blob: cd8ad8ed610c619879c32c65f22118cb71630008 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javassist.*;
import javassist.expr.ExprEditor;
import javassist.expr.FieldAccess;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.func.Predicate;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.InternalComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.IdAllocator;
import org.apache.tapestry5.model.ComponentModel;
import org.apache.tapestry5.model.MutableComponentModel;
import org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.Component;
import org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEvent;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Implementation of the {@link} interface.
public final class InternalClassTransformationImpl implements InternalClassTransformation
public static final MethodSignature INVOKE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(MethodInvocationResult.class, "invoke",
new Class[]
{ Object.class, Object[].class }, null);
public static final MethodSignature FIELD_ACCESS_READ_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(Object.class, "read",
new Class[]
{ Object.class }, null);
public static final MethodSignature FIELD_ACCESS_WRITE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(void.class, "write",
new Class[]
{ Object.class, Object.class }, null);
private static final int INIT_BUFFER_SIZE = 100;
private boolean frozen;
private final CtClass ctClass;
private final Logger logger;
private final InternalClassTransformation parentTransformation;
private final ClassPool classPool;
private final IdAllocator idAllocator;
private final CtClass providerType;
class TransformMethodImpl implements TransformMethod
final CtMethod method;
private final TransformMethodSignature sig;
private List<Annotation> annotations;
private final boolean added;
private ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder builder;
private MethodAccess access;
private String identifier;
private Boolean override;
private List<List<Annotation>> parameterAnnotations;
TransformMethodImpl(CtMethod method, boolean added)
this.method = method;
this.sig = toMethodSignature(method);
this.added = added;
public String toString()
return String.format("TransformMethod[%s]", getMethodIdentifier());
public int compareTo(TransformMethod o)
return sig.compareTo(o.getSignature());
public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)
if (annotations == null)
annotations = extractAnnotations(method);
return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, annotations);
public <A extends Annotation> A getParameterAnnotation(int index, Class<A> annotationType)
if (parameterAnnotations == null)
return findAnnotationInList(annotationType, parameterAnnotations.get(index));
private void extractParameterAnnotations()
int count = sig.getParameterTypes().length;
parameterAnnotations = CollectionFactory.newList();
for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < count; parameterIndex++)
List<Annotation> annotations = extractAnnotationsForParameter(parameterIndex);
private List<Annotation> extractAnnotationsForParameter(int parameterIndex)
List<Annotation> result = CollectionFactory.newList();
Object[] parameterAnnotations = method.getAvailableParameterAnnotations()[parameterIndex];
addAnnotationsToList(result, parameterAnnotations, false);
return result;
public TransformMethodSignature getSignature()
return sig;
public String getName()
return sig.getMethodName();
public void addAdvice(ComponentMethodAdvice advice)
assert advice != null;
if (builder == null)
builder = createBuilder(sig);
formatter.format("add advice %s : %s\n\n", sig.getMediumDescription(), advice);
public void addOperationAfter(ComponentInstanceOperation operation)
public void addOperationBefore(ComponentInstanceOperation operation)
public MethodAccess getAccess()
if (access == null)
access = createMethodAccess();
return access;
private MethodAccess createMethodAccess()
if (isPrivate())
return createPrivateMethodAccess();
return createNonPrivateMethodAccess();
private boolean isPrivate()
return Modifier.isPrivate(sig.getModifiers());
private MethodAccess createNonPrivateMethodAccess()
// For a public method, given the instance, we can just invoke the method directly
// from the MethodAccess object.
String accessTarget = "instance." + sig.getMethodName();
return createMethodAccessForTarget(accessTarget, false);
private MethodAccess createMethodAccessForTarget(String accessTarget, boolean passInstance)
boolean isVoid = sig.getReturnType().equals("void");
BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();
builder.addln("%s instance = (%<s) $1;", getClassName());
if (!isVoid)
builder.add("return success(($w) ");
// Call the target, even if the eventual method is void
if (passInstance)
int p = 0;
for (String type : sig.getParameterTypes())
if (passInstance || p != 0)
builder.add(", ");
String ref = String.format("$2[%d]", p++);
builder.add(ClassFabUtils.castReference(ref, type));
// Balance the call to success()
if (!isVoid)
if (isVoid)
builder.addln("return success(null);");
builder.end(); // try
builder.addln("catch (java.lang.RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; }");
builder.addln("catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { return fail(ex); }");
return instantiateMethodAccessFromBody(builder.toString());
private MethodAccess instantiateMethodAccessFromBody(String body)
// The access object is created in the same package as the component, so that it can access
// protected and package private methods.
String accessClassName = String.format("%s$MethodAccess_%s_%s", getClassName(), sig.getMethodName(),
ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(accessClassName, AbstractMethodAccess.class);
cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, INVOKE_SIGNATURE, body);
cf.addToString(String.format("MethodAccess[method %s of class %s]", sig.getMediumDescription(),
Class accessClass = cf.createClass();
Object accessInstance = accessClass.newInstance();
return (MethodAccess) accessInstance;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private MethodAccess createPrivateMethodAccess()
// As with Java inner classes, we have to create a static bridge method.
