blob: c48fb45683697767957a33a8cbc2e3c0e4834b21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tapestry.valid;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.tapestry.ApplicationRuntimeException;
import org.apache.tapestry.IMarkupWriter;
import org.apache.tapestry.IRequestCycle;
import org.apache.tapestry.Tapestry;
import org.apache.tapestry.form.IFormComponent;
import org.apache.tapestry.util.AdaptorRegistry;
* Simple validation for standard number classes. This is probably insufficient
* for anything tricky and application specific, such as parsing currency.
* @author Howard Lewis Ship
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.0.8
public class NumberValidator extends BaseValidator
private static final Map TYPES = new HashMap();
static {
TYPES.put("boolean", boolean.class);
TYPES.put("Boolean", Boolean.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Boolean", Boolean.class);
TYPES.put("char", char.class);
TYPES.put("Character", Character.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Character", Character.class);
TYPES.put("short", short.class);
TYPES.put("Short", Short.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Short", Short.class);
TYPES.put("int", int.class);
TYPES.put("Integer", Integer.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Integer", Integer.class);
TYPES.put("long", long.class);
TYPES.put("Long", Long.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Long", Long.class);
TYPES.put("float", float.class);
TYPES.put("Float", Float.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Float", Float.class);
TYPES.put("byte", byte.class);
TYPES.put("Byte", Byte.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Byte", Byte.class);
TYPES.put("double", double.class);
TYPES.put("Double", Double.class);
TYPES.put("java.lang.Double", Double.class);
TYPES.put("java.math.BigInteger", BigInteger.class);
TYPES.put("java.math.BigDecimal", BigDecimal.class);
private static final Set INT_TYPES = new HashSet();
private Class _valueTypeClass = int.class;
private boolean _zeroIsNull;
private Number _minimum;
private Number _maximum;
private String _scriptPath = "/org/apache/tapestry/valid/NumberValidator.script";
private String _invalidNumericFormatMessage;
private String _invalidIntegerFormatMessage;
private String _numberTooSmallMessage;
private String _numberTooLargeMessage;
private String _numberRangeMessage;
private static AdaptorRegistry _numberAdaptors = new AdaptorRegistry();
public final static int NUMBER_TYPE_INTEGER = 0;
public final static int NUMBER_TYPE_REAL = 1;
* This class is not meant for use outside of NumberValidator; it
* is public only to fascilitate some unit testing.
public static abstract class NumberAdaptor
* Parses a non-empty {@link String} into the correct subclass of
* {@link Number}.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the String can not be parsed.
abstract public Number parse(String value);
* Indicates the type of the number represented -- integer or real.
* The information is used to build the client-side validator.
* This method could return a boolean, but returns an int to allow
* future extensions of the validator.
* @return one of the predefined number types
abstract public int getNumberType();
public int compare(Number left, Number right)
if (!left.getClass().equals(right.getClass()))
right = coerce(right);
Comparable lc = (Comparable) left;
return lc.compareTo(right);
* Invoked when comparing two Numbers of different types.
* The number is cooerced from its ordinary type to
* the correct type for comparison.
