Integration Test


  1. Now, Apache Submarine supports two kinds of integration test: test-e2e and test-k8s. These two modules can be found in the submarine/submarine-test directory.

  2. Currently, there are some differences between test-e2e and test-k8s in operation mode. To elaborate, test-e2e needs to deploy Apache Submarine locally, while test-k8s deploys Apache Submarine via k8s.

  3. These two test modules can be applied to different test scenarios. (In the future, these two test modules may be combined or adjusted)

k8s test

k8s test: When the user submits the code to his/her repository or the apache/submarine git repository, the travis test task will automatically start.

test-k8s runs test cases in travis. It will first create a k8s cluster by using the kind tool in travis,

and then compile and package the submarine project in submarine-dist directory to build a docker image.

Then use this latest code to build a docker image and deploy a submarine system in k8s. Then run test case in the test-k8s/.. directory.

Run k8s test in locally

Executing the following command will perform the following actions:

mvn -Phadoop-2.9 clean package install -DskipTests verify -DskipRat -am -pl submarine-test/test-k8s
  1. The submarine project will be compiled and packaged to generate submarine-dist/target/submarine-<version>.tar.gz

  2. Call the submarine-cloud/hack/ script

    • Call the script under submarine/dev-support/docker-images/ to generate the latest submarine, database and operator docker images.
    • Call submarine-cloud/hack/ to create a k8s cluster
    • Call submarine-cloud/hack/ to deploy the submarine system in the k8s cluster using the latest submarine, database and operator docker images.
    • Call the test cases in submarine-test/test-k8s/ for testing.

Run k8s test in travis

Each time a code is submitted, travis is automatically triggered for testing.

E2E test

E2E tests can be executed both locally and in Travis (For workbench developer)

  • Run E2E tests locally:
    • Step1: Follow to launch the submarine-server and database.
    • Step2: Run workbench (Angular version) locally
    cd submarine/submarine-workbench/workbench-web
    npm start
    // Check
    • Step3: Modify the port from 8080 to 4200
    • Step4: Comment the headless option
      • chromeOptions.addArguments("--headless"); --> //chromeOptions.addArguments("--headless");
      • With the headless option, the selenium will be executed in background.
    • Step5: Run E2E test cases (Please check the following section Run the existing tests)
  • Run E2E tests in Travis:
    • Step1: Make sure that the port must be 8080 rather than in and all test cases.
    • Step2: Make sure that the headless option is not commented in
    • Step3: If you push the commit to Github, the Travis CI will execute automatically and you can check it in${your_github_account}/${your_repo_name}.

Run the existing tests.

Move to the working directory.
cd submarine/submarine-test/test-e2e
Compile & Run.

Following command will compile all files and run all files ending with “IT” in the directory.

  • For linux
mvn verify
  • For MacOS
mvn clean install -U

Run a specific testcase

mvn -Dtest=${your_test_case_file_name} test //ex: mvn -Dtest=loginIT test 

If all of the function under test are succeeded, it will show.


Otherwise, it will show.


Add your own integration test

  1. Create a new file ending with “IT” under “submarine/submarine-test/test-e2e/src/test/java/org/apache/submarine/integration/”.
  2. Your public class is recommended to extend AbstractSubmarineIT. The class AbstractSubmarineIT contains some commonly used functions.
  WebElement pollingWait(final By locator, final long timeWait); // Find element on the website.
  void clickAndWait(final By locator); // Click element and wait for 1 second.
  void sleep(long millis, boolean logOutput); // Let system sleep a period of time.
  1. There are also some commonly used functions except in
  // In
  public static WebDriver getWebDriver(); // This return a firefox webdriver which has been set to your workbench website.
  1. Add JUnit annotation before your testing function, e.g., @Beforeclass, @Test, and @AfterClass. You can refer to
  2. Use command mentioned above to compile and run to test whether it works as your anticipation.