Adding test cases

  1. Create the test case file *.e2e-spec.ts as following code block under here.

    describe(“test case description”, () => {

     beforeEach(() => {
         // set up actions before running test case
     afterEach(() => {
         // set up actions after running test case
     it("expected result description", function() {
         // expected result


  2. Add the test case file name *.e2e-spec.ts to the specs field of protractor.conf.js.

Adding the browser for test cases

  1. Add the browser to travis.yml for preparing testing environment.

     - name: Test submarine workbench-web Angular
         chrome: stable
         - npm run test -- --no-watch --no-progress --browsers=ChromeHeadlessCI
  2. Configure the browser into the multiCapabilities field of protractor-ci.conf.js for Angular.

         browserName: 'chrome',
         chromeOptions: {
             args: ['--headless', '--no-sandbox']
  3. Configure the browser into the multiCapabilities field of protractor.conf.js for Angular.

         'browserName': 'chrome'
  4. Configure the browser launcher into karma.conf.js for the karma testing tool.

     plugins: [
     browsers: ['Chrome'],
     customLaunchers: {
         ChromeHeadlessCI: {
             base: 'ChromeHeadless',
             flags: ['--no-sandbox']
  5. Add the browser launcher into the package.json for the npm library configuration.

     "devDependencies": {
         "karma-chrome-launcher": "~2.2.0",

Further helps

Click here for further information.