New additions to the performance test suite

Most of the new files were copied from the deprecated performance test suite (scripts/perftestDeprecated) and refactored to call SystemDS with additional configuration. Most of the new DML scripts were copied from scripts/algorithms to scripts/perftest/scripts and then adapted to use built-in functions, if available.

General changes of perftest and the refactored files moved from perftestDeprecated to perftest

  • Added line for intel oneapi MKL system variable initialization in the matrixmult script. The initialization is commented for now, as it would be executed by the
  • Added commented initialization for MKL system variables in the
  • By default, shell scripts can now be invoked without any additional parameters, but optional arguments can be given for output folder and the command to be ran (MR, SPARK, ECHO).
  • Added SystemDS-config.xml in the perftest/conf folder, which is used by all refactored perftest scripts.
  • times.txt was moved to the “results” folder in perftest.
  • Time measurements appended to results/times.txt are now additionally measured in microseconds instead of just seconds, for the smaller data benchmarks.
  • All DML scripts, that are ultimately called by the microbenchmarks, can be found in perftest/scripts. This excludes the original algorithmic scripts that are still in use, if there was no corresponding built-in function.
  • Removed the -explain flag from all systemds calls.

Bash scripts that now call a new DML script that makes use of a built-in function, instead of a fully implemented algorithm

  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/MultiLogReg.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/l2-svm-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/m-svm.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/m-svm-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/naive-bayes.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/naive-bayes-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/LinearRegCG.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/LinearRegDS.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/GLM.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/GLM.dml
  • perftest/ -> perftest/scripts/GLM.dml

Bash scripts still calling old DML scripts, which fully implement algorithms

  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml
  • perftest/ -> algorithms/GLM-predict.dml

Bash scripts that already did call a DML script with a single built-in functions (only needed some refactoring)

  • perftest/ -> algorithms/l2-svm.dml (This already uses the built-in function l2svm!)