Submarine Operator Deployment Guide

Debugging the Chart

To debug the chart with the release name submarine:

# lint
helm lint ./helm-charts/submarine
# dry-run command
helm install --dry-run --debug submarine ./helm-charts/submarine -n submarine
# or template command
helm template --debug submarine ./helm-charts/submarine -n submarine

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name submarine:

Submarine requires istio to provide the ingress, we assume you have istio installed on K8s.
If not, you can refer to

# Create namespace
export NAMESPACE=submarine
kubectl create namespace ${NAMESPACE}

# Add istio injection
kubectl label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio-injection=enabled
# If istio support `meshConfig.discoverySelectors`, you will need to add this label:
kubectl label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio-discovery=enabled

# We have also integrated seldon-core install by helm, thus we need to update our dependency.
helm dependency update ./helm-charts/submarine

# Install submarine operator in namespace submarine
helm install submarine ./helm-charts/submarine --set seldon-core-operator.istio.gateway=${NAMESPACE}/seldon-gateway -n ${NAMESPACE}

Upgrading the Chart

To upgrade the chart with the release name submarine:

helm upgrade submarine ./helm-charts/submarine -n submarine

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the subamrine deployment:

helm uninstall submarine -n submarine

Upgrading an existing Release to a new major version

A major chart version change (like v0.8.0 -> v1.0.0) indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change needing manual actions.

To 0.8.0

This version requires Helm >= 3.1.0. This version is a major change, we migrated traefik to istio and upgraded the operator. You need to back up the database and redeploy.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the MySQL chart and their default values.

nameSubmarine operator deployment name.submarine-operator
replicasNumber of operators1
imageSubmarine operator deployment imageapache/submarine:operator-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT
imagePullSecretsImage pull secrets[]
devTell helm to install submarine-operator or not in dev modefalse
storageClass.reclaimPolicyDetermine the action after the persistent volume is releasedDelete
storageClass.volumeBindingModeControl when volume binding and dynamically provisioning should occurImmediate
storageClass.provisionerDetermine what volume plugin is used for provisioning
storageClass.parametersDescribe volumes belonging to the storage class{}
clusterTypek8s cluster type. can be: kubernetes or openshiftkubernetes
podSecurityPolicy.createSpecifies whether a PodSecurityPolicy should be created, this configuration enables the database/minio/server to set securityContext.runAsUserfalse
istio.enabledUse istio to expose the servicetrue
istio.gatewaySelectorGateway label selectoristio: ingressgateway
training-operator.enabledIf we need to deploye a kubeflow training operator in this helmtrue
training-operator.image.pullPolicyTraining operator image pull policyIfNotPresent
training-operator.image.registryTraining operator image
training-operator.image.repositoryTraining operator image repositoryj1r0q0g6/training/training-operator
training-operator.image.tagTraining operator image tag760ac1171dd30039a7363ffa03c77454bd714da5
training-operator.image.imagePullSecretsTraining operator image pull Secrets[]
notebook-controller.enabledIf we need to deploye a kubeflow notebook controller in this helmtrue
notebook-controller.image.pullPolicyNotebook controller image pull policyIfNotPresent
notebook-controller.image.registryNotebook controller image
notebook-controller.image.repositoryNotebook controller image repositoryapache/submarine
notebook-controller.image.tagNotebook controller image tagnotebook-controller-v1.4
notebook-controller.image.imagePullSecretsNotebook controller image pull Secrets[]
seldon-core-operator.enabledIf we need to deploye a seldon core operator in this helmtrue
seldon-core-operator.istio.gatewaySeldon istio gateway, if helm is deployed in another namespace, this will need to be modified as well ${namespace}/seldon-gatewaysubmarine/seldon-gateway