blob: c0a49cc6b43da67b899bedd27408a239a75e260b [file] [log] [blame]
exports.ids = ["react-syntax-highlighter_languages_highlight_django"];
exports.modules = {
/***/ "./node_modules/react-syntax-highlighter/node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/django.js":
!*** ./node_modules/react-syntax-highlighter/node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/django.js ***!
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
Language: Django
Description: Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
Requires: xml.js
Author: Ivan Sagalaev <>
Contributors: Ilya Baryshev <>
Category: template
function django(hljs) {
var FILTER = {
begin: /\|[A-Za-z]+:?/,
keywords: {
'truncatewords removetags linebreaksbr yesno get_digit timesince random striptags ' +
'filesizeformat escape linebreaks length_is ljust rjust cut urlize fix_ampersands ' +
'title floatformat capfirst pprint divisibleby add make_list unordered_list urlencode ' +
'timeuntil urlizetrunc wordcount stringformat linenumbers slice date dictsort ' +
'dictsortreversed default_if_none pluralize lower join center default ' +
'truncatewords_html upper length phone2numeric wordwrap time addslashes slugify first ' +
'escapejs force_escape iriencode last safe safeseq truncatechars localize unlocalize ' +
'localtime utc timezone'
contains: [
return {
name: 'Django',
aliases: ['jinja'],
case_insensitive: true,
subLanguage: 'xml',
contains: [
hljs.COMMENT(/\{%\s*comment\s*%}/, /\{%\s*endcomment\s*%}/),
hljs.COMMENT(/\{#/, /#}/),
className: 'template-tag',
begin: /\{%/, end: /%}/,
contains: [
className: 'name',
begin: /\w+/,
keywords: {
'comment endcomment load templatetag ifchanged endifchanged if endif firstof for ' +
'endfor ifnotequal endifnotequal widthratio extends include spaceless ' +
'endspaceless regroup ifequal endifequal ssi now with cycle url filter ' +
'endfilter debug block endblock else autoescape endautoescape csrf_token empty elif ' +
'endwith static trans blocktrans endblocktrans get_static_prefix get_media_prefix ' +
'plural get_current_language language get_available_languages ' +
'get_current_language_bidi get_language_info get_language_info_list localize ' +
'endlocalize localtime endlocaltime timezone endtimezone get_current_timezone ' +
starts: {
endsWithParent: true,
keywords: 'in by as',
contains: [FILTER],
relevance: 0
className: 'template-variable',
begin: /\{\{/, end: /}}/,
contains: [FILTER]
module.exports = django;
/***/ })