Scratch pad for changes destined for the 5.5 release notes page.

Java 8 required

The minimum Java release required to run apps created with Tapestry 5.5 is Java 8.

Java 8, 9, 10 and 11 supported

Updates to embedded Tomcat and Jetty versions (TAP5-2548)

With Java 8, we made the switch to servlet-api 3.0. We updated the embedded Tomcat and Jetty containers to the respective versions. Unfortunately, we had to rename Jetty7Runner to JettyRunner and Tomcat6Runner to TomcatRunner in the tapestry-runner package.

Classpath asset protection (actually added in 5.4.4)

A new service, ClasspathAssetProtectionRule, which receives contributions of ClasspathAssetProtectionRule instances, was created to you can easily add rules to block requests to classpath assets according to your security needs. Three rules are added out-of-the-box and may be overriden:

  • ClassFile: blocks access to assets with .class endings (case insensitive).
  • PropertiesFile: blocks access to assets with .properties endings (case insensitive).
  • XMLFile: blocks access to assets with .xml endings (case insensitive).