Submarine Python SDK can runs on any machine and it will talk to Submarine Server via REST API. So you can install Submarine Python SDK on your laptop, a gateway machine, your favorite IDE (like PyCharm/Jupyter, etc.).

Prepare Python Environment to run Submarine SDK

First of all

Submarine SDK requires Python3.7+. It's better to use a new Python environment created by Anoconda or Python virtualenv to try this to avoid trouble to existing Python environment. A sample Python virtual env can be setup like this:

tar xf virtualenv-16.0.0.tar.gz

# Make sure to install using Python 3
python3 virtualenv-16.0.0/ venv
. venv/bin/activate

Install Submarine SDK

Install SDK from (recommended)

Starting from 0.4.0, Submarine provides Python SDK. Please change it to a proper version needed.

pip install submarine-sdk==<REPLACE_VERSION>

Install SDK from source code

Please first clone code from github or go to to download released source code.

git clone
git checkout <correct release tag/branch>
cd submarine/submarine-sdk/pysubmarine
pip install .

Run with Submarine Python SDK

Assuming you've installed submarine on K8s and forward the service to localhost, now you can open a Python shell, Jupyter notebook or any tools with Submarine SDK installed.

Follow SDK experiment example to try the SDK.