Contributing guidelines

Setup local development

  1. clone this repo
  2. have yarn install package dependencies and manage the symlinking between packages for you
git clone ...superset-ui && cd superset-ui
yarn install
yarn build

To build only selected packages or plugins,

yarn build "*chart-table"

File organization

lerna and yarn are used to manage versions and dependencies between packages in this monorepo.

      test/  # unit tests
      types/ # typescript type declarations
      lib/   # commonjs output
      esm/   # es module output

Builds, linting, and testing

Each package defines its own build config, linting, and testing. You can have lerna run commands across all packages using the syntax yarn run test (or yarn run test:watch for watch mode) from the root @superset-ui directory.


This repository follows conventional commits guideline for commit messages and has a commitlint hook which will require you to have the valid commit message before committing. You can use npm run commit to help you create a commit message.


Prerequisite: You'll need an account that is part of the superset-ui organization.

  1. Make sure you're logged in to NPM from your shell. Run npm login if necessary.
  2. To make the release, run yarn run release and follow the prompts.