feat: adding feature flags to escape/hide html in markdown (#11340)

* utilizing feature flag for html escapement

* use src alias

* Feature flag to allow hiding of HTML tags

* strips js attr

* better feature flag naming

* simplifying

* Adding comments to new feature flags

* shorter comment, because pylint,

* pedantic change to get black to format a file
3 files changed
tree: 3d07b3c9926cf968200a9113e6092b5f27492ed2
  1. .github/
  2. docker/
  3. docs/
  4. helm/
  6. requirements/
  7. scripts/
  8. superset/
  9. superset-frontend/
  10. tests/
  11. .asf.yaml
  12. .codecov.yml
  13. .dockerignore
  14. .editorconfig
  15. .flaskenv
  16. .fossa.yml
  17. .gitignore
  18. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  19. .pylintrc
  20. .rat-excludes
  21. CHANGELOG.md
  25. docker-compose.yml
  26. Dockerfile
  27. Dockerfile-dev
  28. INSTALL.md
  29. INTHEWILD.md
  30. LICENSE.txt
  31. MANIFEST.in
  32. NOTICE
  33. package-lock.json
  34. pytest.ini
  35. README.md
  36. setup.cfg
  37. setup.py
  38. tox.ini
  39. UPDATING.md


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A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.

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Query and visualize your data with SQL Lab

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Choose from a wide array of visualizations

Why Superset

Superset provides:

  • An intuitive interface to explore and visualize datasets, and create interactive dashboards.
  • A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data.
  • Easy, code-free, user flows to drill down and slice and dice the data underlying exposed dashboards. The dashboards and charts act as a starting point for deeper analysis.
  • A state of the art SQL editor/IDE exposing a rich metadata browser, and an easy workflow to create visualizations out of any result set.
  • An extensible, high granularity security model allowing intricate rules on who can access which product features and datasets. Integration with major authentication backends (database, OpenID, LDAP, OAuth, REMOTE_USER, ...)
  • A lightweight semantic layer, allowing to control how data sources are exposed to the user by defining dimensions and metrics
  • Out of the box support for most SQL-speaking databases
  • Deep integration with Druid allows for Superset to stay blazing fast while slicing and dicing large, realtime datasets
  • Fast loading dashboards with configurable caching

Supported Databases

Superset speaks many SQL dialects through SQLAlchemy - a Python SQL toolkit that is compatible with most databases. Here are some of the major database solutions that are supported:

A complete list of supported databases can be found here.

Installation and Configuration

See in the documentation

Get Involved

Contributor Guide

Interested in contributing? Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md to find resources around contributing along with a detailed guide on how to set up a development environment.