* @since 3.0
protected abstract Number coerce(Number number);
private static abstract class IntegerNumberAdaptor extends NumberAdaptor
public int getNumberType()
private static abstract class RealNumberAdaptor extends NumberAdaptor
public int getNumberType()
private static class ByteAdaptor extends IntegerNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Byte(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Byte(number.byteValue());
private static class ShortAdaptor extends IntegerNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Short(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Short(number.shortValue());
private static class IntAdaptor extends IntegerNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Integer(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Integer(number.intValue());
private static class LongAdaptor extends IntegerNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Long(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Long(number.longValue());
private static class FloatAdaptor extends RealNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Float(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Float(number.floatValue());
private static class DoubleAdaptor extends RealNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new Double(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new Double(number.doubleValue());
private static class BigDecimalAdaptor extends RealNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new BigDecimal(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue());
private static class BigIntegerAdaptor extends IntegerNumberAdaptor
public Number parse(String value)
return new BigInteger(value);
protected Number coerce(Number number)
return new BigInteger(number.toString());
static {
NumberAdaptor byteAdaptor = new ByteAdaptor();
NumberAdaptor shortAdaptor = new ShortAdaptor();
NumberAdaptor intAdaptor = new IntAdaptor();
NumberAdaptor longAdaptor = new LongAdaptor();
NumberAdaptor floatAdaptor = new FloatAdaptor();
NumberAdaptor doubleAdaptor = new DoubleAdaptor();
_numberAdaptors.register(Byte.class, byteAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(byte.class, byteAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(Short.class, shortAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(short.class, shortAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(Integer.class, intAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(int.class, intAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(Long.class, longAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(long.class, longAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(Float.class, floatAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(float.class, floatAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(Double.class, doubleAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(double.class, doubleAdaptor);
_numberAdaptors.register(BigDecimal.class, new BigDecimalAdaptor());
_numberAdaptors.register(BigInteger.class, new BigIntegerAdaptor());
public String toString(IFormComponent field, Object value)
if (value == null)
return null;
if (_zeroIsNull)
Number number = (Number) value;
if (number.doubleValue() == 0.0)
return null;
return value.toString();
private NumberAdaptor getAdaptor(IFormComponent field)
NumberAdaptor result = getAdaptor(_valueTypeClass);
if (result == null)
throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
return result;
* Returns an adaptor for the given type.
* <p>
* Note: this method exists only for testing purposes. It is not meant to
* be invoked by user code and is subject to change at any time.
* @param type the type (a Number subclass) for which to return an adaptor
* @return the adaptor, or null if no such adaptor may be found
* @since 3.0
public static NumberAdaptor getAdaptor(Class type)
return (NumberAdaptor) _numberAdaptors.getAdaptor(type);
public Object toObject(IFormComponent field, String value) throws ValidatorException
if (checkRequired(field, value))
return null;
NumberAdaptor adaptor = getAdaptor(field);
Number result = null;
result = adaptor.parse(value);
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
throw new ValidatorException(
if (_minimum != null &&, _minimum) < 0)
throw new ValidatorException(
if (_maximum != null &&, _maximum) > 0)
throw new ValidatorException(
return result;
public Number getMaximum()
return _maximum;
public boolean getHasMaximum()
return _maximum != null;
public void setMaximum(Number maximum)
_maximum = maximum;
public Number getMinimum()
return _minimum;
public boolean getHasMinimum()
return _minimum != null;
public void setMinimum(Number minimum)
_minimum = minimum;
* If true, then when rendering, a zero is treated as a non-value, and null is returned.
* If false, the default, then zero is rendered as zero.
public boolean getZeroIsNull()
return _zeroIsNull;
public void setZeroIsNull(boolean zeroIsNull)
_zeroIsNull = zeroIsNull;
* @since 2.2
public void renderValidatorContribution(
IFormComponent field,
IMarkupWriter writer,
IRequestCycle cycle)
if (!isClientScriptingEnabled())
if (!(isRequired() || _minimum != null || _maximum != null))
Map symbols = new HashMap();
if (isRequired())
symbols.put("requiredMessage", buildRequiredMessage(field));
if (isIntegerNumber())
symbols.put("formatMessage", buildInvalidIntegerFormatMessage(field));
symbols.put("formatMessage", buildInvalidNumericFormatMessage(field));
if (_minimum != null || _maximum != null)
symbols.put("rangeMessage", buildRangeMessage(field));
processValidatorScript(_scriptPath, cycle, field, symbols);
private String buildRangeMessage(IFormComponent field)
if (_minimum != null && _maximum != null)
return buildNumberRangeMessage(field);
if (_maximum != null)
return buildNumberTooLargeMessage(field);
return buildNumberTooSmallMessage(field);
* @since 2.2
public String getScriptPath()
return _scriptPath;
* Allows a developer to use the existing validation logic with a different client-side
* script. This is often sufficient to allow application-specific error presentation
* (perhaps by using DHTML to update the content of a &lt;span&gt; tag, or to use
* a more sophisticated pop-up window than <code>window.alert()</code>).