String staticAccessMethodName = createStaticAccessMethodForNonPublicMethod();
// Have the MethodAccess object call the static method and pass the
// instance object as the first parameter. The static method will then
// invoke the non-public method on the passed instance.
return createMethodAccessForTarget(String.format("%s#%s", getClassName(), staticAccessMethodName), true);
* The static method takes the same parameters as the main method, but takes
* an instance object first. Invoking the static method turns into an invocation
* of the proper method of the instance object.
* @return the name of the created static access method
private String createStaticAccessMethodForNonPublicMethod()
List<String> parameterTypes = CollectionFactory.newList(getClassName());
String methodName = newMemberName("access", sig.getMethodName());
TransformMethodSignature accessMethodSignature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC
+ Modifier.STATIC, sig.getReturnType(), methodName, parameterTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
boolean isVoid = sig.getReturnType().equals("void");
BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();
if (!isVoid)
builder.add("return ");
builder.add("$1.%s(", sig.getMethodName());
for (int i = 0; i < sig.getParameterTypes().length; i++)
if (i > 0)
builder.add(", ");
builder.add("$%d", i + 2);
addNewMethod(accessMethodSignature, builder.toString());
return methodName;
public String getMethodIdentifier()
if (identifier == null)
int lineNumber = method.getMethodInfo2().getLineNumber(0);
CtClass enclosingClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
String sourceFile = enclosingClass.getClassFile2().getSourceFile();
identifier = String.format("%s.%s (at %s:%d)", enclosingClass.getName(), sig.getMediumDescription(),
sourceFile, lineNumber);
return identifier;
public boolean isOverride()
if (override == null)
override = searchForOverride();
return override;
private boolean searchForOverride()
InternalClassTransformation search = parentTransformation;
while (search != null)
if (search.isMethod(sig))
return true;
search = search.getParentTransformation();
// Not found in any super-class.
return false;
void doFinish()
if (builder != null)
builder = null;
class TransformFieldImpl implements TransformField
private final CtField field;
private final CtClass fieldType;
private final String name, type;
private boolean added;
private List<Annotation> annotations;
private Object claimTag;
String readValueBody, writeValueBody;
private DelegateFieldAccess delegateFieldAccess;
private access;
TransformFieldImpl(CtField field, boolean added)
this.field = field; = field.getName();
this.added = added;
fieldType = field.getType();
type = fieldType.getName();
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
void doFinish()
if (delegateFieldAccess != null)
access = createAccess();
delegateFieldAccess.delegate = access;
delegateFieldAccess = null;
public String toString()
return String.format("TransformField[%s %s.%s(%s)]", Modifier.toString(field.getModifiers()),
getClassName(), name, type);
public int compareTo(TransformField o)
return name.compareTo(o.getName());
public String getName()
return name;
public String getType()
return type;
public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)
if (annotations == null)
annotations = extractAnnotations(field);
return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, annotations);
public void claim(Object tag)
assert tag != null;
if (claimTag != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
"Field %s of class %s is already claimed by %s and can not be claimed by %s.", getName(),
getClassName(), claimTag, tag));
claimTag = tag;
formatter.format("Field %s claimed by %s\n\n", name, tag);
public boolean isClaimed()
return claimTag != null;
public int getModifiers()
return field.getModifiers();
void replaceReadAccess(String methodName)
if (readValueBody != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Field %s.%s has already had read access replaced.",
getClassName(), name));
// Explicitly reference $0 (aka "this") because of TAPESTRY-1511.
// $0 is valid even inside a static method.
readValueBody = String.format("$_ = $0.%s();", methodName);
formatter.format("replace read %s: %s();\n\n", name, methodName);
fieldAccessReplaced = true;
void replaceWriteAccess(String methodName)
if (writeValueBody != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Field %s.%s has already had write access replaced.",
getClassName(), name));
// Explicitly reference $0 (aka "this") because of TAPESTRY-1511.
// $0 is valid even inside a static method.
writeValueBody = String.format("$0.%s($1);", methodName);
formatter.format("replace write %s: %s();\n\n", name, methodName);
fieldAccessReplaced = true;
public getAccess()
if (access != null)
return access;
if (delegateFieldAccess == null)
delegateFieldAccess = new DelegateFieldAccess();
return delegateFieldAccess;
private createAccess()
TransformMethod reader = createReader();
TransformMethod writer = createWriter();
return createFieldAccess(reader, writer);
private createFieldAccess(TransformMethod reader,
TransformMethod writer)
ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(;
addFieldAccessReadMethod(cf, reader);
addFieldAccessWriteMethod(cf, writer);
cf.addToString(String.format("FieldAccess<%s.%s>", getClassName(), name));
Class accessClass = cf.createClass();
return ( accessClass.newInstance();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private void addFieldAccessReadMethod(ClassFab cf, TransformMethod readAccess)
BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();
builder.addln("%s instance = (%<s) $1;", getClassName());
builder.addln("return ($w) instance.%s();", readAccess.getName());
cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, FIELD_ACCESS_READ_SIGNATURE, builder.toString());
private void addFieldAccessWriteMethod(ClassFab cf, TransformMethod writeAccess)
BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();
builder.addln("%s instance = (%<s) $1;", getClassName());
builder.addln("%s value = %s;", type, ClassFabUtils.castReference("$2", type));
builder.addln("instance.%s(value);", writeAccess.getName());
cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, FIELD_ACCESS_WRITE_SIGNATURE, builder.toString());
private TransformMethod createReader()
String methodName = newMemberName("readaccess", name);
TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC, type, methodName, null,
// Add the method as existing, so that the field access may be replaced with a FieldValueConduit
// if necessary.
