Deploy Submarine On K8s

Deploy Submarine Using Helm Chart (Recommended)

Submarine's Helm Chart will deploy Submarine Server, TF/PyTorch Operator, Notebook controller and Traefik. We use the TF/PyTorch operator to run tf/pytorch job, the notebook controller to manage jupyter notebook and Traefik as reverse-proxy.

Install Helm

Helm v3 is minimum requirement. See here for installation:

Install Submarine

The Submarine helm charts is released with the source code for now. Please go to to download

  • Install Helm charts from source code
cd <PathTo>/submarine
helm install submarine ./helm-charts/submarine

This will install submarine in the “default” namespace. The images are from Docker hub apache/submarine. See ./helm-charts/submarine/values.yaml for more details

If we'd like use a different namespace like “submarine”

kubectl create namespace submarine
helm install submarine ./helm-charts/submarine -n submarine

Note that if you encounter below issue when installation:

Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists.
Unable to continue with install: existing resource conflict: namespace: , name:, existing_kind:, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition, new_kind:, Kind=CustomResourceDefinition

It might be caused by the previous installed submarine charts. Fix it by running:

kubectl delete crd/ && kubectl delete crd/ && kubectl delete crd/
  • Verify installation

Once you got it installed, check with below commands and you should see similar outputs:

kubectl get pods
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
notebook-controller-deployment-5db8b6cbf7-k65jm   1/1     Running   0          5s
pytorch-operator-7ff5d96d59-gx7f5                 1/1     Running   0          5s
submarine-database-8d95d74f7-ntvqp                1/1     Running   0          5s
submarine-server-b6cd4787b-7bvr7                  1/1     Running   0          5s
submarine-traefik-9bb6f8577-66sx6                 1/1     Running   0          5s
tf-job-operator-7844656dd-lfgmd                   1/1     Running   0          5s

Access to Submarine Server

Submarine server by default expose 8080 port within K8s cluster. After Submarine v0.5 uses Traefik as reverse-proxy by default. If you don't want to use Traefik, you can modify below value to false in ./helm-charts/submarine/values.yaml.

# Use Traefik by default
  enabled: true

To access the server from outside of the cluster, we use Traefik ingress controller and NodePort for external access.
Please refer to ./helm-charts/submarine/charts/traefik/values.yaml and Traefik docs for more details if you want to customize the default value for Traefik.

# Use nodePort and Traefik ingress controller by default.
# To access the submarine server, open the following URL in your browser.

Notice: If you use kind to run local Kubernetes cluster, please refer to this docs and set the configuration “extraPortMappings” when creating the k8s cluster.

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 32080
    hostPort: [the port you want to access]

Uninstall Submarine

helm delete submarine