blob: 139ec2b9ce29f170deb0f1f25022aec75e9c48c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.apache.tapestry5.integration.app5.pages.URLRewriteSuccess;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.OrderedConfiguration;
import org.apache.tapestry5.urlrewriter.*;
public class AppModule
private static final String SUCCESS_PAGE_NAME = URLRewriteSuccess.class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
public static void contributeURLRewriter(OrderedConfiguration<URLRewriterRule> configuration) {
URLRewriterRule rule1 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
final String path = request.getPath();
if (path.equals("/struts"))
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, "/jsf");
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability() {
return RewriteRuleApplicability.INBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule2 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
final String path = request.getPath();
if (path.equals("/jsf"))
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, "/tapestry");
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability() {
return RewriteRuleApplicability.INBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule3 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request,URLRewriteContext context)
String path = request.getPath();
if (path.equals("/tapestry"))
path = "/" + SUCCESS_PAGE_NAME;
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, path);
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability()
return RewriteRuleApplicability.INBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule4 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
String serverName = request.getServerName();
String path = request.getPath();
if (serverName.equals(IntegrationTests.SUBDOMAIN) && path.equals("/"))
path = String.format("/%s/%s", SUCCESS_PAGE_NAME, IntegrationTests.LOGIN);
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, path);
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability()
return RewriteRuleApplicability.INBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule5 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
String serverName = request.getServerName();
String path = request.getPath();
final String pathToRewrite = "/" + SUCCESS_PAGE_NAME + "/login";
if (serverName.equals("localhost") && path.equalsIgnoreCase(pathToRewrite))
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, IntegrationTests.SUBDOMAIN, "/");
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability()
return RewriteRuleApplicability.OUTBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule6 = new URLRewriterRule()
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
String serverName = request.getServerName();
String path = request.getPath().toLowerCase();
if (serverName.equals("localhost") && path.equals("/dummy"))
request = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, "/notdummy");
return request;
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability()
return RewriteRuleApplicability.OUTBOUND;
URLRewriterRule rule7 = new Rule7();
configuration.add("rule1", rule1);
configuration.add("rule2", rule2, "after:rule1");
configuration.add("rule3", rule3, "after:rule2");
configuration.add("rule4", rule4);
configuration.add("rule5", rule5);
configuration.add("rule6", rule6);
configuration.add("rule7", rule7);
//note that as this is a test, there are a lot of shortcuts employed in the url processing.
//and the example is entirely contrived.
//But it does illustrate the sorts of things that are possible.
static class Rule7 implements URLRewriterRule
private Request decodePage(Request request)
//want to skip first slash plus the slash trailing rpage.
int idx =request.getPath().indexOf('/',7);
String pageName;
String pathRemainder;
if (idx == -1) {
pageName = request.getPath().substring(7);
pathRemainder = "";
} else {
pageName = request.getPath().substring(7,idx);
pathRemainder = request.getPath().substring(idx);
String newPath = "/" + reverse(pageName)
+ pathRemainder;
return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request,newPath);
private Request decodeEventLink(Request request, String path,int idx)
String event = null;
//do we have a slash after?
int slashIdx = path.indexOf('/',idx);
if (slashIdx == -1) {
event = reverse(path.substring(idx+1));
path = path.substring(0,idx) ;
} else {
event = reverse(path.substring(idx+1,slashIdx));
path = path.substring(0,idx) + path.substring(slashIdx);
return decodeComponentLink(request,path,event);
private Request decodeComponentLink(Request request, String path, String event)
int idx = path.indexOf('.');
String pageName;
String componentName=null;//idea complains about componentName might not be initialized otherwise.
if (idx == -1)
idx = path.indexOf('/');
if (idx < 1)
pageName = reverse(path);
path = "";
} else {
pageName = reverse(path.substring(0,idx));
path = path.substring(idx);
int slashIdx = path.indexOf('/',idx);
pageName = reverse(path.substring(0,idx));
if (slashIdx < 1) {
componentName = reverse(path.substring(idx+1));
path = "";
} else {
componentName = reverse(path.substring(idx+1,slashIdx));
path = path.substring(slashIdx);
path = "/" + pageName + (componentName==null?"":"."+componentName)
+ (event==null?"":":" + event) + path;
return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request,path);
public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
if (context.isIncoming()) {
if (request.getPath().startsWith("/rpage/"))
return decodePage(request);
else if (request.getPath().startsWith("/cevent/"))
String path = request.getPath().substring(8);
//check for event presence first.
int idx = path.indexOf(':');
if (idx != -1)
return decodeEventLink(request,path,idx);
return decodeComponentLink(request,path,null);
else if (context.getPageParameters() != null)
//page link reversing is just to illustrate the fact that we can manipulate paths without caring about
//the precise details of the path. Except, we don't want to mess with index, URLRewriteSuccess,
//or dummy because that messes up the rest of the tests.
String pageName = context.getPageParameters().getLogicalPageName().toLowerCase();
if (pageName.equals("index") || pageName.equals("urlrewritesuccess") || pageName.equals("dummy")) {
return request;
String newPath = "/rpage" + request.getPath().replaceAll(pageName,reverse(pageName));
return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request,newPath);
//mangle the event details.
String pageName = context.getComponentEventParameters().getActivePageName().toLowerCase();
if (pageName.equals("index") || pageName.equals("urlrewritesuccess") || pageName.equals("dummy")) {
return request;
String eventName = context.getComponentEventParameters().getEventType().toLowerCase();
String componentId = context.getComponentEventParameters().getNestedComponentId().toLowerCase();
String newPath = "/cevent" +
return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, newPath);
return request;
private String reverse(String input) {
if (input == null) return null;
StringBuilder rev = new StringBuilder(input.length());
for(int i=input.length();i>0;i--)
return rev.toString();
public RewriteRuleApplicability applicability()
return RewriteRuleApplicability.BOTH;