return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, String.format("return %s;", name), false);
private TransformMethod createWriter()
String methodName = newMemberName("writeaccess", name);
TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC, "void", methodName,
new String[]
{ type }, null);
// Add the method as existing, so that the field access may be replaced with a FieldValueConduit
// if necessary.
return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, String.format("%s = $1;", name), false);
public void replaceAccess(ComponentValueProvider<FieldValueConduit> conduitProvider)
replaceAccess(addIndirectInjectedField(FieldValueConduit.class, name + "$conduit", conduitProvider));
public void replaceAccess(FieldValueConduit conduit)
String fieldName = addInjectedFieldUncached(FieldValueConduit.class, name + "$conduit", conduit);
// TODO: If access != null?
access = toFieldAccess(conduit);
if (delegateFieldAccess != null)
delegateFieldAccess.delegate = access;
delegateFieldAccess = null;
public void replaceAccess(TransformField conduitField)
String conduitFieldName = conduitField.getName();
String readMethodName = newMemberName("get", name);
TransformMethodSignature readSig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, type, readMethodName,
null, null);
String cast = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(type);
// The ($r) cast will convert the result to the method return type; generally
// this does nothing. but for primitive types, it will unwrap
// the wrapper type back to a primitive.
BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();
builder.addln("%s result = ($r) ((%s) %s.get());", type, cast, conduitFieldName);
if (developmentMode)
builder.addln("%s = result;", name);
builder.addln("return result;");
addNewMethod(readSig, builder.toString());
String writeMethodName = newMemberName("set", name);
TransformMethodSignature writeSig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", writeMethodName,
new String[]
{ type }, null);
if (developmentMode)
builder.addln("%s = $1;", name);
builder.addln("%s.set(($w) $1);", conduitFieldName);
addNewMethod(writeSig, builder.toString());
public void inject(Object value)
addInjectToConstructor(name, fieldType, value);
public <T> void injectIndirect(ComponentValueProvider<T> provider)
assert provider != null;
String argReference = addConstructorArg(providerType, provider);
addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = (%s) (%s).get(%s);", name, type, argReference, resourcesFieldName));
private final Map<TransformMethodSignature, TransformMethodImpl> methods = CollectionFactory.newMap();
private Map<String, TransformFieldImpl> fields = CollectionFactory.newMap();
* Map, keyed on InjectKey, of field name. Injections are always added as protected (not
* private) fields to support
* sharing of injections between a base class and a sub class.
private final Map<InjectionKey, String> injectionCache = CollectionFactory.newMap();
// Cache of class annotation
private List<Annotation> classAnnotations;
* Contains the assembled Javassist code for the class' default constructor.
private StringBuilder constructor = new StringBuilder(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
private final List<Object> constructorArgs;
private final MutableComponentModel componentModel;
private final String resourcesFieldName;
private StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
private Formatter formatter = new Formatter(description);
private final ClassFactory classFactory;
private final ComponentClassCache componentClassCache;
private final CtClassSource classSource;
// In development mode, extra logic is inserted to "shadow" fields (that have been replaced with a FieldConduit).
// The "live" value is stored into the field any time it is read or updated, to assist with debugging.
private final boolean developmentMode;
// If true, then during finish, it is necessary to search for field replacements
// (field reads or writes replaces with method calls).
private boolean fieldAccessReplaced;
* Signature for newInstance() method of Instantiator.
private static final MethodSignature NEW_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(Component.class, "newInstance",
new Class[]
{ InternalComponentResources.class }, null);
private static final TransformMethodSignature GET_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_SIGNATURE = new TransformMethodSignature(
Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL, ComponentResources.class.getName(), "getComponentResources", null, null);
* This is a constructor for a base class.
public InternalClassTransformationImpl(ClassFactory classFactory, CtClass ctClass,
ComponentClassCache componentClassCache, MutableComponentModel componentModel, CtClassSource classSource,
boolean developmentMode)
this.ctClass = ctClass;
this.componentClassCache = componentClassCache;
this.classSource = classSource;
this.developmentMode = developmentMode;
classPool = this.ctClass.getClassPool();
this.classFactory = classFactory;
parentTransformation = null;
this.componentModel = componentModel;
providerType = toCtClass(ComponentValueProvider.class);
idAllocator = new IdAllocator();
logger = componentModel.getLogger();
constructorArgs = CollectionFactory.newList();
resourcesFieldName = addField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, InternalComponentResources.class.getName(),
addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = $1;", resourcesFieldName));
addNewMethod(GET_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_SIGNATURE, "return " + resourcesFieldName + ";");
// The "}" will be added later, inside finish().
* Constructor for a component sub-class.
