Publishing Instructions

Building SystemDS jar (with dependency jars)

The following steps have to be done for both the cases

  • Build SystemDS with maven first mvn package -P distribution, with the working directory being SYSTEMDS_ROOT (Root directory of SystemDS)
  • cd to this folder (basically SYSTEMDS_ROOT/src/main/python)

Building python package

  • Run
  • now in the ./dist directory there will exist the source distribution systemds-VERSION.tar.gz and the wheel distribution systemds-VERSION-py3-none-any.whl, with VERSION being the current version number

Publishing package

If we want to build the package for uploading to the repository via python3 -m twine upload dist/* (will be automated in the future)

  • Install twine with pip install --upgrade twine

  • Follow the instructions from the Guide

    1. Create an API-Token in the account (leave the page open or copy the token, it will only be shown once)
    2. Execute the command python3 -m twine upload dist/*
      • Optional: pip install keyrings.alt(use with caution!) if you get UserWarning: No recommended backend was available.
    3. Username is __token__
    4. Password is the created API-Token with pypi- prefix