How To Run Submarine Workbench

We provide two methods to launch Submarine Workbench

  • Method 1: Run Submarine Workbench on docker
  • Method 2: Run Submarine Workbench without docker

Run Submarine Workbench on docker

By using the official images of Submarine, only a few docker commands are required to launch Submarine Workbench. The document includes information about how to launch the Submarine Workbench via the new docker images and the information about how to switch between different Submarine Workbench versions(version Vue & version Angular).

Two versions of Submarine Workbench

  1. Angular (default)
  2. Vue (This is the old version, and it will be replaced by version Angular in the future.)

(WARNING: Please restart a new incognito window when you switch to different versions of Submarine Workbench)

Launch the Submarine Workbench(Angular)

  • It should be noted that since Submarine Workbench depends on the Submarine database, so you need to run the docker container of the Submarine database first.
docker run -it -p 3306:3306 -d --name submarine-database -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password apache/submarine:database-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -d --link=submarine-database:submarine-database --name submarine-server apache/submarine:server-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
  • The login page of Submarine Workbench will be shown in

Switch from version Angular to version Vue

  • Step1: Launch submarine-database and submarine-server containers
docker run -it -p 3306:3306 -d --name submarine-database -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password apache/submarine:database-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -d --link=submarine-database:submarine-database --name submarine-server apache/submarine:server-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Step2: Compile Submarine in your host (not in the container)
cd ./submarine
mvn clean install package -DskipTests
  • Step3: Copy workbench-web.war into the submarine-server container
cd submarine-workbench/workbench-web/target
docker cp workbench-web.war submarine-server:/opt/submarine-dist-0.3.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop-2.9
  • Step4: Enter the submarine-server container
docker exec -it submarine-server bash
  • Step5: Modify the value of the configutation workbench.web.war in conf/submarine-site.xml from “../submarine-workbench-web-ng.war” to “../submarine-workbench-web.war”.

  • Step6: Restart the Submarine Server

./bin/ restart
  • Step7: Launch the submarine-server container
docker start submarine-server
  • Step8: Open a new incognito window(not a tab) and check

Switch from version Vue to version Angular

  • Step1: Enter the submarine-server container
docker exec -it submarine-server bash
  • Step2: Modify the value of the configutation workbench.web.war in conf/submarine-site.xml from “../workbench-web.war” to “../submarine-workbench-web-ng.war”.
  • Step3: Restart the Submarine Server
./bin/ restart
  • Step4: Launch the submarine-server container
docker start submarine-server
  • Step5: Open a new incognito window(not a tab) and check

Check the data in the submarine-database

  • Step1: Enter the submarine-database container
docker exec -it submarine-database bash
  • Step2: Enter MySQL database
mysql -uroot -ppassword
  • Step3: List the data in the table
// list all databases
show databases;

// choose a database
use ${target_database};

// list all tables
show tables;

// list the data in the table
select * from ${target_table};

Run Submarine Workbench without docker

Run Submarine Workbench

cd submarine
./bin/ [start|stop|restart]

To start workbench server, you need to download MySQL jdbc jar and put it in the path of workbench/lib for the first time. Or you can add parameter, getMysqlJar, to get MySQL jar automatically.

cd submarine
./bin/ start getMysqlJar is automatically executed each time the script is executed, so we can set the script and the environment variables in the SubmarineServer process via

JAVA_HOMESet your java home path, default is java.
SUBMARINE_JAVA_OPTSSet the JAVA OPTS parameter when the Submarine Workbench process starts. If you need to debug the Submarine Workbench process, you can set it to -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket, server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
SUBMARINE_MEMSet the java memory parameter when the Submarine Workbench process starts.
MYSQL_JAR_URLThe customized URL to download MySQL jdbc jar.
MYSQL_VERSIONThe version of MySQL jdbc jar to downloaded. The default value is 5.1.39. It's used to generate the default value of MYSQL_JDBC_URL


submarine-site.xml is the configuration file for the entire Submarine system to run.

submarine.server.addrSubmarine server address, default is
submarine.server.portSubmarine server port, default 8080
submarine.sslShould SSL be used by the Submarine servers?, default false
submarine.server.ssl.portServer ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true), default 8483
submarine.ssl.client.authShould client authentication be used for SSL connections?
submarine.ssl.keystore.pathPath to keystore relative to Submarine configuration directory
submarine.ssl.keystore.typeThe format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12)
submarine.ssl.keystore.passwordKeystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool
submarine.ssl.key.manager.passwordKey Manager password. Defaults to keystore password. Can be obfuscated.
submarine.ssl.truststore.pathPath to truststore relative to Submarine configuration directory. Defaults to the keystore path
submarine.ssl.truststore.typeThe format of the given truststore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). Defaults to the same type as the keystore type
submarine.ssl.truststore.passwordTruststore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool. Defaults to the keystore password
workbench.web.warSubmarine Workbench web war file path.


Build From Code Guide

cd submarine/submarine-dist/target/submarine-dist-<version>/submarine-dist-<version>/
./bin/ [start|stop|restart]