* @param developmentMode
private InternalClassTransformationImpl(CtClass ctClass, InternalClassTransformation parentTransformation,
ClassFactory classFactory, CtClassSource classSource, ComponentClassCache componentClassCache,
MutableComponentModel componentModel, boolean developmentMode)
this.ctClass = ctClass;
this.componentClassCache = componentClassCache;
this.classSource = classSource;
classPool = this.ctClass.getClassPool();
this.classFactory = classFactory;
logger = componentModel.getLogger();
this.parentTransformation = parentTransformation;
this.componentModel = componentModel;
this.developmentMode = developmentMode;
providerType = toCtClass(ComponentValueProvider.class);
resourcesFieldName = parentTransformation.getResourcesFieldName();
idAllocator = parentTransformation.getIdAllocator();
constructorArgs = parentTransformation.getConstructorArgs();
// Re-invoke the constructor, passing the resources and array of values to the super class
addToConstructor("{\n super($$);");
// The "}" will be added later, inside finish().
public InternalClassTransformation createChildTransformation(CtClass childClass, MutableComponentModel childModel)
return new InternalClassTransformationImpl(childClass, this, classFactory, classSource, componentClassCache,
childModel, developmentMode);
private void freeze()
frozen = true;
// Free up stuff we don't need after freezing.
// Everything else should be final.
fields = null;
classAnnotations = null;
constructor = null;
formatter = null;
description = null;
public String getResourcesFieldName()
return resourcesFieldName;
* Loads all existing fields and methods defined by the class.
private void preloadMembers()
private void preloadMethods()
for (CtMethod method : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods())
recordMethod(method, false);
* Converts and stores {@link CtField} to {@link TransformField}, and checks that each field is
* one of:
* <ul>
* <li>private</li>
* <li>static</li>
* <li>groovy.lang.MetaClass (for Groovy compatibility)</li> </li>
private void preloadFields()
List<String> names = CollectionFactory.newList();
for (CtField field : ctClass.getDeclaredFields())
String name = field.getName();
TransformFieldImpl tfi = fields.put(name, new TransformFieldImpl(field, false));
int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
// Fields must be either static or private.
if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers))
// Groovy injects a public field named metaClass. We ignore it, and add it as a claimed
// field to prevent any of the workers from seeing it.
if (name.equals("metaClass") && getFieldType(name).equals("groovy.lang.MetaClass"))
if (!names.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException(ServicesMessages.nonPrivateFields(getClassName(), names));
public <T extends Annotation> T getFieldAnnotation(String fieldName, Class<T> annotationClass)
return getField(fieldName).getAnnotation(annotationClass);
public <T extends Annotation> T getMethodAnnotation(TransformMethodSignature signature, Class<T> annotationClass)
return getOrCreateMethod(signature).getAnnotation(annotationClass);
* Searches an array of objects (that are really annotations instances) to find one that is of
* the correct type,
* which is returned.
* @param <T>
* @param annotationClass
* the annotation to search for
* @param annotations
* the available annotations
* @return the matching annotation instance, or null if not found
private <T extends Annotation> T findAnnotationInList(Class<T> annotationClass, List<Annotation> annotations)
for (Object annotation : annotations)
if (annotationClass.isInstance(annotation))
return annotationClass.cast(annotation);
return null;
public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass)
return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, getClassAnnotations());
private List<Annotation> extractAnnotations(CtMember member)
List<Annotation> result = CollectionFactory.newList();
addAnnotationsToList(result, member.getAnnotations(), false);
return result;
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private void addAnnotationsToList(List<Annotation> list, Object[] annotations, boolean filterNonInherited)
for (Object o : annotations)
Annotation a = (Annotation) o;
// When assembling class annotations from a base class, you want to ignore any
// that are not @Inherited.
if (filterNonInherited)
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = a.annotationType();
Inherited inherited = annotationType.getAnnotation(Inherited.class);
if (inherited == null)
public TransformField getField(String fieldName)
return getTransformFieldImpl(fieldName);
private TransformFieldImpl getTransformFieldImpl(String fieldName)
TransformFieldImpl result = fields.get(fieldName);
if (result != null)
return result;
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Class %s does not contain a field named '%s'.", getClassName(),
public String newMemberName(String suggested)
assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(suggested);
String memberName = InternalUtils.createMemberName(suggested);
return idAllocator.allocateId(memberName);
public String newMemberName(String prefix, String baseName)
return newMemberName(prefix + "_" + InternalUtils.stripMemberName(baseName));
public void addImplementedInterface(Class interfaceClass)
CtClass ctInterface = toCtClass(interfaceClass);
if (classImplementsInterface(ctInterface))
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* Adds default implementations for the methods defined by the interface (and all of its
* super-interfaces). The
* implementations return null (or 0, or false, as appropriate to to the method type). There are
* a number of
* degenerate cases that are not covered properly: these are related to base interfaces that may
* be implemented by
* base classes.
* @param ctInterface
* @throws NotFoundException
private void implementDefaultMethodsForInterface(CtClass ctInterface) throws NotFoundException
// java.lang.Object is the parent interface of interfaces
if (ctInterface.getName().equals(Object.class.getName()))
for (CtMethod method : ctInterface.getDeclaredMethods())
for (CtClass parent : ctInterface.getInterfaces())
private void addDefaultImplementation(CtMethod method)
// Javassist has an oddity for interfaces: methods "inherited" from java.lang.Object show
// up as methods of the interface. We skip those and only consider the methods
// that are abstract.
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers()))
CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.copy(method, ctClass, null);
// Methods from interfaces are always public. We definitely
// need to change the modifiers of the method so that
// it is not abstract.
