| import org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.* |
| import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens |
| import t5build.* |
| |
| description = "Central module for Tapestry, containing all core services and components" |
| |
| project.ext { |
| mainGeneratedDir = "src/main/generated" |
| testGeneratedDir = "src/test/generated" |
| } |
| |
| clean.delete mainGeneratedDir, testGeneratedDir |
| |
| dependencies { |
| api project(':tapestry-ioc') |
| api project(':tapestry-json') |
| api project(':beanmodel') |
| api project(':tapestry-http') |
| |
| api "org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:${versions.commonsLang}" |
| |
| |
| implementation 'jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.4' |
| implementation 'jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.2' |
| implementation 'org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.2' |
| implementation 'com.sun.xml.ws:jaxws-rt:2.3.2' |
| implementation 'javax.xml.ws:jaxws-api:2.3.1' |
| |
| provided project(":tapestry-test") |
| provided project(":tapestry-test-constants") |
| |
| provided "jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api:${versions.servletapi}" |
| |
| implementation "commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13" |
| |
| testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:${versions.junitJupiter}" |
| testImplementation "org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.14" |
| testRuntimeOnly project(':tapestry-spock') |
| |
| testRuntimeOnly "org.hsqldb:hsqldb:" |
| testRuntimeOnly 'com.google.inject:guice:3.0' |
| } |
| |
| task preprocessCoffeeScript(type: PreprocessCoffeeScript) { |
| } |
| |
| task compileCoffeeScript(type: CompileCoffeeScript) { |
| outputDir "${mainGeneratedDir}/compiled-coffeescript" |
| } |
| |
| task compileProcessedCoffeescript(type: CompileCoffeeScript) { |
| dependsOn preprocessCoffeeScript |
| srcDir preprocessCoffeeScript.outputDir |
| outputDir "${mainGeneratedDir}/compiled-processed-coffeescript" |
| } |
| |
| task compileTestCoffeeScript(type: CompileCoffeeScript) { |
| srcDir "src/test/coffeescript" |
| outputDir "${testGeneratedDir}/compiled-coffeescript" |
| } |
| |
| sourceSets { |
| main { |
| output.dir(compileCoffeeScript.outputDir, builtBy: compileCoffeeScript) |
| output.dir(compileProcessedCoffeescript.outputDir, builtBy: compileProcessedCoffeescript) |
| } |
| test { |
| output.dir(compileTestCoffeeScript.outputDir, builtBy: compileTestCoffeeScript) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Not sure why this is necessary: |
| compileTestGroovy.dependsOn compileTestJava |
| |
| test { |
| // Needed to have XMLTokenStreamTests.testStreamEncoding() passing on Java 9+ |
| if (JavaVersion.current().isCompatibleWith(JavaVersion.VERSION_1_9)) { |
| jvmArgs("--add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED"); |
| } |
| // TAP5-2722 |
| systemProperty 'user.language', 'en' |
| } |
| |
| task runTestApp1(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app1 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app1", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestApp2(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app2 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app2", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestApp3(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app3 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app3", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestApp4(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app4 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app4", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestApp5(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app5 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app5", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestApp7(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start app7 integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/app7", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| task runTestAppfolder(type:JavaExec) { |
| description 'Start appFolder integration test app, useful when debugging failing integration tests' |
| main = 'org.apache.tapestry5.test.JettyRunner' |
| args "-d", "src/test/appfolder", "-p", "8080" |
| classpath += project.sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath |
| } |
| |
| task testWithPrototype(type:Test) { |
| systemProperties."tapestry.javascript-infrastructure-provider" = "prototype" |
| } |