Update and Commit workflow (Deprecated)


Read through Apache Version control infrastructure

Note: Commit access to the apache svn repository is required.

shell or Windows Powershell

F:\Repo> git clone https://github.com/apache/systemds-website
F:\Repo> svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/systemds systemds-website-svn
F:\Repo> ls

Build website contents

F:\Repo\systemds-website> npm install
F:\Repo\systemds-website> gulp

Copy the website contents to svn repo

  • on Powershell
F:\Repo\systemds-website-svn\site> Copy-Item -Path F:\Repo\systemds-website\_site -Recurse -Container:$false
  • Instead of Copy-Item -Path .. -Recurse, one could simply use cp on a linux based system. On Linux
F:\Repo\systemds-website-svn\site> cp -r F:\Repo\systemds-website\_site


see Changes: See modifications, to see only the expected changes were made. (If there are changes to other files simply do not add them!). image

svn commit: Select svn commit option, after right clicking the systemml-website-svn folder. And add message based on the commits. image

Provide your apache credentials, that you normally use to push for git repositories. image

This would update the website.

ProTip: Always do a sanity check by knowing what all files changed