// Javassist will provide a minimal implementation for us (return null, false, 0,
// whatever).
TransformMethod tm = recordMethod(newMethod, true);
addMethodToDescription("add default", tm.getSignature(), "<default>");
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ServicesMessages.errorAddingMethod(ctClass, method.getName(), ex), ex);
private TransformMethodImpl recordMethod(CtMethod method, boolean asNew)
TransformMethodImpl tmi = new TransformMethodImpl(method, asNew);
methods.put(tmi.getSignature(), tmi);
return tmi;
* Check to see if the target class (or any of its super classes) implements the provided
* interface. This is geared
* for simple interfaces (that don't extend other interfaces), thus if the class (or a base
* class) implement
* interface Y that extends interface X, we may not return true for interface X.
private boolean classImplementsInterface(CtClass ctInterface) throws NotFoundException
for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass())
for (CtClass anInterface : current.getInterfaces())
if (anInterface == ctInterface)
return true;
return false;
public void claimField(String fieldName, Object tag)
public void addMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody)
public TransformMethod addNewMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody)
return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, methodBody, true);
public TransformMethod addNewTransformedMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody)
return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, methodBody, false);
* @param signature
* of method to add
* @param methodBody
* or null for default
* @param addAsNew
* if true, then fields in the method will not be transformed
private TransformMethodImpl addOrReplaceMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody,
boolean addAsNew)
CtClass returnType = findCtClass(signature.getReturnType());
CtClass[] parameters = buildCtClassList(signature.getParameterTypes());
CtClass[] exceptions = buildCtClassList(signature.getExceptionTypes());
String suffix = addAsNew ? "" : " transformed";
String action = "add" + suffix;
TransformMethodImpl result = null;
CtMethod existing = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(signature.getMethodName(), parameters);
if (existing != null)
action = "replace" + suffix;
catch (NotFoundException ex)
// That's ok. Kind of sloppy to rely on a thrown exception; wish getDeclaredMethod()
// would return null for
// that case. Alternately, we could maintain a set of the method signatures of declared
// or added methods.
CtMethod method = new CtMethod(returnType, signature.getMethodName(), parameters, ctClass);
// TODO: Check for duplicate method add
result = recordMethod(method, addAsNew);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new MethodCompileException(ServicesMessages.methodCompileError(signature, methodBody, ex),
methodBody, ex);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
addMethodToDescription(action, signature, methodBody);
return result;
public void addTransformedMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody)
private CtClass[] buildCtClassList(String[] typeNames)
CtClass[] result = new CtClass[typeNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++)
result[i] = findCtClass(typeNames[i]);
return result;
private CtClass findCtClass(String type)
return classPool.get(type);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public void extendMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody)
removed("extendMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)");
public void extendExistingMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody)
removed("extendExistingMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)");
public void copyMethod(TransformMethodSignature sourceMethod, int modifiers, String newMethodName)
CtClass returnType = findCtClass(sourceMethod.getReturnType());
CtClass[] parameters = buildCtClassList(sourceMethod.getParameterTypes());
CtClass[] exceptions = buildCtClassList(sourceMethod.getExceptionTypes());
TransformMethodImpl tmi = locateExistingOrCreateOverrideMethod(sourceMethod);
CtMethod source = tmi.method;
CtMethod method = new CtMethod(returnType, newMethodName, parameters, ctClass);
method.setBody(source, null);
recordMethod(method, false);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Error copying method %s to new method %s().", sourceMethod,
newMethodName), ex);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// The new method is *not* considered an added method, so field references inside the method
// will be transformed.
formatter.format("\n%s renamed to %s\n\n", sourceMethod, newMethodName);
public void addCatch(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String exceptionType, String body)
removed("addCatch(TransformMethodSignature, String, String)");
public void prefixMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody)
removed("prefixMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)");
private void addMethodToDescription(String operation, TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody)
formatter.format("%s method: %s %s %s(", operation, Modifier.toString(methodSignature.getModifiers()),
methodSignature.getReturnType(), methodSignature.getMethodName());
String[] parameterTypes = methodSignature.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++)
if (i > 0)
description.append(", ");
formatter.format("%s $%d", parameterTypes[i], i + 1);
String[] exceptionTypes = methodSignature.getExceptionTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < exceptionTypes.length; i++)
if (i == 0)
description.append("\n throws ");
description.append(", ");
if (methodBody != null)
formatter.format("\n%s", methodBody);
public TransformMethod getOrCreateMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
return findOverrideOrCreateMethod(signature);
private TransformMethodImpl findOverrideOrCreateMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
TransformMethodImpl result = findOrOverrideMethod(signature);
if (result != null)
return result;
return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, null, true);
private TransformMethodImpl findOrOverrideMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
TransformMethodImpl result = methods.get(signature);
if (result != null)
return result;
return addOverrideOfSuperclassMethod(signature);
private TransformMethodImpl locateExistingOrCreateOverrideMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
TransformMethodImpl result = findOrOverrideMethod(signature);
if (result != null)
return result;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Class %s does not declare method '%s'.", getClassName(),
// TODO: Rework this method for efficiency, i.e., so that we can leverage the methods
// map in parent InternalClassTransformImpls, rather than the exhaustive
// search.
private TransformMethodImpl addOverrideOfSuperclassMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature)
for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass())
for (CtMethod method : current.getDeclaredMethods())
if (match(method, methodSignature))
// TODO: What if the method is not overridable (i.e. private, or final)?
