message-binding; elements. Prior to Tapestry 3.0, that
was the only way ... but with 3.0, it is possible to specify parameters directly within the
HTML template.
Using either style of component (declared or implicit), parameters of the component may be <emphasis>bound</emphasis>
by adding attributes to the tag.
Most attributes bind parameters to a static (unchanging) value, equivalent to using
the &spec.static-binding; element in the specification. Static bindings are just the
literal text, the attribute value from the HTML template.
Prefixing an attribute value with <literal>ognl:</literal> indicates that the value
is really an &OGNL; expression, equivalent to using the &spec.binding; element in the specification.
Finally, prefixing an attribute value with <literal>message:</literal> indicates that the value
is really a key used to get a localized message, equivalent to the &spec.message-binding; element
in the specification. Every page, and every component, is allowed to have its own set of messages (stored
in a set of <literal>.properties</literal> files), and the <literal>message:</literal> prefix allows access
to the localized messages stored in the files.
<title>Seperation of Concerns</title>
Before Tapestry 3.0, there was a more clear separation of concerns. The template could only have declared
components (not implicit), and any informal attributes in the template were always static values. The type
of the component and all its formal parameters were always expressed in the specification. The template was very much
focused on presentation, and the specification was very much focused on business logic. There were
always minor exceptions to the rules, but in general, seperation of concerns was very good.
With Tapestry 3.0, you can do more in the HTML template, and the specification file is much less
important ... but the seperation of concerns is much more blurred together. It is very much acceptible to
mix and match these approaches, even within a single page. In general, when learning Tapestry, or when prototyping, it
is completely appopriate to do as much as possible in the HTML template. For large and complex
applications, there are benefits to moving as much of the dynamic logic as possible out
of the template and into the specification.
</section> <!-- templates.components.parameters -->
<section id="template.components.formal">
<title>Formal and informal parameters</title>
Components may accept two types of parameters: <emphasis>formal</emphasis>
and <emphasis>informal</emphasis>. Formal parameters are those defined in the
component's specification, using the &spec.parameter; element.
Informal parameters are <emphasis>additional</emphasis> parameters, beyond those
known when the component was created.
The majority of components that accept informal parameters simply emit the informal
parameters as additional attributes. Why is that useful? Because it allows you to
specify common HTML attributes such as <literal>class</literal> or <literal>id</literal>,
or JavaScript event handlers, without requiring that each component define each possible
HTML attribute (the list of which expands all the time).
If you are used to developing with JSPs and JSP tags, this will be quite a difference. JSP tags have
the equivalent of formal parameters (they are called "tag attributes"), but nothing like informal parameters. Often a relatively
simply JSP tag must be bloated with dozens of extra attributes, to support arbitrary
HTML attributes.
Informal and formal parameters can be specified in either the specification or in the template.
Informal parameters <emphasis>are not</emphasis> limited to literal strings, you may use
the <literal>ognl:</literal> and <literal>message:</literal> prefixes with them as well.
Not all components allow informal parameters; this is controlled by the
<literal>allow-informal-parameters</literal> attribute of the
&spec.component-specification; element. Many components do not map directly to an HTML element,
those are the ones that do not allow informal parameters. If a component forbids informal parameters,
then any informal parameters in the specification or the template will result in errors, with one exception:
static strings in the HTML template are simply ignored when informal parameters are forbidden; they
are presumed to be there only to support WYSIWYG preview.
Another conflict can occur when the HTML template specified an attribute that the component needs
to render itself. For example, the &DirectLink; component generates a <literal>&lt;a&gt;</literal> tag,
and needs to control the <literal>href</literal> attribute. However, for preview purposes, it often will
be written into the HTML template as:
&lt;a jwcid="@DirectLink" listener=". . ." href="#"&gt; . . . &lt;/a&gt;
This creates a conflict: will the template <literal>href</literal> be used,
or the dynamically generated value produced by the &DirectLink; component, or both? The answer is:
the component wins. The <literal>href</literal> attribute in the template is ignored.
