blob: d97d753382584ca82d76b3cda5c864b0a699809f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
duplicate-contribution=Contribution %s (for type %s) conflicts with existing contribution %s and has been ignored.
markup-writer-no-current-element=This markup writer does not have a current element. \
The current element is established with the first call to element() and is \
maintained across subsequent calls.
error-adding-method=Error adding method %s to class %s: %s
class-not-transformed=Class %s was not transformed for use as a component; this can happen if it is an interface, or was not in a package subject to component transformation.
missing-template-resource=Template resource %s does not exist.
content-inside-body-not-allowed=Content inside a Tapestry body element is not allowed (at %s). The content has been ignored.
method-compile-error=Error compiling method %s (%s): %s
render-queue-error=Render queue error in %s: %s
read-only-field=Field %s.%s is read-only.
non-private-fields=Class %s contains field(s) (%s) that are not private. \
You should change these fields to private, and add accessor methods if needed.
mixins-invalid-without-id-or-type=You may not specify mixins for element <%s> because it does not represent a component (which requires either an id attribute or a type attribute).
binding-source-failure=Could not convert '%s' into a component parameter binding: %s
page-name-unresolved=Unable to resolve class name %s to a logical page name.
context-index-out-of-range=Method %s has more parameters than there are context values for this component event.
exception-in-method-parameter=Exception in method %s, parameter #%d: %s
component-event-is-aborted=Can not store result from invoking method %s, because an event result value has already been obtained from some other event handler method.
could-not-canonicalize-page-name=Unable to resolve '%s' to a known page name. Available page names: %s.
parameter-name-must-be-unique=Parameter names are required to be unique. Parameter '%s' already has the value '%s'.
page-is-dirty=Page %s is dirty, and will be discarded (rather than returned to the page pool).
component-instance-is-not-a-page=Component %s was returned from an event handler method, but is not a page component. The page containing the component will render the client response.
failure-reading-messages=Unable to read message catalog from %s: %s
unknown-asset-prefix=Unknown prefix for asset path '%s'.
asset-does-not-exist=Unable to locate asset '%s' (the file does not exist).
wrong-asset-digest=The asset digest in the request does not match the actual digest for asset '%s'. This indicates that the content of the asset has changed between requests.
unknown-validator-type=Unknown validator type '%s'. Configured validators are %s.
validator-specification-parse-error=Unexpected character '%s' at position %d of input string: %s
missing-from-environment=No object of type %s is available from the Environment. Available types are %s.
undefined-tapestry-attribute=Element <%s> does not support an attribute named '%s'. The only allowed attribute name is '%s'.
attribute-not-allowed=Element <%s> does not support any attributes.
parameter-element-name-required=The name attribute of the <parameter> element must be specified.
missing-application-state-persistence-strategy=No application state persistence strategy is available with name '%s'. Available strategies: %s.
request-exception=Processing of request failed with uncaught exception: %s
component-recursion=The template for component %s is recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component %<s). \
This is not supported (components may not contain themselves).
client-state-must-be-serializable=State persisted on the client must be serializable, but %s does not implement the Serializable interface.
corrupt-client-state=Serialized client state was corrupted. \
This may indicate that too much state is being stored, which can cause the encoded string to be truncated by the client web browser.
unclosed-attribute-expression=Attribute expression '%s' is missing a closing brace.
no-display-for-data-type=There is no defined way to display data of type '%s'. Make a contribution to the BeanBlockSource service for this type.
no-edit-for-data-type=There is no defined way to edit data of type '%s'. Make a contribution to the BeanBlockSource service for this type.
missing-validator-constraint=Validator '%s' requires a validation constraint (of type %s) but none was provided. \
The constraint may be provided inside the @Validator annotaton on the property, \
or in the associated component message catalog as key '%s' or key '%s'.
resource-access-forbidden=URI %s may not be accessed remotely.
no-markup-from-page-render=Page %s did not generate any markup when rendered. This could be because its template file could not be located, or because a \
render phase method in the page prevented rendering.
base-class-in-wrong-package=Base class %s (super class of %s) is not in a controlled package and is therefore not valid. You should try moving the class to package %s.
invalid-component-id=Component id '%s' is not valid; component ids must be valid Java identifiers: start with a letter, and consist of letters, numbers and underscores.
invalid-block-id=Block id '%s' is not valid; block ids must be valid Java identifiers: start with a letter, and consist of letters, numbers and underscores.
page-pool-exausted=The page pool for page '%s' (in locale %s) has been exausted: there are %d instances currently being used and no more can be created. \
Try increasing the hard limit (symbol to allow additional instances to be created, \
or increasing the soft wait (symbol to trade away some throughput for more efficient use of page instances.
no-translator-for-type=No translator is defined for type %s. Registered types: %s.
parameter-binding-must-not-be-empty=Parameter '%s' must have a non-empty binding.
no-such-method=Class %s does not contain a method named '%s()'.
forbid-instantiate-component-class=Component class %s may not be instantiated directly. You should use an @InjectPage or @InjectComponent annotation instead.
event-not-handled=Request event '%s' (on component %s) was not handled; you must provide a matching event handler method in the component or in one of its containers.
document-missing-html-root=The root element of the rendered document was <%s>, not <html>. A root element of <html> is needed when linking JavaScript and stylesheet resources.
add-new-method-conflict=Unable to add new method %s as it already exists.
parameter-element-does-not-allow-attributes=A block parameter element does not allow any additional attributes. The element name defines the parameter name.
invalid-path-for-library-namespace=The path portion of library namespace URI '%s' is not valid: it must be a simple identifier, or a series of identifiers seperated by slashes.
literal-conduit-not-updateable=Literal values are not updateable.
request-rewrite-returned-null=URLRewriterRule.process returned null while processing incoming request
link-rewrite-returned-null=URLRewriterRule.process returned null while processing outbound link.
markup-writer-attribute-name-or-value-omitted=Writing attributes of the element '%s' failed. A attribute name or value is omitted [%s]. Please provide an even number of values, alternating names and values