// Perhaps we should limit it to just public methods.
CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.delegator(method, ctClass);
// Record it as a new method.
return recordMethod(newMethod, true);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// Not found in a super-class.
return null;
private boolean match(CtMethod method, TransformMethodSignature sig)
if (!sig.getMethodName().equals(method.getName()))
return false;
CtClass[] paramTypes;
paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
String[] sigTypes = sig.getParameterTypes();
int count = sigTypes.length;
if (paramTypes.length != count)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
String paramType = paramTypes[i].getName();
if (!paramType.equals(sigTypes[i]))
return false;
// Ignore exceptions thrown and modifiers.
// TODO: Validate a match on return type?
return true;
public List<String> findFieldsWithAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
return toFieldNames(matchFieldsWithAnnotation(annotationClass));
public List<String> findFields(final FieldFilter filter)
assert filter != null;
List<TransformField> fields = matchFields(new Predicate<TransformField>()
public boolean accept(TransformField object)
return filter.accept(object.getName(), object.getType());
return toFieldNames(fields);
public List<TransformField> matchFields(Predicate<TransformField> predicate)
return InternalUtils.matchAndSort(fields.values(), predicate);
public List<TransformField> matchFieldsWithAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
return matchFields(new Predicate<TransformField>()
public boolean accept(TransformField field)
return field.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null;
public List<TransformMethodSignature> findMethodsWithAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
List<TransformMethod> methods = matchMethods(new Predicate<TransformMethod>()
public boolean accept(TransformMethod method)
return method.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null;
return toMethodSignatures(methods);
public List<TransformMethodSignature> findMethods(final MethodFilter filter)
assert filter != null;
List<TransformMethod> methods = matchMethods(new Predicate<TransformMethod>()
public boolean accept(TransformMethod object)
return filter.accept(object.getSignature());
return toMethodSignatures(methods);
public List<TransformMethod> matchMethods(Predicate<TransformMethod> predicate)
return InternalUtils.matchAndSort(methods.values(), predicate);
public List<TransformMethod> matchMethodsWithAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType)
return matchMethods(new Predicate<TransformMethod>()
public boolean accept(TransformMethod method)
return method.getAnnotation(annotationType) != null;
private TransformMethodSignature toMethodSignature(CtMethod method)
String type = method.getReturnType().getName();
String[] parameters = toTypeNames(method.getParameterTypes());
String[] exceptions = toTypeNames(method.getExceptionTypes());
return new TransformMethodSignature(method.getModifiers(), type, method.getName(), parameters, exceptions);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private String[] toTypeNames(CtClass[] types)
String[] result = new String[types.length];
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++)
result[i] = types[i].getName();
return result;
public List<String> findUnclaimedFields()
return toFieldNames(matchUnclaimedFields());
public List<TransformField> matchUnclaimedFields()
return matchFields(new Predicate<TransformField>()
public boolean accept(TransformField object)
TransformFieldImpl tmi = (TransformFieldImpl) object;
return !(tmi.added || tmi.isClaimed());
public String getFieldType(String fieldName)
return getField(fieldName).getType();
public boolean isField(String fieldName)
// Only declared instance fields end up in this map, and all
// fields are either static or private.
return fields.containsKey(fieldName);
public int getFieldModifiers(String fieldName)
return getField(fieldName).getModifiers();
public String addField(int modifiers, String type, String suggestedName)
return createField(modifiers, type, suggestedName).getName();
public TransformField createField(int modifiers, String type, String suggestedName)
String fieldName = newMemberName(suggestedName);
TransformFieldImpl result = null;
CtClass ctType = convertNameToCtType(type);
CtField field = new CtField(ctType, fieldName, ctClass);
result = new TransformFieldImpl(field, true);
fields.put(fieldName, result);
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
formatter.format("add field: %s %s %s;\n\n", Modifier.toString(modifiers), type, fieldName);
return result;
// Returns String for backwards compatibility reasons
public String addInjectedField(Class type, String suggestedName, Object value)
assert type != null;
InjectionKey key = new InjectionKey(type, value);
String fieldName = searchForPreviousInjection(key);
if (fieldName != null)
return fieldName;
// TODO: Probably doesn't handle arrays and primitives.
fieldName = addInjectedFieldUncached(type, suggestedName, value);
// Remember the injection in-case this class, or a subclass, injects the value again.
injectionCache.put(key, fieldName);
return fieldName;
public <T> TransformField addIndirectInjectedField(Class<T> type, String suggestedName,
ComponentValueProvider<T> provider)
assert type != null;
assert provider != null;
TransformField field = createField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, type.getName(), suggestedName);
String argReference = addConstructorArg(providerType, provider);
// Inside the constructor,
// pass the resources to the provider's get() method, cast to the
// field type and assign. This will likely not work with
// primitives and arrays, but that's ok for now.
addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = (%s) (%s).get(%s);", field.getName(), type.getName(), argReference,
return field;
private CtClass toCtClass(Class type)
return classPool.get(type.getName());
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* This is split out from {@link #addInjectedField(Class, String, Object)} to handle a special
* case for the
* InternalComponentResources, which is null when "injected" (during the class transformation)
* and is only
* determined when a component is actually instantiated.