Each component declares a list of reserved names using the &spec.reserved-parameter; element; these
are names which are not allowed as informal parameters, because the component generates
the named attribute itself, and doesn't want the value it writes to be overriden by an informal
parameter. Case is ignored when comparing attribute names to reserved names.
</section> <!-- template.components.formal -->
</section> <!-- template.components -->
<section id="template.directives">
<title>Template directives</title>
For the most part, a Tapestry page or component template consists of
just static HTML intermixed with tags representing components (containing the &jwcid; attribute).
The overarching goal is to make the Tapestry extensions completely invisible.
Tapestry supports a limited number of additional directives that are not about component placement, but
instead address other concerns about integrating the
efforts of HTML developers with the Java developers responsible
for the running application.
<section id="template.directives.l10n">
Tapestry includes a number of <link linkend="configuration.character-sets">localization features</link>. An important part of which
is to allow each page or component to have its own catalog of localized messages (modeled after the Java
&ResourceBundle; class).
The page (or component) message catalog is a collection of <filename>.properties</filename> files
that are stored with the page or component specification. They follow the same naming conventions
as for &ResourceBundle;s, so component <classname>MyComponent</classname> (whose specification file
is <filename>MyComponent.jwc</filename>) might have a default
message file of <filename></filename>, and a French translation as
<title>No global message catalog</title>
On oft-requested feature for Tapestry is to have a global message catalog, and a way to
access that catalog from the individual pages and components. This would allow common messages
to be written (and translated) just once. This is a feature that may be added to Tapestry 3.1.
As we've seen, it is possible to access the messages for a page or component using the
<literal>message:</literal> prefix on a component parameter (or use
the &spec.message-binding; element in a page or component specification).
What about the static text in the template itself? How does that get translated? One possibility
would be to make use of the Insert component for each piece of text to be displayed, for example:
&lt;span jwcid="@&Insert;" value="message:hello"&gt;Hello&lt;/span&gt;
This snippet will get the <literal>hello</literal> message from the page's message catalog
and insert it into the response. The text inside the &span;
tag is useful for WYSIWYG preview, but will be discarded at runtime in favor of a message string
from the catalog, such as "Hello", "Hola" or "Bonjour" (depending on the selected locale).
Because, in an internationalized application, this scenario
will occur with great frequency, Tapestry includes
a special directive to perform the equivalent function:
&lt;span key="hello"&gt;Hello&lt;/span&gt;
This is not an &Insert; component, but behaves in a similar way. The tag used must be
&span;. You do not use the <literal>message:</literal> prefix
on the message key (<literal>hello</literal>). You can't use OGNL expressions.
Normally, the &span; does not render, just the message.
However, if you specify any additional attributes in the &span; tag (such as, commonly,
<literal>id</literal> or <literal>class</literal> to specify a CSS style),
then the &span; will render around the message> For example, the template:
&lt;span class="error" key="invalid-access"&gt;Invalid Access&lt;/span&gt;
might render as:
&lt;span class="error"&gt;You do not have the necessary access.&lt;/span&gt;
In this example, the placeholder text "Invalid Access" was replaced with a much
longer message acquired from the message catalog.
In rare cases, your message may have pre-formatted HTML inside it. Normally, output is
filtered, so that any reserved
HTML characters in a message string are expanded to HTML entities. For example,
a <literal>&lt;</literal> will be expanded to <literal>&amp;lt;</literal>. If this is not desired,
add <literal>raw="true"</literal> to the &span;. This defeats the filtering, and text in the message
is passed through as-is.
</section> <!-- template.directives.l10n -->
<section id="template.directives.remove">
<title><literal>$remove$ jwcid</literal>
HTML templates in Tapestry serve two purposes. On the one hand, they are used to dynamically render
pages that end up in client web browsers. On the other hand, they allow HTML developers to use WYSIWYG editors
to modify the pages without running the full application.
