
i18n locales and translation for Superset.


Example usage

import { configure, t, tn } from '@superset-ui/core';

  languagePack: {...},

console.log(t('text to be translated'));
console.log(tn('singular text', 'plural text', value));


configure({ [languagePack] })

  • Initialize the translator
  • Initialize with the default language if no languagePack is specified.

t(text[, args])

  • Translate text.
  • If args is provided, substitute args into the sprintf placeholders specified within text translation.

For example

t('Hello %(name)s', user);

See sprintf-js for more details on how to define placeholders.

tn(singular, plural, num, [, args])

  • Translate and choose between singular and plural based on num.
  • If args is provided, substitute args into the sprintf placeholders specified within singular or plural translations.

For example

tn('%d duck', '%d ducks', 2, 2);