[MINOR] update links in documentation page
1 file changed
tree: 31ee530221be2f65c49fab56fcf6fd3de656a175
  1. .github/
  2. _src/
  3. branding_assets/
  4. .asf.yaml
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitpod.yml
  8. .htaccess
  9. _config.yml
  11. gulpfile.js
  13. NOTICE
  14. package-lock.json
  15. package.json
  16. README.md

Apache SystemDS Website

This repository contains the code for the SystemDS main website.

If you would like to develop on the browser:

Open in Gitpod online


Node.js and npm

In order to build this project you will need the latest version of node.js and npm. Detailed instructions for download and installation can be found here.


We use Gulp to compile Sass and JS as well as run the Jekyll build. You can install it with npm:

sudo npm install -g gulp

Building the website

Download website dependancies

npm install

Build website contents


If all goes well it open the site in your browser at http://localhost:3000.


Error: spawn jekyll.bat ENOENT can be resolved by

gem install jekyll

If you are still facing the issue, perhaps the discussion here might would give some pointers.

Updating the website

After generating files by following above instructions.

  1. Create a new branch (for example, update-website) from the asf-staging branch.
git checkout asf-staging
git checkout -b update-website
  1. Copy the generated files to the website content folder.
cp -r _site/* content/
git add content/*
git commit -m "Update SystemDS website with latest changes"
  1. Add changes to the personal fork and create a PR against asf-staging branch.
git push https://github.com/<id>/systemds-website update-website

An example, PR#83.

Release Docs

Instruction for adding release specific version of docs to https://systemds.apache.org/docs

Step 0: Prerequisites

git clone https://github.com/apache/systemds
git clone https://github.com/apache/systemds-website

Step 1:

generate docs with as per https://github.com/apache/systemds/tree/master/docs

# In this case the release tag is 2.1.0-rc3 git checkout 2.1.0-rc3 cd systemds/docs ./updateAPI.sh

Step 2:

copy the contents to systemds-website repo

cd systemds-website

# create a new directory with release no.
mkdir content/docs/2.1.0

# copy the files in docs/_site folder to 2.1.0
cp -r ../systemds/docs/_site/* content/docs/2.1.0

Then follow, https://github.com/apache/systemds-website#updating-the-website

Step 3:

Open a PR against asf-staging branch.

Example PR: https://github.com/apache/systemds-website/pull/94

Website Preview at https://systemds.staged.apache.org

Step 4:

Production release via asf-site branch. For this approval from the team is recommended.

Example PR: https://github.com/apache/systemds-website/pull/95

How to add new dataset

To add a new dataset,

  1. create <dataset-name>.md file in the _src/_datasets folder.
  2. Upload dataset files to _src/assets/datasets/<dataset-name> folder.

And follow the Updating the website procedure.