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Service Advisors
Service Advisors
Service advice represents a powerful meta-programming facility availble to services. In fact, it is a kind
of limited Aspect Oriented Programming.
Service advice allows you to intercept method invocations on your services; you have the abillity
to see what methods get invoked, what the parameters are. You can let the normal code do it work, and then
inspect or event adjust the return value, or any thrown exceptions. And you can do this all in normal Java code.
A common example of method-level service advice is to log method entry and exit, complete with
parameter values, return values, and thrown exceptions. Other approaches include security checks, transaction
management, and other broadly spanning concerns.
Let's start with a (contrived) example. Let's say you have an existing set of services that have methods
that sometimes return null, and you want them to return an empty string instead because you are getting some NullPointerExceptions.
You could track down the implementation of each service and fix the logic that provides a return value ...
or you could advise the methods:
public static void adviseNonNull(MethodAdviceReciever receiver)
MethodAdvice advice = new MethodAdvice()
void advise(Invocation invocation)
if (invocation.getResultType().equals(String.class) && invocation.getResult().equals(null))
This is a method that is placed in a module class. Note the terminology: <advise> is the verb ("to advise a method")
and <advice> is the noun ("with this advice"). The
is a wrapper around the service being advised: you can add advice to some or all methods of the service, and also
obtain the interface of the service. It is automatically passed into service advisor methods.
The {{{injection.html}guide to injection}} describes what can be injected into a service advisor method.
Service advisor methods {must} have a parameter of type MethodAdviceReciever.
A service will often be advised multiple times; any method may have any number of advice objects applied to it.
Some methods may not get any advice. All of this is acceptible.
Service advisor methods are always void methods (this is different than {{{decorator.html}service decorator methods}}).
The {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Match.html}@Match}}
annotation indicates that this advice applies to all services (both your own, and those defined by Tapestry).
You will want to narrow down which services are actually targetted in most cases.
Note that some services, especially those built-in to Tapestry IoC, are marked as
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/PreventServiceDecoration.html}not subject to decoration}},
this applies to service advice as well as service decoration.
The {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/MethodAdvice.html}MethodAdvice}} interface is very simple; it receives an
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/Invocation.html}Invocation}} representing a method call. Invocation
has methods for inspecting the type and value of the parameters, and for overriding the values of the parameters.
The call to proceed() allows the invocation to continue; that is, the original method is invoked. If the method has been advised
multiple times, the call to proceed() may chain into the next MethodAdvice object. In any case,
after invoking proceed(), you may inspect
and override the result (the return value).
Advice is pretty efficient, but it would still be better to apply it only to methods that make sense.
We can improve our service advisor method to only advise methods that return String:
public static void adviseNonNull(MethodAdviceReciever receiver)
MethodAdvice advice = new MethodAdvice()
void advise(Invocation invocation)
if (invocation.getResult().equals(null))
for (Method m : receiver.getServiceInterface().getMethods())
if (m.getReturnType().equals(String.class))
reciever.adviseMethod(m, advice);
Built-in Advice
Tapestry includes two built-in advisor services.
* Logging Advice
Logging advice is built into Tapestry. You can apply logging advice to your services very easily:
public static void adviseLogging(LoggingAdvisor loggingAdvisor, Logger logger, MethodAdviceReciever reciever)
loggingAdvisor.addLoggingAdvice(logger, reciever);
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/services/LoggingAdvisor.html}LoggingAdvisor}} is
a built-in Tapestry IoC service. This demonstrates how services can be injected into
service advisor methods. The Logger parameter is the logger for the service being advised.
* Lazy Advice
makes method invocations lazy: methods that return an interface (rather than a value)
will not execute immediately; instead, the method invocation is postponed
until a method of the return value is invoked.
Matching And Orderering
Each service advice method gets a unique id, obtained by stripping the "advise" prefix from the method name.
Advice ids must be unique across all modules.
If the @Match annotation is omitted, the advice will match against a service with the same id.
In many cases, the order in which the advice is given is very important; for example, you may want
logging first, then transaction management, then security checks. The
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Order.html}@Order}} annotation allows you
to explictly set the order.
Decorators and Advice
{{{decorator.html}Service decorators}} are another way to achieve the same thing; service advisors are a more
recent addition, added in Tapestry 5.1.
It is not recommended that you mix advice and decoration. If you do, decoration take precendence; all decorators
will be in effect before any advice (internally, they are two seperate steps, with advice being processed and the
result of that used by the decorators).