* @since 2.2
public void setScriptPath(String scriptPath)
_scriptPath = scriptPath;
/** Sets the value type from a string type name. The name may be
* a scalar numeric type, a fully qualified class name, or the name
* of a numeric wrapper type from java.lang (with the package name omitted).
* @since 3.0
public void setValueType(String typeName)
Class typeClass = (Class) TYPES.get(typeName);
if (typeClass == null)
throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(
Tapestry.format("NumberValidator.unknown-type", typeName));
_valueTypeClass = typeClass;
/** @since 3.0 **/
public void setValueTypeClass(Class valueTypeClass)
_valueTypeClass = valueTypeClass;
* Returns the value type to convert strings back into. The default is int.
* @since 3.0
public Class getValueTypeClass()
return _valueTypeClass;
/** @since 3.0 */
public String getInvalidNumericFormatMessage()
return _invalidNumericFormatMessage;
/** @since 3.0 */
public String getInvalidIntegerFormatMessage()
return _invalidIntegerFormatMessage;
/** @since 3.0 */
public String getNumberRangeMessage()
return _numberRangeMessage;
/** @since 3.0 */
public String getNumberTooLargeMessage()
return _numberTooLargeMessage;
/** @since 3.0 */
public String getNumberTooSmallMessage()
return _numberTooSmallMessage;
* Overrides the <code>invalid-numeric-format</code> bundle key.
* Parameter {0} is the display name of the field.
* @since 3.0
public void setInvalidNumericFormatMessage(String string)
_invalidNumericFormatMessage = string;
* Overrides the <code>invalid-int-format</code> bundle key.
* Parameter {0} is the display name of the field.
* @since 3.0
public void setInvalidIntegerFormatMessage(String string)
_invalidIntegerFormatMessage = string;
/** @since 3.0 */
protected String buildInvalidNumericFormatMessage(IFormComponent field)
String pattern =
return formatString(pattern, field.getDisplayName());
/** @since 3.0 */
protected String buildInvalidIntegerFormatMessage(IFormComponent field)
String pattern =
return formatString(pattern, field.getDisplayName());
* Overrides the <code>number-range</code> bundle key.
* Parameter [0} is the display name of the field.
* Parameter {1} is the minimum value.
* Parameter {2} is the maximum value.
* @since 3.0
public void setNumberRangeMessage(String string)
_numberRangeMessage = string;
protected String buildNumberRangeMessage(IFormComponent field)
String pattern =
getPattern(_numberRangeMessage, "number-range", field.getPage().getLocale());
return formatString(pattern, new Object[] { field.getDisplayName(), _minimum, _maximum });
* Overrides the <code>number-too-large</code> bundle key.
* Parameter {0} is the display name of the field.
* Parameter {1} is the maximum allowed value.
* @since 3.0
public void setNumberTooLargeMessage(String string)
_numberTooLargeMessage = string;
/** @since 3.0 */
protected String buildNumberTooLargeMessage(IFormComponent field)
String pattern =
getPattern(_numberTooLargeMessage, "number-too-large", field.getPage().getLocale());
return formatString(pattern, field.getDisplayName(), _maximum);
* Overrides the <code>number-too-small</code> bundle key.
* Parameter {0} is the display name of the field.
* Parameter {1} is the minimum allowed value.
* @since 3.0
public void setNumberTooSmallMessage(String string)
_numberTooSmallMessage = string;
/** @since 3.0 */
protected String buildNumberTooSmallMessage(IFormComponent field)
String pattern =
getPattern(_numberTooSmallMessage, "number-too-small", field.getPage().getLocale());
return formatString(pattern, field.getDisplayName(), _minimum);
/** @since 3.0 */
public boolean isIntegerNumber()
NumberAdaptor result = (NumberAdaptor) _numberAdaptors.getAdaptor(_valueTypeClass);
if (result == null)
return false;
return result.getNumberType() == NUMBER_TYPE_INTEGER;