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<td><font size="+2"><b>ImageSubmit</b></font></td>
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/form/ImageSubmit.html">
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<td><A href="ImageSubmit.html"><IMG alt=Submit src="images/intray.png"></A></td>
<td colspan="2"><hr></td>
<td colspan="2">
Provides an image button inside a <A href="Form.html">Form</A>. Clicking the
button submits the form and may notify a configured
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IActionListener.html">listener</A>
or select property.
The <a href="">
<tt>Point</tt></a> parameter can be used to determine where on the image
the user clicked.
In typical use, the application needs to know which ImageSubmit
was the one clicked by the user. This can be accomplished in two ways:
<li>Use the <b>selected</b> and <b>tag</b> parameters to identify
the button.
<li>Use the <b>listener</b> to perform an operation directly</li>
If a listener is used, it will be invoked as the ImageSubmit
component is rewound. In addition, the <A href="Form.html">Form</A>'s
listener will invoked if it is defined.
Use the first method if you need to be sure that the entire form has rewound
before any logic specific to the ImageSubmit is triggered.
<td colspan="2">
<b>See Also</b>
<A href="Form.html">Form</A>,
<A href="Image.html">Image</A>,
<A href="Submit.html">Submit</A>
<td colspan="2">
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4" class="parameters">
<td><A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IAsset.html"><tt>IAsset</tt></A></td>
<td>The image to show.</td>
The name to use for the form element. Under Netscape Navigator 4, this name
becomes the tooltip. The name may be modified (by adding a number to the
end) to ensure that it is unique within the form.
If set to true, the button will be disabled (will not respond to the mouse).
If an alternate image is defined, it will be displayed (typically a
greyed-out version of the normal image).
<td><A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IAsset.html"><tt>IAsset</tt></A></td>
An alternate image to display if the component is disabled. If the component
is disabled and this parameter is not specified, the normal image is used.
<a href="">
The point at which the image was clicked; used for rare components that
actually need to know (typically, using the image button list a simple image
This parameter is bound to a property that is updated when the image button
is clicked by the user (submitting the form). The property is updated to
match the tag parameter.
Tag used with the selected parameter to indicate which image button on a
form was clicked. This parameter is required if the selected paremeter is
<A href="../api/org/apache/tapestry/IActionListener.html">
If specified, the listener is notified. This notification occurs as the
component is rewound, i.e., prior to the <A href="Form.html">form</A>'s
listener. In addition, the selected property (if bound) will be updated
before the listener is notified.
Body: <STRONG>removed</STRONG><BR>
Informal parameters: <STRONG>allowed</STRONG><br>
Reserved parameters: "src", "type", "border"
<td colspan="2">
This example uses the ImageSubmit to provide two form processing priority
image buttons.
<table cellspacing="12" bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
<img alt="Standard Submit" src="images/intray-green.png"/>
<img alt="Urgent Submit" src="images/intray-red.png"/>
&lt;form jwcid="@<a href="Form.html">Form</a>"&gt;
&lt;img jwcid="<span class="jwcid">@<a href="ImageSubmit.html">ImageSubmit</a></span>" image="ognl:assets.standardImage" listener="ognl:listeners.standardSubmit" alt="Standard Submit"/&gt;
&lt;img jwcid="<span class="jwcid">@<a href="ImageSubmit.html">ImageSubmit</a></span>" image="ognl:assets.urgentImage" listener="ognl:listeners.urgentSubmit" alt="Urgent Submit"/&gt;
&lt;private-asset name="standardImage" resource-path="/com/mycorp/intray-green.png"/&gt;
&lt;private-asset name="urgentImage" resource-path="/com/mycorp/intray-red.png"/&gt;
package com.mycorp;
public class FormPage extends BasePage {
public void standardSubmit(IRequesCycle cycle) {
// Process standard priority submit.
public void urgentSubmit(IRequesCycle cycle) {
// Process urgent priority submit.
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