blob: 83007bdbdf28872b43bb726e9aa15df1bbb09c7b [file] [log] [blame]
# $Id$
field-is-required=You must enter a value for {0}.
field-too-short=You must enter at least {0} characters for {1}.
invalid-date-format=Invalid date format for {0}. Format is {1}.
invalid-int-format={0} must be an integer value.
invalid-format={0} is not in a recognized format.
invalid-numeric-format={0} must be a numeric value.
date-too-early={0} must be on or after {1}.
date-too-late={0} must be on or before {1}.
number-too-small={0} must not be smaller than {1}.
number-too-large={0} must not be larger than {1}.
number-range={0} must be between {1} and {2}.
invalid-email-format=Invalid email format for {0}. Format is user@hostname.
pattern-not-matched={0} does not fulfill the required pattern {1}.
invalid-url-format = Invalid URL.
disallowed-protocol = Disallowed protocol - protocol must be {0}.