private String addInjectedFieldUncached(Class type, String suggestedName, Object value)
CtClass ctType = toCtClass(type);
String fieldName = addField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, type.getName(), suggestedName);
addInjectToConstructor(fieldName, ctType, value);
return fieldName;
public String searchForPreviousInjection(InjectionKey key)
String result = injectionCache.get(key);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (parentTransformation != null)
return parentTransformation.searchForPreviousInjection(key);
return null;
public void advise(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, ComponentMethodAdvice advice)
public boolean isMethodOverride(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature)
if (!isMethod(methodSignature))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Method %s is not implemented by transformed class %s.",
methodSignature, getClassName()));
return getOrCreateMethod(methodSignature).isOverride();
public InternalClassTransformation getParentTransformation()
return parentTransformation;
public boolean isMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
assert signature != null;
return methods.containsKey(signature);
* Adds a parameter to the constructor for the class; the parameter is used to initialize the
* value for a field.
* @param fieldName
* name of field to inject
* @param fieldType
* Javassist type of the field (and corresponding parameter)
* @param value
* the value to be injected (which will in unusual cases be null)
private void addInjectToConstructor(String fieldName, CtClass fieldType, Object value)
addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = %s;", fieldName, addConstructorArg(fieldType, value)));
public void injectField(String fieldName, Object value)
private CtClass convertNameToCtType(String type) throws NotFoundException
return classPool.get(type);
public String finish()
// Finishing fields may sometimes create new methods, so finish the fields
// first.
for (TransformFieldImpl tfi : fields.values())
// doFinish() will sometimes create new methods on the ClassTransformation, yielding
// a concurrent modification exception, so do a defensive copy.
List<TransformMethodImpl> tmis = CollectionFactory.newList(methods.values());
for (TransformMethodImpl tmi : tmis)
String initializer = convertConstructorToMethod();
String description = toString();
return description;
private void addConstructor(String initializer)
// Add a call to the initializer; the method converted from the class' default
// constructor.
constructor.append(" ");
// This finally matches the "{" added inside the constructor
String constructorBody = constructor.toString();
CtClass[] types = new CtClass[]
{ toCtClass(InternalComponentResources.class), toCtClass(Object[].class) };
CtConstructor cons = CtNewConstructor.make(types, null, constructorBody, ctClass);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
formatter.format("add constructor: %s(ComponentResources, Object[])\n%s\n\n", getClassName(), constructorBody);
private String convertConstructorToMethod()
String initializer = idAllocator.allocateId("initializer");
CtConstructor defaultConstructor = ctClass.getConstructor("()V");
CtMethod initializerMethod = defaultConstructor.toMethod(initializer, ctClass);
recordMethod(initializerMethod, false);
// Replace the constructor body with one that fails. This leaves, as an open question,
// what to do about any other constructors.
String body = String.format("throw new RuntimeException(\"%s\");",
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
formatter.format("convert default constructor: %s();\n\n", initializer);
return initializer;
public Instantiator createInstantiator()
if (Modifier.isAbstract(ctClass.getModifiers()))
return createAbstractClassInstantiator();
String componentClassName = getClassName();
String name = ClassFabUtils.generateClassName("Instantiator");
ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(name, AbstractInstantiator.class);
Object[] componentConstructorArgs = constructorArgs.toArray(new Object[constructorArgs.size()]);
cf.addConstructor(new Class[]
{ ComponentModel.class, String.class, Object[].class }, null, "super($1, $2, $3);");
// Pass $1 (the InternalComponentResources object) and the constructorArgs (from the AbstractIntantiator
// base class) into the new component instance's constructor
String.format("return new %s($1, constructorArgs);", componentClassName));
Class instantiatorClass = cf.createClass();
Object instance = instantiatorClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(componentModel,
String.format("Instantiator[%s]", componentClassName), componentConstructorArgs);
return (Instantiator) instance;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private Instantiator createAbstractClassInstantiator()
return new Instantiator()
public Component newInstance(InternalComponentResources resources)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Component class %s is abstract and can not be instantiated.",
public ComponentModel getModel()
return componentModel;
private void failIfFrozen()
if (frozen)
throw new IllegalStateException("The ClassTransformation instance (for " + getClassName()
+ ") has completed all transformations and may not be further modified.");
private void failIfNotFrozen()
if (!frozen)
throw new IllegalStateException("The ClassTransformation instance (for " + getClassName()
+ ") has not yet completed all transformations.");
public IdAllocator getIdAllocator()
return idAllocator;
public List<Object> getConstructorArgs()
return CollectionFactory.newList(constructorArgs);
public List<Annotation> getClassAnnotations()
if (classAnnotations == null)
return classAnnotations;
private void assembleClassAnnotations()
classAnnotations = CollectionFactory.newList();
boolean filter = false;
for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass())
addAnnotationsToList(classAnnotations, current.getAnnotations(), filter);
// Super-class annotations are filtered
filter = true;
catch (NotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public String toString()
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("InternalClassTransformation[\n");
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(builder);
formatter.format("%s %s extends %s", Modifier.toString(ctClass.getModifiers()), ctClass.getName(), ctClass
CtClass[] interfaces = ctClass.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++)
if (i == 0)
builder.append("\n implements ");
builder.append(", ");
if (description != null)
formatter.format("\n\n%s", description.toString());
catch (NotFoundException ex)
return builder.toString();
public void makeReadOnly(String fieldName)
String methodName = newMemberName("write", fieldName);
String fieldType = getFieldType(fieldName);
TransformMethodSignature sig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", methodName, new String[]
{ fieldType }, null);
String message = ServicesMessages.readOnlyField(getClassName(), fieldName);
String body = String.format("throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(\"%s\");", message);
addNewMethod(sig, body);
replaceWriteAccess(fieldName, methodName);
public void removeField(String fieldName)
public void replaceReadAccess(String fieldName, String methodName)
public void replaceWriteAccess(String fieldName, String methodName)
private void performFieldTransformations()
// If no field transformations have been requested, then we can save ourselves some
// trouble!
