Support for Tapestry injections in Spock specifications

This sub-project, tapestry-spock, provides support for Tapestry injections in Spock specifications. Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications.

Usage example

 class UniverseSpec extends Specification {
    UniverseService service
    UniverseService copy = service
    def "service knows the answer to the universe"() {
      copy == service        // injection occurred before 'copy' was initialized
      service.answer() == 42 // what else did you expect?!

@ImportModule indicates which Tapestry module(s) should be started (and subsequently shut down). The deprecated @SubModule annotation is still supported for compatibility reasons.

@Inject marks fields which should be injected with a Tapestry service or symbol. Related Tapestry annotations, such as @Service and @Symbol, are also supported.

Drop-in replacement for spock-tapestry

This software was originally part of the Spock project, known as spock-tapestry. The Tapestry project adopted the software as tapestry-spock to overcome the backwards incompatibilities introduced by Tapestry 5.7.

tapestry-spock works as a drop-in replacement for spock-tapestry. So, when upgrading to Tapestry 5.7, use

testRuntimeOnly "org.apache.tapestry:tapestry-spock:$tapestryVersion" (Gradle)

instead of

testRuntimeOnly "org.spockframework:spock-tapestry:$spockVersion".

