title: Setup a Kubernetes cluster using KinD

Create Kubernetes cluster with KinD

We recommend users developing Submarine with minikube. However, KinD is also an option to setup a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine.

Run the following command, and specify the KinD version and Kubernetes version here.

# Download the specific version of KinD (must >= v0.6.0)
export KIND_VERSION=v0.11.1
curl -Lo ./kind https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/releases/download/${KIND_VERSION}/kind-linux-amd64
# Make the binary executable
chmod +x ./kind
# Move the binary to your executable path
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/
# Create cluster with specific version of kubernetes
export KUBE_VERSION=v1.15.12
kind create cluster --image kindest/node:${KUBE_VERSION}

Kubernetes Dashboard (optional)


To deploy Dashboard, execute the following command:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.0.0-beta8/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml

Create RBAC

Run the following commands to grant the cluster access permission of dashboard:

kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard-admin-sa
kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin-sa --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:dashboard-admin-sa

Get access token (optional)

If you want to use the token to login the dashboard, run the following commands to get key:

kubectl get secrets
# select the right dashboard-admin-sa-token to describe the secret
kubectl describe secret dashboard-admin-sa-token-6nhkx

Start dashboard service

kubectl proxy

Now access Dashboard at:


Dashboard screenshot: