blob: e785112d13536876db3986ddac0001ae4bf77574 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysml.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.ConvolutionUtils;
public class LibMatrixDNN {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LibMatrixDNN.class.getName());
public static final boolean ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS = true;
// Using hashmap to avoid any performance impacts of multimap
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SoftReference<double[]>> non_zeroed_double_arr = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SoftReference<double[]>>();
private static final int NON_ZEROED_DOUBLE_ARR_THRESHOLD = 100;
public static void cacheReuseableData(double[] arr) {
if(arr != null && arr.length >= NON_ZEROED_DOUBLE_ARR_THRESHOLD) {
// Put the last recently removed arrays into the NON_ZEROED_DOUBLE_ARR as
// it has lower probability of being garbage collected
// new Integer(arr.length) can be avoided here as autoboxing will do the trick
non_zeroed_double_arr.put(arr.length, new SoftReference<double[]>(arr));
private static boolean warnedSingleThread = false;
private static void warnSingleThreaded() {
if(!warnedSingleThread) {
throw new RuntimeException("WARN: Single thread execution in LibMatrixDNN");
// LOG.warn("WARN: Single thread execution in LibMatrixDNN");
// warnedSingleThread = true;
public static double[] getReuseableData(long length) {
// Explicit "new Integer" required here for HashMap.remove
SoftReference<double[]> arr = non_zeroed_double_arr.remove(new Integer((int) length));
if(arr != null) {
return arr.get();
return null;
enum TaskType {
MaxPooling_Forward, MaxPooling_Backward,
LoopedIm2ColConv2d, LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter, LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData
public static class TemporaryConvolutionData {
public int [] minIndexArrR;
public int [] minIndexArrS;
public int [] maxIndexArrR;
public int [] maxIndexArrS;
int minCommonIndexS;
int maxCommonIndexS;
private static AtomicLong conv2dSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong conv2dBwdDataDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong im2colSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong im2colDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdSparseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong maxPoolBwdDenseCount = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime = new AtomicLong(0);
private static AtomicLong loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime = new AtomicLong(0);
public static void appendStatistics(StringBuilder sb) {
if(DMLScript.STATISTICS && (conv2dDenseCount.get() != 0 || conv2dSparseCount.get() != 0)) {
sb.append("LibMatrixDNN dense count (conv/bwdF/bwdD/im2col/maxBwd):\t"
+ conv2dDenseCount.get() + "/"
+ conv2dBwdFilterDenseCount.get() + "/"
+ conv2dBwdDataDenseCount.get() + "/"
+ im2colDenseCount.get() + "/"
+ maxPoolBwdDenseCount.get() + ".\n");
sb.append("LibMatrixDNN sparse count (conv/bwdF/bwdD/im2col/maxBwd):\t"
+ conv2dSparseCount.get() + "/"
+ conv2dBwdFilterSparseCount.get() + "/"
+ conv2dBwdDataSparseCount.get() + "/"
+ im2colSparseCount.get() + "/"
+ maxPoolBwdSparseCount.get() + ".\n");
if(loopedConvMatMultTime.get() != 0 || loopedConvIm2ColTime.get() != 0) {
sb.append("LibMatrixDNN conv(im2col/matmult), bwdF (im2col/matmult), bwdD (col2im/matmult) time:\t" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvIm2ColTime.get()*1e-9) + "/" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvMatMultTime.get()*1e-9) + "/" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdFilterIm2ColTime.get()*1e-9) + "/" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdFilterMatMultTime.get()*1e-9) + "/" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdDataCol2ImTime.get()*1e-9) + "/" +
String.format("%.3f", loopedConvBwdDataMatMultTime.get()*1e-9) + " sec.\n");
public static void resetStatistics() {
public static class ConvolutionParameters {
public int N; public int C; public int H; public int W;
public int K; public int R; public int S; public int stride_h; public int stride_w; public int pad_h; public int pad_w;
public int P; public int Q; public int numThreads;
public AtomicLong outputNNZ = new AtomicLong(-1);
MatrixBlock input1; MatrixBlock input2; MatrixBlock output;
boolean reuseNonZeroedOutput = false;
public TemporaryConvolutionData tmpData;
private int convertToInt(long val) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if( val > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("The value for ConvolutionParameters is too large:" + val);
return (int) val;
public boolean compare(ConvolutionParameters that) {
if(this.N == that.N && this.C == that.C && this.H == that.H && this.W == that.W
&& this.K == that.K && this.R == that.R && this.S == that.S && this.stride_h == that.stride_h
&& this.stride_w == that.stride_w && this.pad_h == that.pad_h
&& this.pad_w == that.pad_w && this.numThreads == that.numThreads) {
return true;
return false;
public String toString() {
return "(" + N + " " + C + " " + H + " " + W + " " + K + " " + R + " " + S + ")";
public ConvolutionParameters(long N, long C, long H, long W,
long K, long R, long S, long stride_h, long stride_w, long pad_h, long pad_w, int numThreads) throws DMLRuntimeException {
this.N = convertToInt(N);
this.C = convertToInt(C);
this.H = convertToInt(H);
this.W = convertToInt(W);
this.K = convertToInt(K);
this.R = convertToInt(R);
this.S = convertToInt(S);
this.stride_h = convertToInt(stride_h);
this.stride_w = convertToInt(stride_w);
this.pad_h = convertToInt(pad_h);
this.pad_w = convertToInt(pad_w);
if(H >= 0 && pad_h >= 0 && R >= 0 && stride_h >= 0)
P = (int) ((H + 2 * pad_h - R) / stride_h + 1);
P = -1;
// P = convertToInt(ConvolutionUtils.getP(H, R, stride_h, pad_h));
if(W >= 0 && pad_w >= 0 && S >= 0 && stride_w >= 0)
Q = (int) ((W + 2 * pad_w - S) / stride_w + 1);
Q = -1;
// Q = convertToInt(ConvolutionUtils.getQ(W, S, stride_w, pad_w));
this.numThreads = numThreads;
public ConvolutionParameters(int N, int C, int H, int W,
int K, int R, int S, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h, int pad_w, int numThreads) {
this.N = N;
this.C = C;
this.H = H;
this.W = W;
this.K = K;
this.R = R;
this.S = S;
this.stride_h = stride_h;
this.stride_w = stride_w;
this.pad_h = pad_h;
this.pad_w = pad_w;
P = (int) ConvolutionUtils.getP(H, R, stride_h, pad_h);
Q = (int) ConvolutionUtils.getQ(W, S, stride_w, pad_w);
this.numThreads = numThreads;
public void setReuseNonZeroedOutput(boolean reuseNonZeroedOutput) {
this.reuseNonZeroedOutput = reuseNonZeroedOutput;
public boolean isOutputThreadSafe() {
return output.isThreadSafe();
public static void conv2d_backward_data(MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
params.input1 = filter;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(filter.getNumRows() != params.K || filter.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.R*params.S ||
dout.getNumRows() != params.N || dout.getNumColumns() != params.K*params.P*params.Q) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter");
if(params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported");
// Convert filter (which is relatively small matrix) to dense
if(params.input1.isInSparseFormat()) {
if(filter.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) {
else {
params.reuseNonZeroedOutput = true;
int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
if(!ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS || constrainedNumThreads <= 1) {
MatrixBlock dout_reshaped = new MatrixBlock(params.P*params.Q, params.K, false);
for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) {
doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData(n, dout_reshaped, params);
else {
runConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, 1, TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData, params);
public static void conv2d_backward_filter(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(input.getNumRows() != params.N || input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W ||
dout.getNumRows() != params.N || dout.getNumColumns() != params.K*params.P*params.Q) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d_backward_filter");
if(params.stride_h <= 0 || params.stride_w <= 0) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only positive strides supported");
if(input.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) {
else {
params.reuseNonZeroedOutput = true;
int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
if(!ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS || constrainedNumThreads <= 1) {
MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.C*params.R*params.S, params.P*params.Q, false);
MatrixBlock dout_reshaped = new MatrixBlock(params.P*params.Q, params.K, false);
for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) {
params.output = doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter(n, im2ColOutBlock, dout_reshaped, params.output, params);
else {
runConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, 1, TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter, params);
// ret += elem
private static void elementWiseInPlaceAddition(MatrixBlock ret, MatrixBlock elem) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if(ret.getNumRows() != elem.getNumRows() || ret.getNumColumns() != elem.getNumColumns()) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions");
if(!ret.isInSparseFormat() && !elem.isInSparseFormat()) {
for(int i = 0; i < ret.getNumRows()*ret.getNumColumns(); i++) {
ret.denseBlock[i] += elem.denseBlock[i];
else if(!ret.isInSparseFormat() && elem.isInSparseFormat()) {
if(!elem.isEmptyBlock()) {
Iterator<IJV> iter = elem.sparseBlock.getIterator();
int numCol = ret.getNumColumns();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
int index = ijv.getI()*numCol + ijv.getJ();
ret.denseBlock[index] += ijv.getV();
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse return format not supported");
// ret += t(elem)
private static void elementWiseInPlaceTransposedAddition(MatrixBlock ret, MatrixBlock elem) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if(ret.getNumRows() != elem.getNumColumns() || ret.getNumColumns() != elem.getNumRows()) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dimensions");
int numRow = ret.getNumColumns();
if(!ret.isInSparseFormat() && !elem.isInSparseFormat()) {
int iter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < elem.getNumRows(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < elem.getNumColumns(); j++, iter++) {
int index = j*numRow+i;
ret.denseBlock[index] += elem.denseBlock[iter];
else if(!ret.isInSparseFormat() && elem.isInSparseFormat()) {
if(!elem.isEmptyBlock()) {
Iterator<IJV> iter = elem.sparseBlock.getIterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
int index = ijv.getJ()*numRow + ijv.getI();
ret.denseBlock[index] += ijv.getV();
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse return format not supported");
private static void doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData(int n, MatrixBlock dout_reshaped, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
MatrixBlock filter = params.input1;
MatrixBlock dout = params.input2;
doRotate180(n, 0, dout, dout_reshaped.denseBlock, params, true);
MatrixBlock temp = new MatrixBlock(params.P*params.Q, params.C*params.R*params.S, false);
long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(dout_reshaped, filter, temp, false);
long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0 ;
doCol2imOverSingleImage(n, temp, params);
long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0 ;
private static MatrixBlock doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter(int n,
MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock, MatrixBlock dout_reshaped, MatrixBlock partialRetBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
long nnz = 0;
long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
nnz += doIm2colOverInputPath_NCHW(n, c, im2ColOutBlock, params);
long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0 ;
doRotate180(n, 0, params.input2, dout_reshaped.denseBlock, params, true);
MatrixBlock temp = new MatrixBlock(params.C*params.R*params.S, params.K, false);
long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0 ;
LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(im2ColOutBlock, dout_reshaped, temp, false);
long t4 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0 ;
elementWiseInPlaceTransposedAddition(partialRetBlock, temp);
return partialRetBlock;
private static void computeTensorIndexes(int j, int [] ret, int H, int W) throws DMLRuntimeException {
ret[0] = j / (H*W);
ret[1] = (j - ret[0]*(H*W))/W;
ret[2] = j % W;
public static void conv2d(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock filter, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = filter;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(input.getNumRows() != params.N || input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W ||
filter.getNumRows() != params.K || filter.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.R*params.S) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input to conv2d");
if(input.isInSparseFormat() || filter.isInSparseFormat()) {
else {
params.reuseNonZeroedOutput = true;
int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
if(!ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS || constrainedNumThreads <= 1) {
MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.C*params.R*params.S, params.P*params.Q, false);
for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) {
doLoopedIm2ColConv2d(n, im2ColOutBlock, params);
else {
runConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, 1, TaskType.LoopedIm2ColConv2d, params);
private static void doLoopedIm2ColConv2d(int n, MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
long nnz = 0;
long t1 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
nnz += doIm2colOverInputPath_NCHW(n, c, im2ColOutBlock, params);
long t2 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
MatrixBlock matMultOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.K, params.P*params.Q, false);
LibMatrixMult.matrixMult(params.input2, im2ColOutBlock, matMultOutBlock, false);
long t3 = DMLScript.STATISTICS ? System.nanoTime() : 0;
loopedConvIm2ColTime.addAndGet(t2 - t1);
loopedConvMatMultTime.addAndGet(t3 - t2);
int destPos = n*params.K*params.P*params.Q;
int length = params.K*params.P*params.Q;
if(params.reuseNonZeroedOutput && matMultOutBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
Arrays.fill(params.output.denseBlock, destPos, destPos + length, 0);
else if(!matMultOutBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
if(matMultOutBlock.isInSparseFormat()) {
Iterator<IJV> iter = matMultOutBlock.sparseBlock.getIterator();
final int outOffset = n*params.K*params.P*params.Q;
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
int k = ijv.getI();
int p = ijv.getJ() / params.Q;
int q = ijv.getJ() % params.Q;
params.output.denseBlock[outOffset + k*params.P*params.Q + p*params.Q + q] = ijv.getV();
System.arraycopy(matMultOutBlock.denseBlock, 0, params.output.denseBlock, destPos, length);
public static void maxpooling_backward(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock dout, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
params.input1 = input;
params.input2 = dout;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K*params.P*params.Q);
if(dout.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.P*params.Q || dout.getNumRows() != params.N) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect dout dimensions in maxpooling_backward:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K*params.P*params.Q);
if(input.isInSparseFormat() || dout.isInSparseFormat()) {
else {
if (params.output.isInSparseFormat())
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse maxpooling_backward is not supported");
int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
if(!ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS || constrainedNumThreads <= 1) {
for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) {
doPoolingBackward(n, params);
else {
runConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, 1, TaskType.MaxPooling_Backward, params);
private static void doPoolingBackward(int n, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
double [] inputArray = null;
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock();
double [] doutArray = null;
if (!params.input2.isInSparseFormat())
doutArray = params.input2.getDenseBlock();
double [] outputArray = null;
if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock();
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only dense output supported for pooling_backward");
if(inputArray != null) {
if(doutArray != null)
doPoolingBackwardDenseDense(n, inputArray, doutArray, outputArray, params);
doPoolingBackwardDenseSparse(n, inputArray, params.input2, outputArray, params);
else {
if(doutArray != null)
doPoolingBackwardSparseDense(n, doutArray, outputArray, params);
doPoolingBackwardSparseSparse(n, outputArray, params);
private static void doPoolingBackwardSparseDense(int n, double [] doutArray, double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions");
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
double inVal = doutArray[n*params.C*params.P*params.Q + c*params.P*params.Q + p * params.Q + q];
if(inVal != 0) {
final int inputOffset = n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W;
int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H);
start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0);
int maxIndex = getMaxIndexSparse(start_index_h, end_index_h, q, inputOffset, n, c, params.input1, params);
outputArray[maxIndex] += inVal;
private static void doPoolingBackwardSparseSparse(int n, double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Call optimized versions");
// params.input2.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller
Iterator<IJV> iter = params.input2.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n+1);
int [] tensorIndexes = new int[3];
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q);
int c = tensorIndexes[0];
int p = tensorIndexes[1];
int q = tensorIndexes[2];
final int inputOffset = n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W;
int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H);
start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0);
int maxIndex = getMaxIndexSparse(start_index_h, end_index_h, q, inputOffset, n, c, params.input1, params);
outputArray[maxIndex] += ijv.getV();
private static void doPoolingBackwardDenseSparse(int n, double [] inputArray,
MatrixBlock dout, double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
// dout.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller
Iterator<IJV> iter = dout.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n+1);
int [] tensorIndexes = new int[3];
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q);
int c = tensorIndexes[0];
int p = tensorIndexes[1];
int q = tensorIndexes[2];
final int inputOffset = n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W;
int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H);
start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0);
int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(start_index_h, end_index_h, q, inputOffset, inputArray, params);
outputArray[maxIndex] += ijv.getV();
private static void doPoolingBackwardDenseDense(int n, double [] inputArray, double [] doutArray,
double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) {
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
final int inputOffset = n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W;
final int outputOffset = n*params.C*params.P*params.Q + c*params.P*params.Q;
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H);
start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0);
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
int maxIndex = getMaxIndex(start_index_h, end_index_h, q, inputOffset, inputArray, params);
outputArray[maxIndex] += doutArray[outputOffset + p * params.Q + q];
private static int getMaxIndexSparse(int start_index_h, int end_index_h,
int q, int inputOffset, int n, int c, MatrixBlock input, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect usage: Only sparse format supported");
// input.isEmptyBlock() check is done by the caller
Iterator<IJV> iter = input.sparseBlock.getIterator(n, n+1);
int [] tensorIndexes = new int[3];
int start_index_w = Math.max(q * params.stride_w - params.pad_w, 0);
int end_index_w = Math.min(start_index_w + params.S, params.W);
start_index_w = Math.max(start_index_w, 0);
int maxIndex = inputOffset + start_index_h*params.W + start_index_w;
double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
// Find maxIndex
double currDoutVal = -1;
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.H, params.W);
if(c != tensorIndexes[0])
int h = tensorIndexes[1];
int w = tensorIndexes[2];
if(h >= start_index_h && h < end_index_h && w >= start_index_w && w < end_index_w) {
currDoutVal = ijv.getV();
if(maxVal < currDoutVal) {
maxIndex = inputOffset + h*params.W + w;
maxVal = currDoutVal;
return maxIndex;
private static int getMaxIndex(int start_index_h, int end_index_h,
int q, int inputOffset, double [] inputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) {
int start_index_w = q * params.stride_w - params.pad_w;
int end_index_w = Math.min(start_index_w + params.S, params.W);
start_index_w = Math.max(start_index_w, 0);
int maxIndex = inputOffset + start_index_h*params.W + start_index_w;
double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
// Find maxIndex
double currDoutVal = -1;
for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) {
for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) {
currDoutVal = inputArray[inputOffset + h*params.W + w];
if(maxVal < currDoutVal) {
maxIndex = inputOffset + h*params.W + w;
maxVal = currDoutVal;
return maxIndex;
public static void maxpooling(MatrixBlock input, MatrixBlock outputBlock, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
params.input1 = input;
params.output = outputBlock;
if(input.getNumColumns() != params.C*params.H*params.W || input.getNumRows() != params.N) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions in maxpooling:" + input.getNumRows() + " " + input.getNumColumns() + " " + params.N + " " + params.K*params.P*params.Q);
int constrainedNumThreads = OptimizerUtils.getConstrainedNumThreads(params.numThreads);
if(!ALLOW_MULTI_THREADED_OPS || constrainedNumThreads <= 1) {
for (int n = 0; n < params.N; n++) {
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
doPooling(n, c, params);
else {
runConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, params.C, TaskType.MaxPooling_Forward, params);
private static void doPooling(int n, int c, ConvolutionParameters params) {
double [] inputArray = null;
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock();
double [] outputArray = null;
if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock();
long tmpNNZ = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
int start_index_h = p * params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
int start_index_w = q * params.stride_w - params.pad_w;
int end_index_h = Math.min(start_index_h + params.R, params.H);
int end_index_w = Math.min(start_index_w + params.S, params.W);
start_index_h = Math.max(start_index_h, 0);
start_index_w = Math.max(start_index_w, 0);
int out_index = n*params.C*params.P*params.Q + c*params.P*params.Q + p * params.Q + q;
outputArray[out_index] = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (int h = start_index_h; h < end_index_h; h++) {
for (int w = start_index_w; w < end_index_w; w++) {
double inVal = -1;
if(inputArray != null)
inVal = inputArray[n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W + h*params.W + w];
inVal = params.input1.quickGetValue(n, c*params.H*params.W + h*params.W + w);
outputArray[out_index] = Math.max(outputArray[out_index], inVal);
if(outputArray[out_index] != 0)
private static void doRotate180(int inputN, int outputN, MatrixBlock input,
double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params, boolean zeroOutSparseOutput) throws DMLRuntimeException {
double [] inputArray = null;
if (!input.isInSparseFormat())
inputArray = input.getDenseBlock();
if(outputArray == null)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse output is not supported for rotate180");
int outputOffset = outputN*params.K*params.P*params.Q;
if(inputArray != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < params.K; k++) {
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
outputArray[outputOffset + p*params.Q*params.K + q*params.K + k] = inputArray[inputN*params.K*params.P*params.Q + k*params.P*params.Q + p*params.Q + q];
else {
Arrays.fill(outputArray, 0);
if(!input.isEmptyBlock()) {
Iterator<IJV> iter = input.sparseBlock.getIterator(inputN, inputN+1);
int [] tensorIndexes = new int[3];
while(iter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q);
int k = tensorIndexes[0];
int p = tensorIndexes[1];
int q = tensorIndexes[2];
outputArray[outputOffset + p*params.Q*params.K + q*params.K + k] = ijv.getV();
private static int [] getTaskSize(int constrainedNumThreads, int maxNumTaskSize1, int maxNumTaskSize2) {
int taskSize1 = 1; int taskSize2 = 1;
// Why this heuristics ? To reduce the impact of the thread-creation overhead in case of small tasks
int approxNumTasksToCreate = 3*constrainedNumThreads;
while((maxNumTaskSize1*maxNumTaskSize2)/(taskSize1*taskSize2) > approxNumTasksToCreate) {
// Possibility of creating too many tasks, increase taskSize2
taskSize2 *= 2;
if(taskSize2 >= maxNumTaskSize2) {
taskSize2 = maxNumTaskSize2;
while((maxNumTaskSize1*maxNumTaskSize2)/(taskSize1*taskSize2) > approxNumTasksToCreate) {
// Possibility of creating too many tasks, increase taskSize1
taskSize1 *= 2;
if(taskSize1 >= maxNumTaskSize1) {
taskSize1 = maxNumTaskSize1;
int [] ret = new int[2];
ret[0] = taskSize1;
ret[1] = taskSize2;
return ret;
private static void runSequentialConvTask(int NSize, int Z, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
ConvTask task = new ConvTask(0, NSize, 0, Z, type, params);
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing single-threaded " +, e);
private static void runConvTask(int constrainedNumThreads, int Z, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if (params.isOutputThreadSafe() && constrainedNumThreads > 1)
runParallelConvTask(constrainedNumThreads, params.N, Z, type, params);
runSequentialConvTask(params.N, Z, type, params);
private static void runParallelConvTask(int constrainedNumThreads, int NSize, int Z, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
ArrayList<ConvTask> tasks = new ArrayList<ConvTask>();
if(NSize >= constrainedNumThreads || Z == 1) {
int numNTasks = (int) Math.ceil(((double) NSize) / constrainedNumThreads);
for (int n = 0; n < NSize; n += numNTasks) {
tasks.add(new ConvTask(n, Math.min(NSize, n+numNTasks), 0, Z, type, params));
else {
int [] taskSizes = getTaskSize(constrainedNumThreads, NSize, Z);
for (int n = 0; n < NSize; n += taskSizes[0]) {
for (int z = 0; z < Z; z += taskSizes[1]) {
tasks.add(new ConvTask(n, Math.min(NSize, n+taskSizes[0]), z, Math.min(Z, z+taskSizes[1]), type, params));
LOG.debug("Reduce number of tasks from " + (NSize*Z) + "(" + NSize + "," + Z + ") to " + tasks.size());
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( Math.min(constrainedNumThreads, tasks.size()) );
List<Future<Object>> taskret;
try {
taskret = pool.invokeAll(tasks);
for( Future<Object> task : taskret ) {
switch(type) {
case LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter:
elementWiseInPlaceAddition(params.output, (MatrixBlock) task.get());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing multi-threaded " +, e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error while executing multi-threaded " +, e);
private static class ConvTask implements Callable<Object> {
int n1; int n2; int z1; int z2;
ConvolutionParameters params;
TaskType type;
public ConvTask(int n1, int n2, int z1, int z2, TaskType type, ConvolutionParameters params) {
this.n1 = n1;
this.n2 = n2;
this.z1 = z1;
this.z2 = z2;
this.type = type;
this.params = params;
public Object call() throws DMLRuntimeException {
switch(type) {
case MaxPooling_Forward:
for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) {
for (int z = z1; z < z2; z++) {
doPooling(n, z, params);
case MaxPooling_Backward:
for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) {
doPoolingBackward(n, params);
case LoopedIm2ColConv2d:
MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.C*params.R*params.S, params.P*params.Q, false);
for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) {
doLoopedIm2ColConv2d(n, im2ColOutBlock, params);
case LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter:
MatrixBlock im2ColOutBlock1 = new MatrixBlock(params.C*params.R*params.S, params.P*params.Q, false);
MatrixBlock partialRetBlock = new MatrixBlock(params.K, params.C*params.R*params.S, false);
MatrixBlock dout_reshaped = new MatrixBlock(params.P*params.Q, params.K, false);
for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) {
partialRetBlock = doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdFilter(n, im2ColOutBlock1, dout_reshaped, partialRetBlock, params);
return partialRetBlock;
case LoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData:
MatrixBlock dout_reshaped = new MatrixBlock(params.P*params.Q, params.K, false);
for (int n = n1; n < n2; n++) {
doLoopedIm2ColConv2dBwdData(n, dout_reshaped, params);
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported ConvTask:" +;
return null;
// Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW
private static void doCol2imOverSingleImage(int outputN, MatrixBlock input, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
if(input.rlen != params.P*params.Q || input.clen != params.C*params.R*params.S) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions");
double [] outputArray = null;
if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock();
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only dense output is implemented");
if(!input.isInSparseFormat()) {
double [] inputArray = input.getDenseBlock();
doCol2IMDenseInput(0, outputN, inputArray, outputArray, params);
else {
doCol2IMSparseInput(0, outputN, input.getSparseBlockIterator(), outputArray, params);
private static void doCol2IMSparseInput(int inputN, int outputN, Iterator<IJV> inputIter, double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
int [] tensorIndexes = new int[3];
while(inputIter.hasNext()) {
IJV ijv =;
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getJ(), tensorIndexes, params.R, params.S);
int c = tensorIndexes[0];
int r = tensorIndexes[1];
int s = tensorIndexes[2];
computeTensorIndexes(ijv.getI(), tensorIndexes, params.P, params.Q);
int p = tensorIndexes[1];
int q = tensorIndexes[2];
if(inputN != tensorIndexes[0]) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect tensor indexes: " + inputN + " != " + tensorIndexes[0] + " <" + p + " " + q + " " + ijv.getI() + params.P + " " + params.Q + ">");
int h = p*params.stride_h + r - params.pad_h;
int w = q*params.stride_w + s - params.pad_w;
if(h >= 0 && h < params.H && w >= 0 && w < params.W) {
int outIndex = outputN*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W + h*params.W + w;
outputArray[outIndex] += ijv.getV();
// Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW if inputN == 0
// Or converts input: NPQ X CRS matrix and writes to N X CHW
private static void doCol2IMDenseInput(int inputN, int outputN, double [] inputArray, double [] outputArray, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
final int outputNOffset = outputN*params.C*params.H*params.W;
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
// h = p*params.stride_h + r - params.pad_h
// = r + hOffset
// Based on restrictions: h >= 0 and r >= 0 and h < params.H and r < params.R, we get
// max(0, - hOffset) <= r < min(params.R, params.H - hOffset)
final int hOffset = p*params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int rStart = Math.max(0, - hOffset);
final int rEnd = Math.min(params.R, params.H - hOffset);
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
// Using the same logic as above on following:
// w = q*params.stride_w + s - params.pad_w
final int wOffset = q*params.stride_w - params.pad_w;
final int sStart = Math.max(0, - wOffset);
final int sEnd = Math.min(params.S, params.W - wOffset);
final int tempOffset = (inputN*params.P*params.Q + p*params.Q + q)*params.C*params.R*params.S;
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
final int outOffset = outputNOffset + c*params.H*params.W;
final int inputOffset = tempOffset + c*params.R*params.S;
for (int r = rStart; r < rEnd; r++) {
for (int s = sStart; s < sEnd; s++) {
int inputIndex = inputOffset + r*params.S + s;
int outIndex = outOffset + (hOffset + r)*params.W + wOffset + s;
outputArray[outIndex] += inputArray[inputIndex];
private static long doIm2colOverInputPath_NCHW(int n, int c, MatrixBlock output, ConvolutionParameters params) throws DMLRuntimeException {
double [] inputArray = null;
if (!params.input1.isInSparseFormat())
inputArray = params.input1.getDenseBlock();
double [] outputArray = null;
if(output == null && !params.output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlock();
else if(output != null && !output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = output.getDenseBlock();
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sparse output is not supported for im2col");
final int inputOffset = n*params.C*params.H*params.W + c*params.H*params.W;
int outputOffset;
if(output == null)
outputOffset = (c*params.R*params.S*params.N + n)*params.P*params.Q;
outputOffset = (c*params.R*params.S)*params.P*params.Q;
long tmpNNZ = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < params.R; r++) { // Get an input patch of size R X S
for (int s = 0; s < params.S; s++) {
int localIndex;
if(output == null)
localIndex = outputOffset + ((r*params.S*params.N + s*params.N)*params.P*params.Q);
localIndex = outputOffset + ((r*params.S + s)*params.P*params.Q);
int input_row = r - params.pad_h;
// And copy it to outputArray[i] (taking care of padding & striding)
for (int p = params.P; p > 0; p--) {
if (input_row >= 0 && input_row < params.H) {
int input_col = s - params.pad_w;
for (int q = params.Q; q > 0; q--, localIndex++) {
if (input_col >= 0 && input_col < params.W) {
// Copy from [channel c, height input_row, width input_col]
if(inputArray != null)
outputArray[localIndex] = inputArray[inputOffset + input_row*params.W + input_col];
outputArray[localIndex] = params.input1.quickGetValue(n, c*params.H*params.W + input_row*params.W + input_col);
if(outputArray[localIndex] != 0)
else if(params.reuseNonZeroedOutput) {
outputArray[localIndex] = 0;
input_col += params.stride_w;
} else {
if(params.reuseNonZeroedOutput) {
for(int i = localIndex; i < localIndex + params.Q; i++) {
outputArray[localIndex] = 0;
localIndex += params.Q;
input_row += params.stride_h;
return tmpNNZ;