if (fieldAccessReplaced)
static final int SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000;
private void replaceFieldAccess()
final Map<String, String> fieldReadTransforms = CollectionFactory.newMap();
final Map<String, String> fieldWriteTransforms = CollectionFactory.newMap();
for (TransformFieldImpl tfi : fields.values())
putIfNotNull(fieldReadTransforms,, tfi.readValueBody);
putIfNotNull(fieldWriteTransforms,, tfi.writeValueBody);
ExprEditor editor = new ExprEditor()
private final Set<CtBehavior> addedMethods = CollectionFactory.newSet();
for (TransformMethodImpl tmi : methods.values())
if (tmi.added)
public void edit(FieldAccess access) throws CannotCompileException
CtBehavior where = access.where();
if (where instanceof CtConstructor)
// It may be access to a public field of a data object somewhere and
// that's ignored TAP5-1222
if (!access.getClassName().equals(getClassName()))
boolean isRead = access.isReader();
String fieldName = access.getFieldName();
CtMethod method = (CtMethod) where;
formatter.format("Checking field %s %s in method %s(): ", isRead ? "read" : "write", fieldName,
// Ignore any methods to were added as part of the transformation.
// If we reference the field there, we really mean the field.
if (addedMethods.contains(where))
formatter.format("added method\n");
Map<String, String> transformMap = isRead ? fieldReadTransforms : fieldWriteTransforms;
String body = transformMap.get(fieldName);
if (body == null)
formatter.format("field not transformed\n");
formatter.format("replacing with %s\n", body);
catch (CannotCompileException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private static <K, V> void putIfNotNull(Map<K, V> map, K key, V value)
if (value != null)
map.put(key, value);
public Class toClass(String type)
String finalType = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(type);
return Class.forName(finalType, true, classFactory.getClassLoader());
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public String getClassName()
return ctClass.getName();
public Logger getLogger()
return logger;
public void extendConstructor(String statement)
void addToConstructor(String statement)
public String getMethodIdentifier(TransformMethodSignature signature)
return getOrCreateMethod(signature).getMethodIdentifier();
public boolean isRootTransformation()
return parentTransformation == null;
* Adds a new constructor argument to the transformed constructor.
* @param parameterType
* type of parameter
* @param value
* value of parameter
* @return de-referenced argument value
private String addConstructorArg(CtClass parameterType, Object value)
int index = constructorArgs.size();
return ClassFabUtils.castReference(String.format("$2[%d]", index), parameterType.getName());
private static List<TransformMethodSignature> toMethodSignatures(List<TransformMethod> input)
List<TransformMethodSignature> result = CollectionFactory.newList();
for (TransformMethod m : input)
return result;
private static List<String> toFieldNames(List<TransformField> fields)
List<String> result = CollectionFactory.newList();
for (TransformField f : fields)
return result;
private ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder createBuilder(TransformMethodSignature signature)
return new ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder(this, componentClassCache, signature, classSource);
public boolean isDeclaredMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature)
assert signature != null;
return methods.containsKey(signature);
private void removed(String methodName)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Method ClassTransformation.%s has been deprecated and is no longer functional. "
+ "Please consult the JavaDoc for a suitable replacement.", methodName));
private static ComponentMethodAdvice toBeforeAdvice(final ComponentInstanceOperation operation)
return new ComponentMethodAdvice()
public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation)
private static ComponentMethodAdvice toAfterAdvice(final ComponentInstanceOperation operation)
return new ComponentMethodAdvice()
public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation)
public void addComponentEventHandler(String eventType, int minContextValues, String methodDescription,
ComponentEventHandler handler)
assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(eventType);
assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(methodDescription);
assert handler != null;
createEventHandlerAdvice(eventType, minContextValues, methodDescription, handler));
private static ComponentMethodAdvice createEventHandlerAdvice(final String eventType, final int minContextValues,
final String methodDescription, final ComponentEventHandler handler)
return new ComponentMethodAdvice()
public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation)
// Invoke the super-class implementation first.
ComponentEvent event = (ComponentEvent) invocation.getParameter(0);
if (!event.isAborted() && event.matches(eventType, "", minContextValues))
handler.handleEvent(invocation.getInstance(), event);
// Ensure that the caller knows that some event handler method
// was invoked.
private static toFieldAccess(final FieldValueConduit conduit)
return new
public void write(Object instance, Object value)
public Object read(Object instance)
return conduit.get();