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<title>Apache Synapse - Sample 500</title>
<section name="Sample 500: Introduction to Eventing">
<div class="xmlConf">&lt;definitions xmlns=""&gt;
&lt;eventSource name="SampleEventSource"&gt;
&lt;!--property name="registryURL" value="http://localhost:8180/wso2registry"/&gt;
&lt;property name="username" value="admin"/&gt;
&lt;property name="password" value="admin"/--&gt;
&lt;property name="topicHeaderName" value="Topic"/&gt;
&lt;property name="topicHeaderNS" value=""/&gt;
&lt;sequence name="PublicEventSource"&gt;
&lt;log level="full"/&gt;
&lt;eventPublisher eventSourceName="SampleEventSource"/&gt;
&lt;proxy name="EventingProxy"&gt;
&lt;target inSequence="PublicEventSource"/&gt;
<subsection name="Objective">
Demonstrate the use of the Eventing functionality built into Synapse
<subsection name="Pre-requisites">
Deploy the SimpleStockQuoteService in the sample Axis2 server and start Axis2
Start Synapse using the configuration numbered 500 (repository/conf/sample/synapse_sample_500.xml)
<div class="command">
Unix/Linux: sh -sample 500<br/>
Windows: synapse.bat -sample 500
<subsection name="Executing the Client">
In this sample an event source is creted based on the provided configuration. Event
subscriber subscribes for the events, Event sender publishes events and the
SimpleStockQuoteService acts as the Event Sink.
First, invoke the sample client (Subscriber) as follows.
<div class="command">ant eventsubscriber</div>
This will create a new subscription with the SimpleStockQuoteService deployed on
the sample Axis2 server acting as the sink. Whenever a new event is published,
SimpleStockQuoteService will receive a message with that event. You should see a
message like this on the client console confirming the subscription.
<div class="consoleOutput">[java] Subscription identifier: urn:uuid:6989F66706E73C69F5259116575749162017010321</div>
You will need this identifier to modify the subscription in the next steps. Now,
invoke the client (Sender) as follows.
<div class="command">ant eventsender</div>
This will send a placeOrder request to the EventingProxy. You should see a
message in the Synapse logs. Note the presence of the following SOAP header
in the request.
<div class="consoleOutput">&lt;aip:Topic xmlns:aip="">synapse/event/test&lt;/aip:Topic></div>
Since there is a single subscription with SimpleStockQuoteService as the sink,
Synapse will send the message to the sample Axis2 server and you should see the
following message in its logs:
<div class="consoleOutput">Accepted order for : 1000 stocks of GOOG at $ 10.1</div>
You can also send various other WS-Eventing messages from the sample client to
modify the subscription details. To get the current status of the subscription,
invoke the client as follows.
<div class="command">ant eventsubscriber -Dmode=getstatus -Didentifier=<i>&lt;identifier></i></div>
To renew the subscription, invoke the client as follows.
<div class="command">ant eventsubscriber -Dmode=renew -Didentifier=<i>&lt;identifier></i> -Dexpires=2012-12-31T21:07:00.000-08:00</div>
Finally, in order to unsubscribe, use the following command.
<div class="command">ant eventsubscriber -Dmode=unsubscribe -Didentifier=<i>&lt;identifier></i></div>
<p><a href="../samples.html">Back to Catalog</a></p>