disable tapestry-javadoc on Java 8

The Java 8 build was still failing, and this is not a runtime requirement.
Due to changes in the Java tooling between 8 and 11 tapestry-javadoc is no longer compatible with 8.
So now all gradle related calls check for != 8 before using it.
There still might be issues if build with Java 9, but right know Travis only uses 8 and 11.
2 files changed
tree: cc73c9ff3eddbda4d04403c8ada1740696f44776
  1. beanmodel/
  2. buildSrc/
  3. commons/
  4. docs/
  5. genericsresolver-guava/
  6. gradle/
  7. plastic/
  8. quickstart/
  9. src/
  10. support/
  11. tapestry-beanvalidator/
  12. tapestry-cdi/
  13. tapestry-clojure/
  14. tapestry-core/
  15. tapestry-func/
  16. tapestry-hibernate/
  17. tapestry-hibernate-core/
  18. tapestry-http/
  19. tapestry-internal-test/
  20. tapestry-ioc/
  21. tapestry-ioc-jcache/
  22. tapestry-ioc-junit/
  23. tapestry-javadoc/
  24. tapestry-jmx/
  25. tapestry-jpa/
  26. tapestry-json/
  27. tapestry-kaptcha/
  28. tapestry-mongodb/
  29. tapestry-runner/
  30. tapestry-spock/
  31. tapestry-spring/
  32. tapestry-test/
  33. tapestry-test-constants/
  34. tapestry-test-data/
  35. tapestry-upload/
  36. tapestry-version-migrator/
  37. tapestry-webresources/
  38. tapestry5-annotations/
  39. .gitignore
  40. .travis.yml
  41. 5.7_RELEASE_NOTES.md
  42. 54_RELEASE_NOTES.md
  43. 55_RELEASE_NOTES.md
  44. build.gradle
  45. gradlew
  46. gradlew.bat
  47. LICENSE.txt
  48. md5.gradle
  49. NOTICE.txt
  50. README.md
  51. settings.gradle
  52. sha256.gradle
  53. ssh.gradle

Tapestry is a component-oriented Java web app framework focusing on performance and developer productivity.

A component is just a reusable part of a page. It's trivially easy to create your own components, and Tapestry comes with a large number of components you can use (Form, Loop, Select, Checkbox, Grid, BeanEditor, etc.).

In Tapestry, each page and component is a simple Java POJO with a corresponding HTML template. The HTML template and corresponding Java class have the same name (e.g. “Breadcrumbs.html” and “Breadcrumbs.java”), so you don‘t have to tell Tapestry which template uses which Java class. It’s automatic.

Tapestry features live class reloading: change your Java code, refresh the browser and see the changes instantly.

AJAX support allows you to create responsive web interfaces while writing little to no JavaScript. (But if you like writing JavaScript, great, no problem, Tapestry gets out of your way.)

Quick Start

Main article: Getting Started

You can let Apache Maven create your initial project for you:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://tapestry.apache.org

Maven will prompt you for the archetype to create (“Tapestry 5 Quickstart Project”) and the exact version number (e.g., “5.4.3”). It also asks you for a group id, an artifact id, and a version number. Once Maven dowloads everything, then you can start the app:

$ cd newapp
$ mvn jetty:run

Then just send your browser to http://localhost:8080/newapp

See the Getting Started introduction as well as the Tapestry Tutorial for a deeper dive.

Main Docs

See https://tapestry.apache.org/documentation.html for the details on every Tapestry topic.