We've already seen two ways in which Tapestry accomidates WYSIWYG preview. Informal component
parameters may be quietly dropped
if they conflict with reserved names defined by the component. Components that discard their body may enclose
static text used for WYSIWYG prefix.
In some cases, we need even more direct control over the content of the template. Consider, for example,
the following HTML template:
<title>HTML template with repetative blocks (partial)</title>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr jwcid="loop">
<td><span jwcid="insertFirstName">John</span></td>
<td><span jwcid="insertLastName">Doe</span></td>
This is part of the HTML template that writes out the names of a list of people, perhaps from some kind of database.
When this page renders, the <literal>loop</literal> component (presumably a &Foreach;, such details
being in the page's specification)
will render its body zero or more times. So we might see rows for "Frank Miller", "Alan Moore" and so forth
(depending on the content of the database).
However, every listing will also include "Frank Smith" and "Jane Jones" ... because the HTML developer left those
two rows in, to ensure that the layout of the table was correct with more than one row.
Tapestry allows a special &jwcid;, <literal>$remove$</literal>, for this case. A tag so marked is
not a component, but is instead eliminated from the
template. It is used, as in this case, to mark sections of the template that are just there for WYSIWYG preview.
Normally, <literal>$remove$</literal> would not be a valid component id, because it contains a dollar sign.
With this in mind, the template can be rewritten:
<title>Updated HTML template (partial)</title>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr jwcid="loop">
<td><span jwcid="insertFirstName">John</span></td>
<td><span jwcid="insertLastName">Doe</span></td>
<tr jwcid="$remove$">
<tr jwcid="$remove$">
With the <literal>$remove$</literal> blocks in place, the output is as expected, one row for each
row read from the database,
and "Frank Smith" and "Jane Jones" nowhere to be seen.
<title>No components in removed blocks</title>
It's not allowed to put components inside a removed block. This is effectively the same rule that prevents
components from being put inside discarded component bodies. Tapestry will throw an exception if a template
violates this rule.
</section> <!-- template.directives.remove -->
<section id="template.directives.content">
<title><literal>$content$ jwcid</literal></title>
In Tapestry, components can have their own templates. Because of how components integrate their own templates
with their bodies (the portion from their container's template), you can do a lot ofn iteresting things. It is very
common for a Tapestry application to have a Border component: a component that produces the &html;,
&head;, and &body; tags (along with additional tags
to reference stylesheets), plus some form of navigational control (typically, a nested table and a collection of links and images).
Once again, maintaining the ability to use WYSIWYG preview is a problem. Consider the following:
<title>Home page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<span jwcid="border">
<!-- Page specific content: -->
<form jwcid=". . .">
. . .
It is quite common for Tapestry applications to have a <emphasis>Border</emphasis>
component, a component that is used by pages to provide the
&html;, &head;, and
&body; tags, plus common navigational features (menus,
copyrights, and so forth). In this example, it is presumed that the <literal>border</literal>
component is a reference to just such as component.
When this page renders, the page template will provide the &html;, &head; and &body; tags.
Then when the <literal>border</literal> component renders, it will <emphasis>again</emphasis>
render those tags (possibly with different attributes, and mixed in to much other stuff).
If we put a <literal>$remove$</literal> on the &html; tag in the page template, the entire page will
be removed, causing runtime exceptions.
Instead, we want to identify that the portion of the template <emphasis>inside</emphasis>
the &body; tag (on the page template) is the only part that counts). The <literal>$content$</literal>
component id is used for this purpose:
<title>Home page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body jwcid="$content$">
<span jwcid="border">
<!-- Page specific content: -->
<form jwcid=". . .">
. . .
The &body; tag, the text preceding its open tag, the <sgmltag class="endtag">body</sgmltag> tag, and the text following
it are all removed. It's as if the template consisted only of the &span; tag for the <literal>border</literal> component.
</section> <!-- template.directives.content -->
</section> <!-- template.directives -->