Updating Superset

This file documents any backwards-incompatible changes in Superset and assists people when migrating to a new version.

Superset 0.27.0

  • Superset 0.27 start to use nested layout for dashboard builder, which is not backward-compatible with earlier dashboard grid data. We provide migration script to automatically convert dashboard grid to nested layout data. To be safe, please take a database backup prior to this upgrade. It's the only way people could go back to a previous state.

Superset 0.26.0

  • Superset 0.26.0 deprecates the superset worker CLI, which is a simple wrapper around the celery worker command, forcing you into crafting your own native celery worker command. Your command should look something like celery worker --app=superset.sql_lab:celery_app --pool=gevent -Ofair

Superset 0.25.0

Superset 0.25.0 contains a backwards incompatible changes. If you run a production system you should schedule downtime for this upgrade.

The PRs bellow have more information around the breaking changes:

  • 4587 : a backward incompatible database migration that requires downtime. Once the db migration succeeds, the web server needs to be restarted with the new version. The previous version will fail
  • 4565 : we‘ve changed the security model a bit where in the past you would have to define your authentication scheme by inheriting from Flask App Builder’s from flask_appbuilder.security.sqla.manager import SecurityManager, you now have to derive Superset's own derivative superset.security.SupersetSecurityManager. This can provide you with more hooks to define your own logic and/or defer permissions to another system as needed. For all implementation, you simply have to import and derive SupersetSecurityManager in place of the SecurityManager
  • 4835 : our setup.py now only pins versions where required, giving you more latitude in using versions of libraries as needed. We do now provide a requirements.txt with pinned versions if you want to run the suggested versions that Superset builds and runs tests against. Simply pip install -r requirements.txt in your build pipeline, likely prior to pip install superset==0.25.0