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<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="+2"><b>Insert</b></font></td>
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/components/Insert.html">
<table align="right" valign="middle" bgcolor="#c0c0c0" cellpadding="8">
<td>Inserted text</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
<td colspan="2">
for the insertion of text (with a specified format) into the HTML.
The text itself can be 'transformed' or not (where 'transform' in
this case means that various characters like &lt; and &gt; are
transformed into HTML safe representations such as &amp;lt; and
&amp;gt;). The
value for the text is bound, just like any other component.
<td colspan="2">
<b>See Also</b>
<A href="Conditional.html">Conditional</a>,
<A href="Foreach.html">Foreach</a>,
<a href="RenderBlock.html">RenderBlock</a>,
<A href="InsertText.html">InsertText</a>,
<a href="RenderBody.html">RenderBody</a>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" class="parameters">
<td>The value to be inserted. If the binding is null, then nothing is
inserted. Any object may be inserted, the <tt>toString()</tt> method is
used to convert it to a printable value.
<a href="">
<td>An optional format object used to convert the value parameter for
insertion into the HTML response.
<td>If specified, then the output is wrapped in an HTML &lt;span&gt; tag,
using the value specified as the CSS class.
Informal parameters are only rendered if a class is specified.
<td>If true, then the method
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IMarkupWriter.html#printRaw(java.lang.String)">
<tt>IMarkupWriter.printRaw(String)</tt></a> is used, rather than
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IMarkupWriter.html#print(java.lang.String)">
<p>This bypasses the normal safeguards
and is used when the value to insert contains HTML markup that
should be emitted as is.</p>
<P>Body: <STRONG>removed</STRONG><BR>Informal parameters:
parameters: <EM>none</EM> </P>
<td colspan="2">
Inserts the pages dueDate and applies the specified DateFormat and HTML class.
<table class="examples" cellpadding="8">
The order was due on the <font color="red"><b>21 January 2002</b></font>.
The order was due on the &lt;span jwcid="<span class="jwcid">@<a href="Insert.html">Insert</a></span>" value="ognl:dueDate" format="ognl:@EnquiryPage.@DATE_FORMAT" class=&quot;ognl:dueClass&quot;/&gt;.
&lt;property-specification name=&quot;dueDate&quot; type=&quot;java.util.Date&quot;/&gt;<br>&lt;property-specification name=&quot;dueClass&quot; type=&quot;java.lang.String&quot;/&gt;<br>
public abstract class EnquiryPage extends BasePage {
public static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");
public abstract Date getDueDate();
public abstract String getDueClass();
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