blob: 10c9481167b8ff53cc00a2a267bb3906d948ccbc [file] [log] [blame]
package t5build
import org.gradle.api.*
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
* Used by the tapestry-core module, to split t5-core-dom into two flavors: one for prototype, one for jQuery.
class PreprocessCoffeeScript extends DefaultTask {
description = "Splits CoffeeScript source files into multiple flavors."
group = "build"
def flavors = ["prototype", "jquery"]
def srcDir = "src/main/preprocessed-coffeescript"
def outputDir = "${project.buildDir}/postprocessed-coffeescript"
File getSrcDir() { project.file(srcDir) }
File getOutputDir() { project.file(outputDir) }
void doSplit() { "Splitting CoffeeScript sources from $srcDir into $outputDir ($flavors)"
def outputDirFile = getOutputDir()
// Recursively delete output directory if it exists
def tree = project.fileTree srcDir, {
include '**/*.coffee'
tree.visit { visit ->
if ( return
def inputFile = visit.file
def inputPath = visit.path
flavors.each { flavor ->
def dotx = inputPath.lastIndexOf "."
def outputPath = inputPath.substring(0, dotx) + "-${flavor}.coffee"
def outputFile = new File(outputDirFile, outputPath) "Generating ${outputPath} from ${inputPath}"
split inputFile, outputFile, flavor
// Very sloppy; doesn't actually differentiate between #if and #elseif (nesting is not actually
// supported). Some more C Macro support would be nice, too.
def ifPattern = ~/^#(else)?if\s+(\w+)$/
void split(File inputFile, File outputFile, String flavor) {
def ignoring = false
outputFile.withPrintWriter { pw ->
inputFile.eachLine { line ->
def matcher = ifPattern.matcher line
if (matcher.matches()) {
// ignore the block unless it matches the flavor
ignoring = matcher[0][2] != flavor
// And don't copy the "#if" line at all.
// Note that we don't check for nested #if, and those aren't supported.
if (line == "#endif") {
ignoring = false;
if (ignoring) {
// Copy the line to the output:
pw.println line